Showing posts with label Gavin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gavin. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

"Psycho" Star John Gavin Dead at 86

“Psycho” star John Gavin — who appeared in several other classics such as “Midnight Lace” and was the US Ambassador to Mexico under Ronald Reagan — has died.  John — who played Sam Loomis in the classic horror flick — died Friday morning…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Gavin Rossdale Wearing Wedding Ring 2 Years After Gwen Stefani Divorce

Gavin Rossdale’s holding on to his marriage with Gwen Stefani … or so it seems. The Bush frontman was pumping gas Sunday in Studio City … doing his part to keep a low profile, shades and all. Pretty unassuming … except for that…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Gavin Rossdale"s House Party Crashed By Cops

Gavin Rossdale needs to find new neighbors or a new place to party because the ones he has now aren’t cool with his rock ‘n’ roll-ISH lifestyle. Gavin pulled the plug on his house party in the San Fernando Valley after LAPD showed up for a…


Gavin Rossdale"s House Party Crashed By Cops

Gavin Rossdale needs to find new neighbors or a new place to party because the ones he has now aren’t cool with his rock ‘n’ roll-ISH lifestyle. Gavin pulled the plug on his house party in the San Fernando Valley after LAPD showed up for a…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Former L.A. Mayor Takes Shot at Scooter Braun, Gavin Newsom in Cali Governor"s Race

One of the leading contenders for the Democrats in the next California gubernatorial election has just taken aim at his archrival, using Scooter Braun to fire the shot. Former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has just reacted to the TMZ story, in…


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Gavin Rossdale Reacts Onstage to Chester Bennington"s Suicide

Chester Bennington’s suicide — and also Chris Cornell’s — has Gavin Rossdale wondering about what he describes as a “bad scene” in music right now. He and his band Bush performed Thursday night in Hammond, Indiana … and addressed the…


Friday, July 7, 2017

LCD Soundsystem"s Gavin Russom Comes Out as Transgender

Gavin Russom has an announcement to make.

The LCD Soundsystem’s synth player and keyboardist came out as transgender in a new interview. 

“Over the last year and a half, I went from my trans identity being something I was in touch with and worked through in one way or another, to suddenly this shift where it’s on the front burner,” Russom, 43, told Grindr.

“Now it’s time to become a whole person.”

The musician revealed that she was “on [her] way to coming out into transitioning” in her earlier years, but came up against “a lot of violence and harassment” and didn’t decided against it. 

“Sometimes, if [people] happened to be walking behind me at enough distance where they would read me as feminine, they would catcall me,” she told the publication.

“Getting closer to me, they would see me as masculine and then become very angry. I was assaulted on a number of occasions.”

The artist then opened up about difficulties she faced in the past dealing with her transition. 

“[They] led me into some self-destructive behaviors, particularly around addiction and substance abuse. In the past, it consistently clouded or interrupted my ability to get into the kind of relationship with myself I needed to.”

Added the rocker, “I had to really work on that stuff and get it out of the picture.

Ultimately, she took time out last year after touring and recording and found comfort in support groups in New York City. 

“I feel a tremendous gratitude to know there are people out there — many of whom have much less of a degree of privilege than I do — who have been fearless enough to do the work,” she said.

“I think the most helpful thing was talking to people with different transgender experiences, especially those with upbringings, economic circumstances and ethnic backgrounds different than my own.”

“It allowed me to hear all these different perspectives and see the ways in which the trans experience is so varied and so individual.”

Russom is set to DJ for the first time as a trans woman at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago on Thursday, July 13.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Ex-Sacramento Kings Owner Gavin Maloof: I Never Woulda Traded DeMarcus Cousins! (VIDEO)

The Sacramento Kings made a tremendous mistake getting rid of DeMarcus Cousins and it’s gonna take ‘em a long time to recover … so says the team’s former owner Gavin Maloof.  Maloof — who co-owned the Kings with his brothers until 2013 –…


Ex-Sacramento Kings Owner Gavin Maloof: I Never Woulda Traded DeMarcus Cousins! (VIDEO)

The Sacramento Kings made a tremendous mistake getting rid of DeMarcus Cousins and it’s gonna take ‘em a long time to recover … so says the team’s former owner Gavin Maloof.  Maloof — who co-owned the Kings with his brothers until 2013 –…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Gavin Rossdale & Elin Nordegren: Dating?!

It’s been nearly two years since Gwen Stefani filed for divorce from Gavin Rossdale, and the singers have wasted no time in moving on.

Gwen, of course, began dating Blake Shelton just a few months after she cut ties with Rossdale.

Now, Gavin is reportedly getting into his own serious relationship, and like Gwen, he decided to rebound with a celebrity who’s fresh out of a relationship with a different 

According to Radar Online, Gavin has some sort of thing going on with Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren.

It’s a bit of an odd pairing, as there have been rumors that Rossdale cheated on Stefani, and we all know how Elin feels about cheaters.

Hopefully, Gavin doesn’t keep golf clubs in the house.

Of course, we’re getting ahead of ourselves here, as it’s not really clear at the moment what exactly is going on between these two.

It would be jumping the gun to say that Rossdale and Nordegren are dating, but from the sound of things they’re either currently hooking up, or Gavin is really working overtime to make sure they eventually hook up.

In a recent interview with The Sun, Gavin laid it on thick, basically treating the piece as an opportunity to pen an open love letter to Elin:

“A friend was, like, ‘You have to meet Elin. She’s amazing.’” Rossdale said told the newspaper.

“He was trying to connect us.”

It gets weirder:

“So I texted her a couple of times to say hello,” Rossdale went on to say.

“She lives in Florida. She’s a really great girl.”

Confusingly, Gavin then reveals that he can’t date anyone at the moment because his kids ate too hyper … or something”

“I look at my boys running around the house with Nerf guns and throwing footballs and think, ‘How would anyone survive?’” he said.

“I’d be like, ‘Oh, sorry about that — someone’s just sat on your sunglasses.’”

Sounds like Gavin is coming up with a preemptive justification for getting shot down.

Currently, Rossdale is in London filming the UK version of The Voice, which is kind of weird, considering his ex-wife met her new dude while they were both working on the American edition.

But apparently all is well with Gavin and Gwen these days.

The former Bush rocker says he and his ex regularly discuss parenting and other issues.

Asked about all the time he’s been spending in London, Rossdale had this to say:

“There’s only one downside, and that’s the time away from my boys. They have a spring break and were going to come, but it’s just not going to work out.

“Gwen pointed out, ‘You’re going to be up all night, working all day. What’s the point?’”

In conclusion, Gavin Rossdale really enjoys talking about his communications with famous blondes.

This has been your quarterly Gavin Rossdale update.

Check back in three months for more on the poor man’s Eddie Vedder.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Gwen Stefani: Gavin Rossdale is EMBARRASSING!

If you believe what Gwen Stefani – and, you know, Glamour – have to say, she feels like she “got woken up this year.” 

Yeah, we’d say so. 

In a brand new interview with the mag, Gwen addressed Gavin Rossdale’s cheating, her career resurgence, and her relationship with Blake Shelton

Yawn, Gwen. Yawn. 

She told Glamour, “Sometimes to be woken up again in life, you need to go through some really bad, hard times.

“I feel like I got woken up this year.”

Perhaps that’s why her schtick is so tired. 


When asked about her feelings on the last year of her life, she said, “[It’s] mind-blowing. I don’t understand my journey.”

“It’s so crazy,” she continued, “but one thing I learned is, that’s what life is. We all have to go through hard times, tragedies.”

“Those are given to us to see what we’re going to do with them,” she reflected. 

About her rat’s ass cheater of an ex-husband, Gwen got more candid than ever.

“I don’t think you’ll talk to one person who didn’t make it in a marriage who’s not gonna feel [shame],” she said.

“The intention of being married is the vow, right? You want to put everything into it to make it a success.”

“I had to work really hard at marriage, all the time … but ours was extra hard,” Stefani admitted.

“Extra hard,” she said … no pun intended. 

The conversation quickly turned to Shelton, who everyone wants to hear about. 

No, just kidding. 

We’re more interested in the dirt and details behind Gwen’s split with Gavin, but we’ll settle for this. 

About Blake, Stefani said, “He was a friend to me when I needed a friend. An unexpected gift.”

Honestly speaking, it’s a cop-out.

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani

Shelton is kind of a gift to us all, so what she said about him wasn’t really earth-shattering. 

Come to think of it, nothing aside from Gwen roundaboutly admitting that Gavin cheated was really earth-shattering. 

It’s high time that Stefani went and wrote that tell-all that we’re all salivating over, right?  

Get on it, girl. 

It’ll be tremendously more entertaining than anything you can say to a fashion magazine. 


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gavin Rossdale: Gwen Stefani is So Incredible!

So Gavin Rossdale is pretty awful, right?

He’s always seemed kind of slimy, and honestly, it’s 2016: why is Bush still a thing?

Throw in all those rumors that his divorce from Gwen Stefani was brought on because of a sordid affair he had with their nanny, and, well, he’s pretty much the worst.

But even though anyone with the tiniest bit of consideration would slither into the shadows after what happened with Gwen, Gavin is, for some unfathomable reason, still insisting on being famous.

And not only is he still insisting on being famous, he took on the weirdest, most questionable role thinkable for a famous musician who just got divorced from Gwen Stefani.

He’s on The Voice, guys.

Well, he’s on the UK version of The Voice, but he’s a coach, just like Gwen — he spins around in a little red chair and everything.

It’s awkward, isn’t it?

He didn’t have to do a singing competition show, and if he did, he didn’t have to do Gwen’s show — the same show on which she found her new guy.

It’s actually kind of creepy.

And if you think that’s creepy, then just wait till you hear Gavin acknowledge how creepy it is.

“It’s ironic,” he said about landing the exact same gig as his former wife. “It’s like nothing’s surprising anymore.”

You can say that again.

“She’s so incredible at it,” he went on. “I’ve watched her.”

“She’s really, really brilliant at that show. She’s so natural at it. I hope that I’m just half as good as her.”

This is, funnily enough, the first time that Gavin’s directly spoken about Gwen since she filed for divorce last year.

He’s touched a little on the divorce itself though, and he did so just a couple of weeks ago in an interview with The Sunday Times.

Hilariously, he said “It’s like, enough already. I’ve got to move on. Everyone has got to move on.”

Really, bud? Because that seems like an awful lot of talk for someone who just took the exact same job as his ex-wife.

If he really wanted to move on, he could have taken literally any other gig.

But what fun would that be for a big ol’ creeper like Gavin?


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Gavin Rossdale and Elin Nordegren: Random New Couple Alert!

While Gwen Stefani is all loved up with Blake Shelton, her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale is dipping his toes back in the dating pool.

It’s unlikely anyone would have guessed who Rossdale would date next, because they would have been way off the mark.

A fellow musician? Nope.

A model? Maybe…but no.

Rossdale went on his first date with Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, according to Us Weekly.  

The date, which took place in L.A., went so well that they’re already planning the next.

Nordegren is based in Florida, but “flies to L.A. on her private plane a lot,” a source told the publication.  She has a daughter, Sam, 9, and son, Charlie, 10, with Woods, while Rossdale has three boys – Kingston, 10, Zuma, 8, and Apollo,2 – with ex-wife, Gwen Stefani.

Set up by mutual friends, both Nordegren and Rossdale “want to make it work.”

Nordegren married Woods in 2004, then divorced him 2010 after he confessed to a string of affairs.  The Swedish-born Nordegren walked away with a settlement on $ 100 million.

Prior to her date with Rossdale, Nordegren was in a relationship with on-again/off-again boyfriend Chris Cline, whom she was spotted skiing with back in March.  

Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik and his wife, Mia are responsible for setting Nordegren up with Woods after they brought her to the U.S.A. to work as their nanny in 2001.

At first, Nordegren couldn’t be bothered with Woods, despite his A-List status.

“Being famous, the whole celebrity thing, she really and truly does not care about that,” Mia said of Nordegren in 2004.

When the young couple’s marriage began to crumble, Jesper expressed regret over setting Nordegren up with Woods.

“I’m kind of filled with sorrow for Elin since me and my wife are at fault for hooking her up with him, and we probably thought he was a better guy than he is,” Jesper told the Golf Channel.

Welp, Nordegren is about to emark on another magical journey with yet another (alleged) womanizer.  

I love Gavin, but he’s infamous for being unable to keep it in his pants.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Gwen Stefani on Gavin Rossdale Split: You Have NO IDEA What Happened!

Gwen Stefani split from Gavin Rossdale after 13 years of marriage last summer.

Ever since, the singer has remained mostly mum regarding the basis for this divorce, focusing on co-parenting the three kids she and her estranged husband share. 

Here and there, however, Stefani has come out and hinted at the MAJOR DRAMA that played out last year between her and Rossdale.

In March, for example, Stefani told The New York Times that “my life was literally blown up into my face” the day after she performed at the Grammy Awards.

The artist said she would prefer to keep the details private, but emphasized that they were “juicy.”

And now it seems as if Stefani has chosen to squeeze more drops out of that juice… or something.

“Nobody except for my parents, the people involved, and whoever they told [know what happened],” Gwen says in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, adding mysteriously:

“Nobody would believe it if I could really say what happened. I went through months and months of torture.”

It’s very hard to believe that Stefani isn’t referencing the rumor affair Rossdale had with the couple’s nanny, right?

Her name is Mindy Mann and chatter about the rocker banging the help has been circulating for months.

Stefani and Rossdale went on to finalize their divorce in October 2015; they continue to coparent their three sons: Kingston, 10, Zuma, 7, and Apollo, 2.

And the former No Doubt singer has since moved on romantically, of course, hitting the sheets these days with Blake Shelton.

She tells the magazine that rumors of their relationship were out there long before anything actually happened.

All thanks to The Voice producers.

“We were laughing our heads off when we saw the blind auditions. I love NBC, but they for sure edited stuff to look like we were flirting,” Stefani told Cosmopolitan.

“They chose to run with that story before anything was even real. I hardly knew him. But it was like it was in the air — happening before it happened.”

Shelton himself had just split from Miranda Lambert when he got together with his co-star on the NBC singing competition.

“We were both having trust issues, as you would if you were us. It was like, ‘I have so many problems. How can I now be getting into another potentially huge problem? What am I doing?"” Stefani told Cosmo.

She then explained that a professional favor led to a personal connection when they collaborated on the track “Go Ahead and Break My Heart.”

“Blake wrote the song and sent it to me. He was like, ‘Help me finish it.’ I wrote a verse and sent it to him, but he was gone because he doesn’t live in L.A.

“He didn’t have WiFi, so he wasn’t answering me back! As soon as he came back to town, he brought his guitar over. We were like, ‘We wrote a song together! This is crazy!"”

Even crazier? Those two are now totally in love!

And Gavin Rossdale, if he really did cheat on Stefani with a nanny, is totally in our perpetual doghouse.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Blake Shelton to Gavin Rossdale: Let"s Talk It Out Over Beers!

Gavin Rossdale isn’t exactly thrilled that his boys are spending so much time with Blake Shelton.

To which I say, “Get over it.”

Shelton has been dating Gwen Stefani since November, about three months after she and Rossdale ended their 14-year union.

Since then, Shelton has gotten to now the former couple’s three boys – Kingston, 10, Zuma, 7 and Apollo, 2.  Stefani sometimes shares photos and video of him and her sons playing baseball or going on a hike.

This doesn’t sit well with Rossdale, but Shelton believes that with a little time (and a couple of libations), they could very well mend some broken fences.

A source told OK! Magazine, “Blake wants Gavin to know that he’s serious about Gwen and the kids but has no intention of replacing him as their dad.”

The Oklahoma native has come up with a solution that could work.

“He thinks the best way to hash it out is over a couple of beers.”

Stefani, who found out that Rossdale cheated on her with their nanny, “still hasn’t forgiven” him for “destroying their family,” the source said, “but she wants to keep her focus on healthy co-parenting.”

Back in May, Us Weekly reported that Rossdale called a one-on-one meeting with Stefani to discuss their custody situation and how her relationship with Shelton would affect the boys.

“[Gavin] wants to be consulted on everything concerning the kids and the role that Blake is playing in their lives,” a source told the magazine.

As far as some fans are concerned, Rossdale lost almost any right to be involved in Stefani’s life when he cheated on her.

“If I could, I would just tell you everything, and you would just be in shock,” Stefani teased the New York Times back in March.

“It’s a really good, juicy story.”

Stefani, though, wants to keep her kids protected, so opted instead to let people assume what they want about the demise of her marriage.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Gwen Stefani: Gavin Rossdale Almost Ruined My Life, But Look At Me Now!

Prior to her divorce from Gavin Rossdale, Gwen Stefani didn’t talk much about her personal life.

Things have changed for the Orange County native, who has gone (very) public with boyfriend, Blake Shelton.

Stefani covers the August issue of Harper’s Bazaar, and since high fashion is her version of lounge wear, it was no surprise to see page after page of the singer posing in gorgeous threads at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Stefani said she’s an open book, for the most part.  There are some things she needs to keep private because of her children, she explained.

Stefani has three sons with Rossdale – Kingston, 10, Zuma, 7 and Apollo, 2.

“As a famous person, you start to think,’I can’t say all that because I’ll embarrass them or hurt them in some way.’ And especially now because they can see everything and hear everything.

“But I’ve done nothing I’m ashamed of …” she said with a laugh.

“Well, we all have a few things we’re ashamed of.”

Stefani reflected back on her life up until now, which was filled with music, boyfriends and then her husband, whom she married in 2002.

Her youngest son was  “only 11 months old when everything happened,” Stefani explained, referring to an alleged affair between Rossdale and the couple’s nanny, Mindy Mann in February 2015.

“Everybody knows what happened next,” Stefani said.

“February 9,” she recalls. “I obviously know the date.

“It was the beginning of hell. Like six, seven, eight months of torture, trying to figure out this big secret.”

Though Stefani admitted she wanted to “tell everybody” what happened, she had to hold back so that her boys wouldn’t be embarrassed.

Stefani got back to work.  She joined, started to write songs for her album, This Is What The Truth Feels Like, and embarked on her romance with Shelton.

“What happened was praying,” Stefani said of coming back from what felt like the end of her world.

“That’s my childhood, that’s how I was raised. And I think I strayed from that. But you know when it gets that bad, you just get desperate? You’re on your knees. You’re like, ‘What do I do?’ You can’t even go to your parents and ask them what to do.”

The toughest part for Stefani is sharing custody with Rossdale.  Only spending half of her time with the boys is still hard on her.

“All I wanted my whole life was to have babies, be married, like what my parents have. Then I remember thinking,’There’s gotta be a reason for this.’ Of course you go through the ‘Why me?’ and feel sorry for yourself.

“But then I was like, ‘No, this happened to me already and I made something good out of it,’ and that was Tragic Kingdom.” 

We have a feeling good things are still to come.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Gavin Rossdale PINING for Gwen Stefani, Jealous of Blake Shelton!

It appears Gavin Rossdale has no understanding of the idiom, “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.”

Because even though he destroyed his marriage to Gwen Stefani by schtupping their nanny, he’s pouting about her relationship with Blake Shelton. 

“If it were up to Gavin he would want to work it out with Gwen,” an insider told E! News.

“He is still hurt it has turned out this way and now she is in love with another man.”

That karma. It is a bitch.

Shelton and Stefani, of course, flaunt their relationship any chance they get, tweeting sweet nothings to each other like a couple of teenagers.

And get a load of their smoldering looks during this performance on The Voice.

It’s kinda fun picturing the steam coming out of Rossdale’s ears.

Additionally, Stefani has posted numerous photos of herself and her kids spending time with Shelton, and Rossdale isn’t having it.

Earlier this week, we learned that Stefani and Rossdale, who share joint custody of their three children, held a secret meeting to discuss family matters.

Rossdale is apparently peeved that his sons have already bonded with Shelton and is afraid the country crooner might try to replace him as a father figure.

“[Gavin] wants to be consulted on everything concerning the kids and the role that Blake is playing in their lives,” a source told Us Weekly.  

Sorry not sorry for not feeling sorry for you, Gavin.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale Divorce: He"ll Get HOW MUCH??

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale have reached an agreement in their divorce settlement, and the details may surprise some.

Fans speculated whether Rossdale would take his wife to the cleaners since the two never signed a prenuptial agreement (ah, romance!) and she’s worth a hellulva lot more than he is.

According to California law, Rossdale is legally entitled to half of the assets the couple earned during their 13-year marriage.

However, a source tells People that the Bush front man is settling for less and allowing Gwen to take the majority of their property.

The two will share 50-50 joint custody of their three sons, Kingston, 9, Zuma, 7, and Apollo, 2. Rossdale is not seeking child support.

Rossdale’s guilt may have played a role in the settlement.

After the couple split in August last year, it was widely reported that Rossdale’s torrid affair with the nanny is what prompted Gwen to leave.

Rossdale would’ve gone from major douche to King Douche if he tried to cash in after pulling such a deplorable (if not classically trite) move.

Stefani, on the other hand, seems to be on top of the world these days.

She scored her first number one album last month with “This Is What the Truth Feels Like,” part of which she wrote while going through the breakup.

And you may have heard about her little dalliance with country star and fellow The Voice coach Blake Shelton.

Engagement rumors surround this couple every other week, and now that Gwen’s nearly a free woman, perhaps the two will make it official for real.

Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale Divorce: He"ll Get HOW MUCH??

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale have reached an agreement in their divorce settlement, and the details may surprise some.

Fans speculated whether Rossdale would take his wife to the cleaners since the two never signed a prenuptial agreement (ah, romance!) and she’s worth a hellulva lot more than he is.

According to California law, Rossdale is legally entitled to half of the assets the couple earned during their 13-year marriage.

However, a source tells People that the Bush front man is settling for less and allowing Gwen to take the majority of their property.

The two will share 50-50 joint custody of their three sons, Kingston, 9, Zuma, 7, and Apollo, 2. Rossdale is not seeking child support.

Rossdale’s guilt may have played a role in the settlement.

After the couple split in August last year, it was widely reported that Rossdale’s torrid affair with the nanny is what prompted Gwen to leave.

Rossdale would’ve gone from major douche to King Douche if he tried to cash in after pulling such a deplorable (if not classically trite) move.

Stefani, on the other hand, seems to be on top of the world these days.

She scored her first number one album last month with “This Is What the Truth Feels Like,” part of which she wrote while going through the breakup.

And you may have heard about her little dalliance with country star and fellow The Voice coach Blake Shelton.

Engagement rumors surround this couple every other week, and now that Gwen’s nearly a free woman, perhaps the two will make it official for real.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Gavin Rossdale and Mindy Mann Got Lunch, Probably Still Banging


I have no use for nannies who bed their bosses, and I am still furious at Gavin Rossdale for allegedly cheating on ex-wife, Gwen Stefani with their nanny, Mindy Mann.

The former couple were married for 14 years before splitting in August 2015.  In November, Us Weekly claimed that Rossdale had carried on an affair with Mann, who looked after their three sons.

Stefani reportedly found out about it by looking at the family iPad, which was linked to Rossdale’s phone.  Another nanny found nudies of Mann and texts about meeting up for sex, and told Stefani, who was humiliated that all of this was happening right “under her nose.”

Fast forward a few months, and it looks like Rossdale and Mann are still – if not dating – then having sex and eating lunch together.

On February 18th, Rossdale and Mann were seen having beers and lunch at the Fat Dog gastropub in North Hollywood, an eyewitness told Radar Online.

“They definitely acted like a couple,” the source told Radar.

“They were eating off each other’s plates, leaning in, and laughing.”

I know that Stefani is happy with Blake Shelton and that’s wonderful, but I’m so angry at Rossdale for having a wandering eye and ruining my late 90s teenage dream.

“It seemed like they were trying to stay under the radar, because this place is off the beaten path,” the source continued. “But they arrived and left together.”