Thursday, September 8, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Announces Daughter"s Insane New Business Venture

Farrah Abraham has no problem making tabloid headlines on her own, but these days she’s receiving assistance from the business partner who helped propel her to fame in the first place.

Yes, Farrah is shaping her 7-year-old daughter Sophia into a regular mini-me, and not surprisingly, she’s stirring up a fair amount of controversy in the process.

In particular, Sophia’s modeling career has resulted in some heavy criticism of Farrah’s parenting.

Sure, Farrah shoving her kid into the spotlight at an age when most kids are focusing on the first weeks of second grade, is more than a little creepy, but it’s not as bad as when Farrah talks about Sophia’s future porn career.

(Yes, that actually happened.)

But anyway, in Farrah’s world, there’s no such thing as bad press.

So despite the occasional disagreement (such as the one that recently led Farrah to call Sophia a “stupid heathen”), by Farrah’s standards, the business relationship is going swimmingly.

Of course, if you follow Farrah on social media, you know that she launches a new business venture about once a month.

(Whether or not she had any role in their operations after slapping her name on these vanity projects is anyone’s guess.)

So it was only a matter of time before Sophia moved on from the world of modeling to become a CEO in her own right.

Yesterday marked the opening of the Sophia Laurent Boutique – a high-end-sounding children’s store that’s nominally owned by the 7-year-old daughter of a reality/porn star.

Naturally, Farrah and Sophia marked the occasion by posting countless pics on social media.

Some of them were on Farrah’s page, some on the store’s own Instagram account, and some on Sophia’s.

Yes, the girl has her own Instagram page, which is odd not only because she’s 7, but also because a scandal erupted over Sophia’s Snapchat account just last month, when users reported that she was up late at night asking strangers to message her.

As for the store itself, the IG page claims Sophia Laurent will specialize in selling “toys and designer clothing for newborns and children up to 12 years old.”

Farrah posted the below video from the grand opening…

…along with a caption reading,  “7 years old & a boss #BossBaby more exciting news to come.”

Yes, apparently Farrah believes that 7-year-olds are both and babies and capable of running their own businesses.

She’s a very confused woman, to put it mildly.