Friday, April 1, 2016

Kylie Jenner and Scott Disick Text Each Other. A Lot.

Apparantely the Lord is great at doling out relationship advice.

Those can’t do, teach, I guess?

Sources tell Radar Online that Scott Disick and Kylie Jenner are texting buddies, in the helpful bestie/older brother way.  Jenner seeks out advice from Disick when it comes to dealing with her boyfriend, Tyga.

“He’s been a total rock for her about the Tyga situation, talking her off a cliff countless times and really boosting her self-esteem,” the source added.

“Kylie’s insisted for years that people are too hard on Scott,” the source pointed out.

“She thinks he deserves a clean slate and everyone in the family needs to lighten up.”

Jenner has watched Disick and her sister, Kourtney Kardashian evolve from boyfriend/girlfriend to parents, complete with several break-ups in between.  Despite this, she’s always thought highly of Disick.

“Now their intense friendship has evolved and they’ve resolved to hang out even more often than they already do.”

This might not come as a shock to fans, who have seen Disick hang out with Jenner’s boyfriend, Tyga.  Since Disick knows Jenner well and likes Tyga, he probably offers up sage advice about not letting the bad stuff get in the way of love (I can’t believe I just typed that).
