Thursday, September 8, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Trouble In Paradise for James & Natalie?

Being put up on the block with a romantic interest is not the best of circumstances for any couple. 

That’s exactly what happened this week with Natalie and James. They both took it very differently. 

James was understandably shocked about his decision to keep Nicole and Corey in the game, only for them to join an alliance with Paul and Victor. 

James knew Natalie blamed him for the breakdown of the alliance and that made her say some crazy stuff to him. 

It all started with Natalie going to see Victor and Paul. She flat out blamed James for ruining her game. 

Anyone at home knows that Natalie would not be this far in the game if it wasn’t for her showmance with James. James has saved her countless times throughout the summer. 

Paul and Victor were taken aback by their meeting with Natalie as they didn’t expect her to throw James under the bus so soon. 

Nicole and Corey picked up that something wasn’t right when they realized Natalie was in the HOH room without James. 

The Final Four then begun debating what Natalie was up to and they started to realize that she was a bigger target than James, but how will this affect their vote this week?

We don’t quite know yet, but it’s not looking good for Natalie. 

James had a chat with a very upset Natalie, who gave him the most pathetic ultimatum in the history of the game. 

She said if he works with Nicole and Corey, she will never talk to him again. This was ludicrous. 

It didn’t help matters that she grilled James about having a final 3 deal with Nicorey. 

In those scenes, it became pretty clear that the paranoia of the game was getting to Natalie, but she should not have taken it out on James. 

Big Brother is a game of chance, so James could easily end up working with Nicorey. He should not have stood for what Natalie was doing. 

He should have told it was over there and then. She’s humiliated him on national television and shown her true character. 

The veto competition was pretty much used to plug Macguyver. It had the houseguests fighting to escape a bomb detonating. 

Natalie managed to stay in the lead all the way to the end, when Corey bossed the competition. 

Yes, Corey won his third veto of the summer. He’s playing a quiet game, but he wins competitions when he really needs to. 

There was also some word on Nicole joining back up with James if Natalie left the house. 

This was met with a stern look from Corey, whose brain just couldn’t process another blind side. 

Corey did not use the Power of Veto.

What do you think of the latest developments?

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