Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Eric Reid Not Targeted By Random Drug Tests ... Says NFL & NFLPA

Breaking News
The NFL and NFLPA both say Eric Reid was NOT targeted for excess drug tests as a punishment for kneeling … claiming they have PROOF the process was truly random. 
The Carolina Panthers safety is currently suing the NFL for collusion — claiming owners blackballed him (...
Eric Reid Not Targeted By Random Drug Tests ... Says NFL & NFLPA

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Gavin Rossdale and Elin Nordegren: Random New Couple Alert!

While Gwen Stefani is all loved up with Blake Shelton, her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale is dipping his toes back in the dating pool.

It’s unlikely anyone would have guessed who Rossdale would date next, because they would have been way off the mark.

A fellow musician? Nope.

A model? Maybe…but no.

Rossdale went on his first date with Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, according to Us Weekly.  

The date, which took place in L.A., went so well that they’re already planning the next.

Nordegren is based in Florida, but “flies to L.A. on her private plane a lot,” a source told the publication.  She has a daughter, Sam, 9, and son, Charlie, 10, with Woods, while Rossdale has three boys – Kingston, 10, Zuma, 8, and Apollo,2 – with ex-wife, Gwen Stefani.

Set up by mutual friends, both Nordegren and Rossdale “want to make it work.”

Nordegren married Woods in 2004, then divorced him 2010 after he confessed to a string of affairs.  The Swedish-born Nordegren walked away with a settlement on $ 100 million.

Prior to her date with Rossdale, Nordegren was in a relationship with on-again/off-again boyfriend Chris Cline, whom she was spotted skiing with back in March.  

Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik and his wife, Mia are responsible for setting Nordegren up with Woods after they brought her to the U.S.A. to work as their nanny in 2001.

At first, Nordegren couldn’t be bothered with Woods, despite his A-List status.

“Being famous, the whole celebrity thing, she really and truly does not care about that,” Mia said of Nordegren in 2004.

When the young couple’s marriage began to crumble, Jesper expressed regret over setting Nordegren up with Woods.

“I’m kind of filled with sorrow for Elin since me and my wife are at fault for hooking her up with him, and we probably thought he was a better guy than he is,” Jesper told the Golf Channel.

Welp, Nordegren is about to emark on another magical journey with yet another (alleged) womanizer.  

I love Gavin, but he’s infamous for being unable to keep it in his pants.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lena Dunham Clarifies Random Odell Beckham Jr. Diss

Odell Beckham Jr. is one of the best wide receivers in the National Football League.

He makes some truly amazing catches.

But Lena Dunham is the one now caught up in an unexpected feud with the New York Giants star as a result of comments she made to Amy Schumer.

Allow us to explain…

n the Lenny Letter interview with Schumer, Dunham wrote the following about the MET Fashion Gala in New York City this past spring:

“I was sitting next to Odell Beckham Jr., and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards.

“He was like, ‘That’s a marshmallow. That’s a child. That’s a dog.’ It wasn’t mean – he just seemed confused.”

For the record, this is what Dunham wore to the event, which draws a crowd of A-Listers each here from Hollywood:

Continued the outspoken Girls creator:

“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to f-ck it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo. I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’

“It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie.

“I was like, ‘This should be called the Metropolitan Museum of Getting Rejected by Athletes."”

It didn’t take long for Twitter users to respond to Dunham.

They thought it was offensive the way she described someone she really didn’t know, simply making assumptions about the athlete.

(Beckham Jr. was rumored to have briefly dated Khloe Kardashian a few months ago.)

“.@OBJ_3 is talented, stylish, seems super awesome and wasn’t into chatting with me at a fancy party,” Dunham Tweeted of the star.

lena tweet1

She added that her little tale to Schumer was all about self-deprecation.

It was about her, not about Beckham.

“My story about him was clearly (to me) about my own insecurities as an average-bodied woman at a table of supermodels & athletes.

“It’s not an assumption about who he is or an expectation of sexual attention. It’s my sense of humor, which has kept me alive for 30 years.”

lena tweets

Clearly perplexed and a bit annoyed over the criticism she received over this pretty funny story, Dunham then asked Schumer on Twitter:

“Glad the outrage machine roars on though, right @amyschumer?”

The wideout, who is entering his third season with the Giants, has yet to respond to Dunham on Twitter.

Dunham does often say some wacky stuff. (See the gallery above).

And she has had to apologize for certain comments, such as when she compared Internet backlash to domestic violence.

But this? This seemed pretty darn harmless.

She was joking that she’s too ugly for a young, attractive athlete to want to sleep with.

Yes, somewhere in there is the assumption that this young, attractive athlete glances around at nearly every woman near him as someone he may want to sleep with.

But you need to look REALLY hard to find a controversy here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lady Gaga & Ray Liotta: RANDOM New Couple Alert!

As far back as he can remember, he always wanted to bang a Gaga.

That 26-year-old movie reference is our way of saying that the newly single Lady Gaga might be dating 61-year-old actor and professional terrifying human being Ray Liotta.

Gaga, of course, recently ended her engagement with Taylor Kinney, just as rumors that the couple was all set to walk down the aisle seemed to pop up on a daily basis.

Who better to help her heal and reintroduce some stability into her life than this man:

All kidding aside, Liotta is a remarkably talented actor and, by all accounts, one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.

He’s just made a career playing men who would rather murder you than hold the door for you.

Most recently co-starred with Jennifer Lopez in the NBC drama Shades of Blue, in which he played – you guessed it! – a frighteningly amoral anti-hero.

According to Page Six, he and Gaga were spotted enjoying an intimate dinner at a private room in NYC’s L’Artusi last night.

Despite the 31-year age difference, conclusions were drawn, as both parties are newly single.

(Liotta recently split from longtime partner Catherine Hickland.)

No canoodling was spotted, but sources say it was clearly a night just for Gaga and Liotta.

“They looked super chummy and like they know each other well,” said one onlooker, adding that the May-December buddies took several smoke breaks.

Of course, it should be noted that these two really are just platonic friends.

In addition to the fact that they co-starred in 2014’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (a project they’d both probably rather forget), Liotta goes back with Ms. Germanotta’s family.

“Ray is friends with Stefani [Gaga] and her dad,” says a rep for Gaga.

So there you have it. 

Gaga and Ray are just friends.

But hey, it’s never too late add “with benefits” to that title, right?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Taylor Swift Performs Surprising Duet, Kisses Random Dude on Stage

Taylor Swift sure doesn’t look like someone whose life is totally and completely ruined.

On Saturday night, the singer made what is believed to have been her first public appearance since getting called out in embarrassing fashion by Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Rocking a sexy off-the-shoulder crop top and mini skirt, the 26-year old actually performed on stage with Nelly as part of good friend Karlie Kloss’ birthday party in The Hamptons.

Swift had previously wished Kloss a very happy birthday.

It was only Taylor’s second Instagram message in about a month, since the infamous phone with Kanye that Kim leaked online.

As you can see in cell phone footage shared by someone in attendance, Swift and Nelly broke into a rendition of the rapper’s 2002 hit, “Dilemma.”

Swift took on Kelly Rowland’s parts of the song and the two stars sang and danced as the crowd went wild in approval.

“Taylor was in an amazing mood, and super fun all night,” an insider tells E! News, adding:

“She danced her ass off. At first she didn’t want to perform but then Nelly asked her. Everyone was super into it, the crowd loved it.”

Last year, Nelly became one of several celebrities to make a cameo with Swift’s on the pop artist’s 1989 World Tour.

He came out during a stop in St. Louis, Missouri and sang “Hot in Herre” with Haim.

At one point on Saturday night, meanwhile, Swift was joined by on stage by some guy named Mike Hess.

We’ve learned that he’s a Harvard Business School graduate and oil heir that a party goer says was also celebrating a birthday that evening.

And Swift made sure it was a birthday he’ll never forget.

In a Snapchat video shared by jewelry designer Jen Meyer, the singer is seen strutting her sexy stuff toward Hess… prior to giving him a quick smooch on his cheek.

The duo then dances closely together, with Hess sort of wrapping his arm around her waist.

Sorry, Tom Hiddleston. You may want to turn away right about now…

But a source confirms to E! News that Swift spent more of her night with Kloss.

There’s no scandal to report on here regarding her interactions with Hess.

Swift, of course, was outed a liar by Kardashian and West several weeks ago.

They seemed to confirm that Taylor did, indeed, know all about the lyrics in the song “Famous,” even giving Kanye permission to sing some unflattering things about her.

Ever since this incident, Taylor has mostly gone social media silent.

We’ve heard more about Calvin Harris dissing her than we’ve heard from Swift herself.

While many Internet users are excited that Swift is now “over,” however, we’re glad to see her out and about and in a good mood.

She’s clearly not a bad person. Critics gotta lighten up.

See what they’ve been saying about her below and check out her fun duet with Nelly above.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Farrah Abraham Launches Most Random Business Venture Yet

Farrah Abraham is more than just a reality star. 

In addition to her “work” as one of the original stars of the Teen Mom franchise, Farrah makes porn (sorry, “sex tapes”), she strips, she even sells plastic molds of her lady bits to fans who want the full Farrah experience.

Now, Farrah is proving that she can do more than help you masturbate; she can also furnish your home!

Yes, Farrah announced the launch of Furnished by Farrah today – a business that thus far consists of an Instagram page and some photos of Farrah wearing lingerie.

“Thank you All for your support on all of my endeavors as a woman in business. I’ve been lucky to do realestate for acouple years now & now I get to grow into a successfull Furnishing company! Celebrate & Add,” Farrah captioned the above photo.

Like we said, Farrah’s been an entrepreneur for several years (We didn’t even realize she was a “successfull” “realestate” agent.), so we hesitate to offer advice, but it’s good to have a store, or at least a freakin’ website if you want to sell furniture.

In fairness, Ms. Abraham promised that both are coming soon.

Oh, one more piece of advice: While women in lingerie are always a safe bet in terms of Internet traffic, if you’re launching a furniture company, it’s good to include a piece of furniture or two in the ad campaign. Just sayin’.

Watch Teen Mom online to see Farrah’s evolution from clueless single mom to rich clueless single mom.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio & Jack Black: Random Feud Alert!

As you probably know, Leonardo DiCaprio recently won his first Academy Award for his work in The Revenant.

While no one is denying that DiCaprio is a great actor, many have questioned if he really deserved the award for a performance that basically just required him to run around the woods with snot frozen in his beard for two and a half hours. 

Most of the nay-saying came in the form of those whiny op-eds from anonymous Oscar voters that seem to be everywhere the week before the awards, but now the shade is coming from a much more unexpected source: fellow actor and all-around genius Jack Black.

It seems Black (rightly) believes that the prize should’ve gone to his Kung-Fu Panda 3 co-star Bryan Cranston who was sadly overlooked for his fantastic work in Trumbo.

“He [Cranston] was never going to win it against Leo DiCap in The Revenant,” Black said during a recent interview with The Daily Mail.

“Bryan Cranston is a better actor. You heard it here. Bryan Cranston is better [at] acting than Leo DiCap. But, Leo DiCap was like dying a lot, he was like wheezing and coughing blood. That’s Oscar. That’s what you’ve got to do.”

Believe it or not, Black wasn’t done going in on Leo.

When the interviewer suggested that Black should’ve been nominated for his performance in 2011’s Bernie, Black responded:

“Thank you. Why didn’t I get an Oscar nomination for that? Oh you know why, I think Leo DiCap took my spot. Because that was the year he had that really bad movie that got Oscar nominated. What was that, where he like played a president that was kind of bald. Did you see that?”

He’s referring to J. Edgar, and he’s right in assessing it as terrible, which is probably why it was one of the few recent DiCaprio films that didn’t earn him a nomination.

When the interviewer pointed that out, Black replied, “He didn’t? Okay, it was a different one that I did, that obviously he shouldn’t have got a homage.”

Obviously, Black is being a little tongue-in-cheek here (though he should’ve realized that might not come across in a print interview) but his point is a valid one.

Sometimes it seems like the acting Oscars are more about who suffered the most and who has the biggest name than who gave the best performance.

Of course, if Leo hadn’t won, he would’ve been raped by a bear for nothing, which would’ve been tragic.

Leonardo DiCaprio & Jack Black: Random Feud Alert!

As you probably know, Leonardo DiCaprio recently won his first Academy Award for his work in The Revenant.

While no one is denying that DiCaprio is a great actor, many have questioned if he really deserved the award for a performance that basically just required him to run around the woods with snot frozen in his beard for two and a half hours. 

Most of the nay-saying came in the form of those whiny op-eds from anonymous Oscar voters that seem to be everywhere the week before the awards, but now the shade is coming from a much more unexpected source: fellow actor and all-around genius Jack Black.

It seems Black (rightly) believes that the prize should’ve gone to his Kung-Fu Panda 3 co-star Bryan Cranston who was sadly overlooked for his fantastic work in Trumbo.

“He [Cranston] was never going to win it against Leo DiCap in The Revenant,” Black said during a recent interview with The Daily Mail.

“Bryan Cranston is a better actor. You heard it here. Bryan Cranston is better [at] acting than Leo DiCap. But, Leo DiCap was like dying a lot, he was like wheezing and coughing blood. That’s Oscar. That’s what you’ve got to do.”

Believe it or not, Black wasn’t done going in on Leo.

When the interviewer suggested that Black should’ve been nominated for his performance in 2011’s Bernie, Black responded:

“Thank you. Why didn’t I get an Oscar nomination for that? Oh you know why, I think Leo DiCap took my spot. Because that was the year he had that really bad movie that got Oscar nominated. What was that, where he like played a president that was kind of bald. Did you see that?”

He’s referring to J. Edgar, and he’s right in assessing it as terrible, which is probably why it was one of the few recent DiCaprio films that didn’t earn him a nomination.

When the interviewer pointed that out, Black replied, “He didn’t? Okay, it was a different one that I did, that obviously he shouldn’t have got a homage.”

Obviously, Black is being a little tongue-in-cheek here (though he should’ve realized that might not come across in a print interview) but his point is a valid one.

Sometimes it seems like the acting Oscars are more about who suffered the most and who has the biggest name than who gave the best performance.

Of course, if Leo hadn’t won, he would’ve been raped by a bear for nothing, which would’ve been tragic.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Dating Random Russian Real Estate Agent?

The 2016 Academy Awards were held in Hollywood last night, and in keeping with one of the the film industry’s proudest traditions, Lindsay Lohan was not invited.

Lindsay still hopes to win an Oscar someday (ed. note: LOLOLOLOLOL), but in the meantime, she’s apparently found contentment with a 22-year-old Russian real estate agent named Igor Tarabasov.

According to Radar Online, Linds met Igor (who we’re assuming is a recent winner of the prestigious World’s Most Russian Name prize) back in October, and the the couple has been “inseparable” ever since.

“Lindsay has obviously had some issues in the past, and probably been attracted to the wrong sort of guys, but this is different,” says one insider.

“He’s a bit younger than she is, but he’s a very smart businessman. He’s much more mature than his age suggests, and he’s a good influence.”

Given Lindsay’s proclivity for banging famous guys, it might seem odd that she would give a Russian real estate agent the time of day, much less date him. 

Fortunately, the source has an explanation for that:

“He is a perfect boyfriend and – as he is quite wealthy – pays for quite a lot of stuff like meals out and trips away. He has been traveling the world with her, and posting loads of pictures of their trips online.”

Sounds like Lindsay’s ideal arrangement.

Of course, back in January, Lohan claimed to be a victim of domestic violence, then quickly deleted the allegation from her Instagram page.

If what the source says is true, she would have been dating Igor at the time.

Not cool, comrade.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Taylor Swift, Calvin Harris and THIS Random Kid Enjoy Dinner Date in Santa Monica

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris may or may not be living together these days.

But they are definitely eating some meals as a couple, although their twosome recently become a threesome during a romantic evening out.

No, not that kind of threesome! Sheesh!

It’s just that the singer and the DJ dined on Tuesday evening at Giorgio Baldi Italian restaurant in Santa Monica, California.

At one point, however, a very young man nicely made his way over to Swift and Harris and asked if he could join them, at least for a photo op.

He then shared the adorable image online and wrote as an Instagram caption to it:

“Awesome dinner with mom and dad.”

HA! This is our new hero.

Swift, as you can see above, donned a sexy backless black mini dress and a metallic headband for the date; while Harris looked cute and fancy in a dark ensemble.

According to the fan, the A-List stars didn’t seem to mind having a bit of company on their date.

“[Taylor] is sooo nice,” he later commented on his photo in response to another fan.

Yup. That’s what we hear from everyone, kid.

Swift and Harris appear to be going as strong as ever.

They spent the holidays together, visiting with various family members, and numerous outlets confirm that Swift and Harris are talking marriage.

We’ll hold off on buying any gifts for the couple, but perhaps not on being excited about the possibility.

We really, really hope Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris get married!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Random Dude Attempts to Pull a Kanye at People"s Choice Awards, Gets Booted By Sharon Osbourne

There weren"t many surprises at last night"s 2016 People"s Choice Awards, which is just how the show"s producers like it.

When the entire country votes for its favorite movies, music and television shows, well…the most popular stuff wins, so you can pretty much look at the ratings, the charts, or the box office numbers and figure out who"s going to win.

That said, the evening featured some highlights that we don"t think anyone saw coming.

In fact, there are a couple clips from last night"s broadcast that have become certified viral gold this morning.

One of them was touching (Vin Diesel"s tribute to Paul Walker), and the other was just plain hilarious.

It seems some random aspiring rapper thought it would be a good idea to interrupt the cast of The Talk as they accepted their award for Favorite Daytime Hosting Team,

It"s not exactly Taylor Swift winning a Grammy, but this dude isn"t exactly Kanye West, as he quickly proved with a rambling, nonsensical mic-bomb:

“Shout out to Kevin Gates, he has an album,” the dude said, before dropping a reference to the King of the Interruption. “Yeezy just jumped over the Jumpman…yessir.”

The ladies of The Talk didn"t miss a beat, with Sharon Osbourne giving the guy a swift kick in the ass, and Sheryl Underwood informing him, "You ain"t gonna pull no Steve Harvey up in here!"

Wow. Is "pulling a Steve Harvey" the new term for effing-up on live TV?

Somewhere, Steve"s all, "Survey says – I"m depressed!"

Watch the hilarious stage-crash fail in the clip below.


Random dude attempts to pull a kanye at peoples choice awards ge

Monday, January 4, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Topless With Some Random Dude!

Well, it’s a new year, which means lots of people are trying to make changes in their lives (that they’ll forget about by February), while others are planning to just stay the course.

You might think that Lindsay Lohan would be one of the folks in need of some rehab resolutions in 2016, but based on her latest Instagram pic, it seems she plans to keep on being the LiLo we all know and tolerate:

Yes, that’s a photo of Linds in some state of undress with a random dude paying seriously close attention to her neck, her back (we’ll leave it up to you to fill in the rest of the lyrics).

Obviously, we’ve seen naked Lindsay Lohan many, many times before, but usually she’s either heavily photoshopped or drunk and running around a wedding in her birthday suit.

Why Linds decided to share this particular, um…candid moment is anyone’s guess, but we’re assuming it wasn’t a decision that was made in the sober light of day.

This pic somehow seems both spontaneous and pre-meditated at the same time, which leads us to believe that Lindsay is planning to take her nudity to strange new places this year.

Or maybe we’re devoting way too much thought to a blurry photo of Lindsay on the verge of an ill-advised salad tossing.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Welcomed Home by Co-Stars, Random Twitter Users

Time has been served for Teresa Giudice.

As previously reported, the law-breaking Real Housewife of New Jersey has completed her stint in Connecticut’s Danbury Federal Correctional Institution and has returned home to her family.

She will spend Christmas Eve with her four kids; her husband; her brother, Joe Gorga; and her sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga.

Despite all she has been through with Melissa Gorga, an insider tells Us Weekly that the relatives are “on the best terms they’ve ever been on” because each has realized what’s “important in life.”

With her husband set to turn himself in at the Fort Dix Federal Correctional Institution in New Jersey in just a few months – due to his role in the couple’s bankruptcy fraud scheme to which both halves have guilty – Teresa will supposedly be having lots of sex with Joe.

She’ll also be appreciating the holidays with her family, while being welcomed with open arms across the social media universe.

“I can’t believe its been a year already,” Tamra Judge wrote on Facebook in regard go Teresa.

“So happy that she gets to spend the holidays with her family, has to the best Christmas gift ever her children.”

Added Kyle Richards:

“This morning I’m thinking about how much I love @amyschumer & how happy I am about @Teresa_Giudice coming home for Christmas #RandomThoughts.”

And Amber Marchese:

“I am so happy for her. I really am. Mother and her babies united as they should be. It is a true Christmas blessing. I wish the Guidice family nothing but continued happiness, love, and blessings.”

Not only are fellow Real Housewives happy for Teresa, but random folks across the Internet also seem to be thrilled for her… for some reason.

  • Congratulations to @Teresa_Giudice on your arrival home. Soak up every moment and every this extra special Christmas! #RHONJ. (@shannonpglover)

  • Today is THE most important day of the year! @Teresa_Giudice is released from prison. (@Gay__MD)

  • #sorrynotsorry I’m thrilled 4 girls have their mom back. Leave them alone. #RHONJ. (@presleyschair)

It’s a deal, @presleyschair.

We’ll leave Teresa alone as soon as she stops trying to make money off the time she spent in prison for blatantly breaking the law. Okay?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Takes Random Dig at Lindsay Lohan

Jennifer Lawrence may be the best interview guest in all of Hollywood.

Just ask Stephen Colbert.

The beloved actress (and 2015 Entertainer of the Year!) appeared on The Late Show this week and delved into a number of topics, taking a seemingly random swipe at one point at a certain trainwreck of an actress.

"I puked yesterday. I"m a puker. I"m a big-time puker," Lawrence told the host.

What does this have to do with Lindsay Lohan? The Academy Award winner continued:

"I think that I don"t stop working because I"m a show pony. I don"t have a choice. So, I just keep going, I think, until eventually my body"s just like, "If we don"t make her barf or pass out, she won"t stop.

"I get, like, Lindsay Lohan grade exhaustion, but without any drugs or alcohol. I"m always in bed early, but I"m still tired."

Look, we love Jennifer Lawrence. Seriously… WE LOVE JENNIFER LAWRENCE.

But a couple notes here:


  1. It"s never fun when a multi-millionaire brags about how hard she works or claims she doesn"t have a "choice." Lawrence absolutely has a choice, unlike some poverty-stricken individuals out there.

  2. Ouch on the Lohan diss! Granted, she probably deserves it. But why kick Lindsay when she"s down? Especially when she"s been down for so long now? That"s some low-hanging fruit, J. Law.

Check out Lawrence"s full interview below and chime in with your take on it.

(NOTE: We still love you, Jennifer! Call us!)

Jennifer lawrence takes random dig at lindsay lohan

Friday, December 11, 2015

Kylie Jenner and Michael Buble: See Their Random Christmas Pic!

In a new photo posted to her Instagram account, Kylie Jenner has gotten into the Christmas spirit by showing off her legs, showing off a Santa hat and showing off… Michael Buble?

Well, okay then!

The 18-year old reality star was randomly featured Thursday night during the opening segment of Buble’s Christmas in Hollywood special, which aired on NBC.

At the outset of the program, Buble stumbled across Kylie while touring the Universal Studios backlot and snapped the following selfie with the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star:

Jenner then shared the first picture posted above in promotion of the special, encouraging her millions (and millions!) of Instagram followers to tune in for it.

You can see Kylie Jenner’s scar in that same first photo, which Jenner recently explained is a result of an incident when she was five years old.

Kylie, meanwhile, hosted her first Christmas dinner at her house this week, sharing the following Instagram photo soon afterward:

As for what else Jenner has been up to these days, well… the answers may surprise you.

Take a look below!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Scott Disick: Subject to Random Drug Testing in Order to Keep His "Keeping Up" Job!

Scott Disick is so desperate to stay clean – and stay on TV – that he reportedly agreed to random drug testing by his baby mama and Momager-in-Law.

Despite his past resistance to rehab, toning down his partying or being a decent human being in many cases, the Lord says he hath changed.

And he’s acquiesced to Kris Jenner‘s demands in order to prove it.

After cheating on Kourtney Kardashian with Chloe Bartoli and suffering a relapse that landed him in rehab for the sixth time, Disick hit rock bottom.

Not only did he lose his long-term girlfriend, but he risked losing his three children if Kourtney saw fit, and also his seven-figure reality show contract.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, however, you know that as pissed as Kris Jenner was, she wasn’t slamming the door on Disick.

More than anything, she wants him to pull it together – on her terms.

“Kris told Scott that she would draft him a contract [for Keeping Up] under one condition and one condition only,” a family insider revealed.

“She told him that he could stay on [the show], but that either she or Kourtney have the right to personally drug test him at any given moment.”

“In order to stay, Kris told Scott that he must adhere to her wishes.”

Based on his past, one can imagine Scott immediately putting up walls, flipping his s–t, throwing a profane tirade and peacing out, right?

After all, this is a dude who chose partying over Kourtney, and  whoonce left rehab to host a nightclub gig. His way or the highway, right?

Not so much, insiders say.

“Scott shockingly agreed to Kris’ requests because he will do anything to stay on the show and in that family,” the source said.

“It’s all he has left.”

Okay. So he’s not turning over a new leaf for health reasons or for Kourt and the kids, but simply ’cause he’s lonely and fears being cut off?


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Cheated on Tyga, Did Cocaine With Random Rapper?

It’s been a tough week for Kylie Jenner. 

First, Kylie was the possible target of a bizarre social media threat from Blac Chyna.

Shortly thereafter, she was accused of stalking and harassing a young woman who claims that she and Kylie were rivals for Jaden Smith’s affection.

Now, yet another outrageous allegation is being leveled at Kylie, and this one could do irreparable damage to her relationship with boyfriend Tyga.

Rapper Stitches – real name, Phillip Katsabanis – gave a shocking interview with In Touch this week, in which he claimed that Kylie cheated on Tyga with him while under the influence of cocaine.

“I did cocaine with Kylie and then slept with her — while she was in a relationship with Tyga,” Katsabanis told the tabloid. “I had sex with her: We did it all.”

Asked if he was concerned about retaliation from Tyga, Katsabanis became aggressive:

“If [Tyga] has one problem with anything I gotta say about his girl, he can come see me whenever he wants,” Katsabanis said. “I’ll beat the sh-t out of him.”

Katsabanis added that Kylie “didn’t bring up Tyga, not one time” during their night together.

So is “Stitches” simply trying to help his career by goading Tyga into a fight, or could this be the beginning of the end for Kylizzle and T-Raww?

Stay tuned, because something tells us this situation will develop quickly.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Amazingly Random -- Mexican Float Plays Live Music For Random Neighborhood (VIDEO)


Was it a runaway float? Or maybe they were just prepping for The Rose Parade. Or maybe someone is just great at pimping their ride.

We’re just about as confused as the people living in this neighborhood but it doesn’t make it any less fun to watch.

Whatever this is, it’s random and it’s hilarious.

Cara Delevingne vs. Richard Madden: Random Feud Alert!

Back in July, Cara Delevingne was interviewed by a random local news crew, and the clip went viral as a result of the model’s hilariously sarcastic responses to asinine questions from a bunch of Ron Burgundy-types.

Cara defended the interview, and was right in her refusal to apologize. The anchors were smug and condescending, and apparently felt that it was only okay when they made jokes.

Surprisingly, however, it looks like the “news” crew from Sacramento (Stay classy, Sacramento!) has an unexpected ally in the King in the North.

You may remember Richard Madden as the ill-fated Robb Stark on Game of Thrones (His time on the show ended with the Red Wedding), or the slightly less ill-fated Prince Charming in Cinderella. (The movie ended with his own wedding.)

Now, however, you might remember him as one half of one of the dumbest Twitter feuds in history.

“It was unprofessional. It made her seem ungrateful,” Madden said when asked about Cara’s controversial interview.

“She showed her age. For Cinderella, I did six weeks of those interviews, where you get asked the same eight questions. If you’re not capable of doing that gracefully, then don’t do it.”

Nothing too terrible. In fact, it’s a completely reasonable take on the issue. But for some reason it was enough to make Cara go off:

“I have no idea who you are but I think it’s little desperate for a grown man to be bad mouthing someone they don’t know,” cara tweeted. “If you really want attention that badly, try focusing on your own work and not other people’s.”

Many have pointed out that Cara clearly does know who Richard is, since she bothered to respond to his comments. Also, they’re both in their 20s, so Cara trying to frame the situation as a “grown man” picking on a little girl is kinda lame.

Madden apologized and claimed he was misquoted, but we would be surprised if Cara just lets the whole thing slide.