Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lady Gaga & Ray Liotta: RANDOM New Couple Alert!

As far back as he can remember, he always wanted to bang a Gaga.

That 26-year-old movie reference is our way of saying that the newly single Lady Gaga might be dating 61-year-old actor and professional terrifying human being Ray Liotta.

Gaga, of course, recently ended her engagement with Taylor Kinney, just as rumors that the couple was all set to walk down the aisle seemed to pop up on a daily basis.

Who better to help her heal and reintroduce some stability into her life than this man:

All kidding aside, Liotta is a remarkably talented actor and, by all accounts, one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.

He’s just made a career playing men who would rather murder you than hold the door for you.

Most recently co-starred with Jennifer Lopez in the NBC drama Shades of Blue, in which he played – you guessed it! – a frighteningly amoral anti-hero.

According to Page Six, he and Gaga were spotted enjoying an intimate dinner at a private room in NYC’s L’Artusi last night.

Despite the 31-year age difference, conclusions were drawn, as both parties are newly single.

(Liotta recently split from longtime partner Catherine Hickland.)

No canoodling was spotted, but sources say it was clearly a night just for Gaga and Liotta.

“They looked super chummy and like they know each other well,” said one onlooker, adding that the May-December buddies took several smoke breaks.

Of course, it should be noted that these two really are just platonic friends.

In addition to the fact that they co-starred in 2014’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (a project they’d both probably rather forget), Liotta goes back with Ms. Germanotta’s family.

“Ray is friends with Stefani [Gaga] and her dad,” says a rep for Gaga.

So there you have it. 

Gaga and Ray are just friends.

But hey, it’s never too late add “with benefits” to that title, right?