Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Florida Woman Seeks Revenge on Ex, Sets Wrong Car on Fire

Lesson number-one in seeking revenge against an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend you believed once wronged you:

Make sure you know what car they drive.

To be clear, we"re not advocating that you commit an act of violence against this car.

It would probably be best for you to just accept whatever happened in the past, move on and learn from it.

But IF you were unable to do that, and IF you had it in your head that setting your ex-lover"s vehicle ablaze was a justifiable response to whatever he or she did…

… well, then please refer to lesson number-one.

Make sure you know what car this individual drives.

Otherwise, you are both committing a crime and failing to make it worthwhile. You"re also hurting an innocent bystander in the process.

Just ask Carmen Chamblee. This 19-year old resident of Clearwater, Florida was actually caught on surveillance camera setting fire to a car.

She thought it was her ex-boyfriend"s car.

But she was mistaken.

Chamblee allegedly used a rag and flammable liquid to start the fire and then tossed in random items to stoke the flame.

The Clearwater Police Department arrested the misguided teenager for second-degree arson and booked her to the Pinellas County Jail.

It then shared the following video on its Facebook page, along with the following caption:

"Remember this arsonist caught on tape last weekend torching a car? She"s in custody now.

"Thanks to all who called and wrote in with various tips. Her name is Carmen Chamblee and she has been charged with second-degree arson and will be booked in to the Pinellas County Jail.

"A Pinellas County Sheriff"s Office deputy spotted her this morning just south of Clearwater."

You can actually see Chamblee commit her act of insanity/revenge/arson below:

Florida woman seeks revenge on ex boyfriend sets wrong car on fi