Showing posts with label Elin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elin. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Elin Nordegren Busted for Speeding By Flying Cop!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No … it’s the cops — and they busted Elin Nordegren for hauling ass on a Florida highway! Tiger Woods’ ex-wife was popped doing 95 in a 65 in her 2015 Cadillac on February 4 — but it wasn’t your usual…


Elin Nordegren Busted for Speeding By Flying Cop!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No … it’s the cops — and they busted Elin Nordegren for hauling ass on a Florida highway! Tiger Woods’ ex-wife was popped doing 95 in a 65 in her 2015 Cadillac on February 4 — but it wasn’t your usual…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Gavin Rossdale & Elin Nordegren: Dating?!

It’s been nearly two years since Gwen Stefani filed for divorce from Gavin Rossdale, and the singers have wasted no time in moving on.

Gwen, of course, began dating Blake Shelton just a few months after she cut ties with Rossdale.

Now, Gavin is reportedly getting into his own serious relationship, and like Gwen, he decided to rebound with a celebrity who’s fresh out of a relationship with a different 

According to Radar Online, Gavin has some sort of thing going on with Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren.

It’s a bit of an odd pairing, as there have been rumors that Rossdale cheated on Stefani, and we all know how Elin feels about cheaters.

Hopefully, Gavin doesn’t keep golf clubs in the house.

Of course, we’re getting ahead of ourselves here, as it’s not really clear at the moment what exactly is going on between these two.

It would be jumping the gun to say that Rossdale and Nordegren are dating, but from the sound of things they’re either currently hooking up, or Gavin is really working overtime to make sure they eventually hook up.

In a recent interview with The Sun, Gavin laid it on thick, basically treating the piece as an opportunity to pen an open love letter to Elin:

“A friend was, like, ‘You have to meet Elin. She’s amazing.’” Rossdale said told the newspaper.

“He was trying to connect us.”

It gets weirder:

“So I texted her a couple of times to say hello,” Rossdale went on to say.

“She lives in Florida. She’s a really great girl.”

Confusingly, Gavin then reveals that he can’t date anyone at the moment because his kids ate too hyper … or something”

“I look at my boys running around the house with Nerf guns and throwing footballs and think, ‘How would anyone survive?’” he said.

“I’d be like, ‘Oh, sorry about that — someone’s just sat on your sunglasses.’”

Sounds like Gavin is coming up with a preemptive justification for getting shot down.

Currently, Rossdale is in London filming the UK version of The Voice, which is kind of weird, considering his ex-wife met her new dude while they were both working on the American edition.

But apparently all is well with Gavin and Gwen these days.

The former Bush rocker says he and his ex regularly discuss parenting and other issues.

Asked about all the time he’s been spending in London, Rossdale had this to say:

“There’s only one downside, and that’s the time away from my boys. They have a spring break and were going to come, but it’s just not going to work out.

“Gwen pointed out, ‘You’re going to be up all night, working all day. What’s the point?’”

In conclusion, Gavin Rossdale really enjoys talking about his communications with famous blondes.

This has been your quarterly Gavin Rossdale update.

Check back in three months for more on the poor man’s Eddie Vedder.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Tiger Woods: I Don"t Regret Cheating on Elin Nordegren!

The douche in here is thick enough to cut with a knife. 


Legendary golfer/philanderer, Tiger Woods, doesn’t regret cheating on his ex-wife, Elin Nordegren. 

To be clear, Tiger Woods cheated on Elin Nordegren, and he’s totally okay with it. 

In a bombshell interview, Woods told Charlie Rose, “[My only regret in life was] not spending another year at Stanford,” his former university. 

Rose incredulously asked if that was the only regret from his life – a life of many regrets by all outward appearances – yet Woods was firm in his “no.” 

When further pressed about his divorce from Nordegren, and if Woods had ever expressed remorse to his children about his infidelities, Woods said, “No.” 

“No. I don’t. I haven’t said that,” he replied.  

“I said ‘Everybody makes mistakes, and the reason why mommy’s living in her house and daddy’s living in his house is because daddy made mistakes, and it’s okay.” 

Except for the part, you know, where it’s not, and apparently Tiger has a communication breakdown in the syanpses of his brain, because most mistakes culminate in regrets. 

You’d probably have to have a conscience to experience regret, though. 

“I made a bunch of mistakes,” he conceded. 

“But in the end, Elin is my ex-wife.” 

“She’s one of my best friends,” he added. 

“We’ve had two beautiful kids.” 

(That weren’t figured into the remorse equation when Tiger was boning his many mistresses, apparently.)

There’s only one thing certain, and that it’s that nothing is certain when it comes to Tiger Woods (except for, perhaps, a dong wandering deep into the woods to find his balls). 

It’s nothing short of shocking that he’d say that he has “no regret” about cheating on his ex-wife … 

… But then again, it was nothing short of shocking when we found out the extent of his infidelities. 

His career hasn’t really recovered from the 2009 cheating scandal, and sorry to say, we’ve got no “rebound” joke there – things were just too deep. 

Tiger’s public persona has basically been out of control ever since, and it’s high time we start learning that he’s nothing but a talented loose cannon. 

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of them floating around out there these days. 


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Gavin Rossdale and Elin Nordegren: Random New Couple Alert!

While Gwen Stefani is all loved up with Blake Shelton, her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale is dipping his toes back in the dating pool.

It’s unlikely anyone would have guessed who Rossdale would date next, because they would have been way off the mark.

A fellow musician? Nope.

A model? Maybe…but no.

Rossdale went on his first date with Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, according to Us Weekly.  

The date, which took place in L.A., went so well that they’re already planning the next.

Nordegren is based in Florida, but “flies to L.A. on her private plane a lot,” a source told the publication.  She has a daughter, Sam, 9, and son, Charlie, 10, with Woods, while Rossdale has three boys – Kingston, 10, Zuma, 8, and Apollo,2 – with ex-wife, Gwen Stefani.

Set up by mutual friends, both Nordegren and Rossdale “want to make it work.”

Nordegren married Woods in 2004, then divorced him 2010 after he confessed to a string of affairs.  The Swedish-born Nordegren walked away with a settlement on $ 100 million.

Prior to her date with Rossdale, Nordegren was in a relationship with on-again/off-again boyfriend Chris Cline, whom she was spotted skiing with back in March.  

Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik and his wife, Mia are responsible for setting Nordegren up with Woods after they brought her to the U.S.A. to work as their nanny in 2001.

At first, Nordegren couldn’t be bothered with Woods, despite his A-List status.

“Being famous, the whole celebrity thing, she really and truly does not care about that,” Mia said of Nordegren in 2004.

When the young couple’s marriage began to crumble, Jesper expressed regret over setting Nordegren up with Woods.

“I’m kind of filled with sorrow for Elin since me and my wife are at fault for hooking her up with him, and we probably thought he was a better guy than he is,” Jesper told the Golf Channel.

Welp, Nordegren is about to emark on another magical journey with yet another (alleged) womanizer.  

I love Gavin, but he’s infamous for being unable to keep it in his pants.