Showing posts with label Venture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venture. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

Farrah Abraham Launches Weird New Porn Venture, Surprises No One

Farrah Abraham may have risen to fame as a member of the Teen Mom OG cast, but in recent years, she’s become well-known to a group that falls outside of the show’s target demographic.

We’re talking, of course, about dudes who really like porn.

Yes, as much as Farrah loves to point out the difference between sex tapes and porn, at this point there’s no denying it:

Farrah Abraham is a porn star, and it looks more and more as though she prioritizes sex work over reality TV stardom.

Even when it looked as though Farrah might be fired by MTV due to her decision to make some extra cash by charging people to watch her masturbate via webcam, she stuck to her guns.

Or her vibrators, as the case may be.

Of course, this is far from the first weird, sex-related business venture that Farrah has been involved with.

In the past, Farrah has sold plastic molds of her vagina, penned a number of erotic novels, and raked in thousands charging top dollar to perform at high-end strip clubs.

And it doesn’t seem that Ms. Abraham is at all eager to retire from the sex industry.

In fact, she just launched yet another weird side-project that’s should add more heft to her already fat pockets.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Farrah has teamed up with adult film site ManyVids to hock clips geared toward foot fetishists.

Somewhat confusingly, Farrah has titled her first video “Thank you for buying! My Feet Are For You.” 

Yes, Farrah is working under the assumption that you’ve already shelled out.

It’s like a “thank you for not smoking” sign, but rather than refraining from lighting up, the presumption is that you’ll crank it to Farrah’s oily feet.

Naturally, the description of the clip is equally entertaining:

“Watch as I oil up my pretty feet and toes for you. I remove my sexy gold heels and start playing with my feet. It feels so good. Do you like my perfect soles,” Farrah writes.

The video reportedly features Farrah massaging her feet with her own brand of–sigh–“backdoor lube.”

If feet aren’t your thing, Farrah also offers a package for lip enthusiasts.

It’s not clear what exactly the video entails, but who wouldn’t pay to hear the sultry words whispered by the same lips that have uttered all that semi-coherent “Farrah speak” over the years?

The answer, of course, is “everyone.”

In the immortal words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more of the ridiculousness that is Farrah.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Announces Daughter"s Insane New Business Venture

Farrah Abraham has no problem making tabloid headlines on her own, but these days she’s receiving assistance from the business partner who helped propel her to fame in the first place.

Yes, Farrah is shaping her 7-year-old daughter Sophia into a regular mini-me, and not surprisingly, she’s stirring up a fair amount of controversy in the process.

In particular, Sophia’s modeling career has resulted in some heavy criticism of Farrah’s parenting.

Sure, Farrah shoving her kid into the spotlight at an age when most kids are focusing on the first weeks of second grade, is more than a little creepy, but it’s not as bad as when Farrah talks about Sophia’s future porn career.

(Yes, that actually happened.)

But anyway, in Farrah’s world, there’s no such thing as bad press.

So despite the occasional disagreement (such as the one that recently led Farrah to call Sophia a “stupid heathen”), by Farrah’s standards, the business relationship is going swimmingly.

Of course, if you follow Farrah on social media, you know that she launches a new business venture about once a month.

(Whether or not she had any role in their operations after slapping her name on these vanity projects is anyone’s guess.)

So it was only a matter of time before Sophia moved on from the world of modeling to become a CEO in her own right.

Yesterday marked the opening of the Sophia Laurent Boutique – a high-end-sounding children’s store that’s nominally owned by the 7-year-old daughter of a reality/porn star.

Naturally, Farrah and Sophia marked the occasion by posting countless pics on social media.

Some of them were on Farrah’s page, some on the store’s own Instagram account, and some on Sophia’s.

Yes, the girl has her own Instagram page, which is odd not only because she’s 7, but also because a scandal erupted over Sophia’s Snapchat account just last month, when users reported that she was up late at night asking strangers to message her.

As for the store itself, the IG page claims Sophia Laurent will specialize in selling “toys and designer clothing for newborns and children up to 12 years old.”

Farrah posted the below video from the grand opening…

…along with a caption reading,  “7 years old & a boss #BossBaby more exciting news to come.”

Yes, apparently Farrah believes that 7-year-olds are both and babies and capable of running their own businesses.

She’s a very confused woman, to put it mildly.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Leah Messer: Hinting at New Business Venture on Instagram?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Season 7 wasn’t exactly kind to Leah Messer

Leah’s season began with controversy, thanks to a scene that appeared to show her rushing her kids off to school without breakfast.

Leah explained that her daughters are able to eat at school, but many fans called BS on that explanation.

(After all, why would the twins gripe about not being fed if they knew they were about to eat at school?)

In any event, it seems the incident might have influenced Leah’s future career plans.

The Hot Messer got fans talking when she posted the above photo on Instagram yesterday.

She captioned the pic, “I wanna open one.”

First things first: Leah’s idea is actually a good one.

Time constraints are among the biggest reasons that people resort to fast food and other artery-clogging crap, and an affordable drive thru option with a vegetarian menu would almost certainly help alleviate that problem.

Leah’s native West Virginia probably isn’t the place to launch such a chain, as it would likely only do enough business to cover its expenses in like four neighborhoods scattered throughout LA and Brooklyn, but that’s a different story.

Anyway, it’s hard to imagine that Leah’s long commutes and lack of quick food options didn’t influence her latest aspiration.

But will she actually make this thing happen?

Probably not, but unlike most folks her age, she actually does have the means to launch a business venture.

And if she’s looking for role models in that department, she need look no further than the MTV franchise that made her famous…

Farrah Abraham has opened more businesses than Donald Trump, and she shows no signs of slowing down.

Her most random ventures include a frozen yogurt chain and an online furniture store. 

And, of course, there’s the porn and sex toy stuff, but that’s just Farrah.

So yes, Leah probably has the seed capital to start a successful business.

And yes, we just mentioned Farrah Abraham and Donald Trump as potential role models.

Rest assured, we’re deeply ashamed of ourselves.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Farrah Abraham Launches Most Random Business Venture Yet

Farrah Abraham is more than just a reality star. 

In addition to her “work” as one of the original stars of the Teen Mom franchise, Farrah makes porn (sorry, “sex tapes”), she strips, she even sells plastic molds of her lady bits to fans who want the full Farrah experience.

Now, Farrah is proving that she can do more than help you masturbate; she can also furnish your home!

Yes, Farrah announced the launch of Furnished by Farrah today – a business that thus far consists of an Instagram page and some photos of Farrah wearing lingerie.

“Thank you All for your support on all of my endeavors as a woman in business. I’ve been lucky to do realestate for acouple years now & now I get to grow into a successfull Furnishing company! Celebrate & Add,” Farrah captioned the above photo.

Like we said, Farrah’s been an entrepreneur for several years (We didn’t even realize she was a “successfull” “realestate” agent.), so we hesitate to offer advice, but it’s good to have a store, or at least a freakin’ website if you want to sell furniture.

In fairness, Ms. Abraham promised that both are coming soon.

Oh, one more piece of advice: While women in lingerie are always a safe bet in terms of Internet traffic, if you’re launching a furniture company, it’s good to include a piece of furniture or two in the ad campaign. Just sayin’.

Watch Teen Mom online to see Farrah’s evolution from clueless single mom to rich clueless single mom.