Friday, April 1, 2016

Farrah Abraham Launches Most Random Business Venture Yet

Farrah Abraham is more than just a reality star. 

In addition to her “work” as one of the original stars of the Teen Mom franchise, Farrah makes porn (sorry, “sex tapes”), she strips, she even sells plastic molds of her lady bits to fans who want the full Farrah experience.

Now, Farrah is proving that she can do more than help you masturbate; she can also furnish your home!

Yes, Farrah announced the launch of Furnished by Farrah today – a business that thus far consists of an Instagram page and some photos of Farrah wearing lingerie.

“Thank you All for your support on all of my endeavors as a woman in business. I’ve been lucky to do realestate for acouple years now & now I get to grow into a successfull Furnishing company! Celebrate & Add,” Farrah captioned the above photo.

Like we said, Farrah’s been an entrepreneur for several years (We didn’t even realize she was a “successfull” “realestate” agent.), so we hesitate to offer advice, but it’s good to have a store, or at least a freakin’ website if you want to sell furniture.

In fairness, Ms. Abraham promised that both are coming soon.

Oh, one more piece of advice: While women in lingerie are always a safe bet in terms of Internet traffic, if you’re launching a furniture company, it’s good to include a piece of furniture or two in the ad campaign. Just sayin’.

Watch Teen Mom online to see Farrah’s evolution from clueless single mom to rich clueless single mom.