Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jennifer Lopez Pregnant at 47: Doctor Weighs In On Risks Of Fake Fetus

There’s a story going around on the interweb that Jennifer Lopez is carrying boyfriend Casper Smart’s child.

Life & Style is convinced that Lopez is pregnant, to the point where they’ve interviewed gynecologist Dr. Arthur L. Wiscot, of Reproductive Partners Medical.

Though Dr. Wiscot does not treat Lopez, he’s pretty knowledgeable when it comes to high-risk pregnancies as a woman gets older.

Since Lopez is 47, Life & Style thought it appropriate to really drive home the point that despite looking 20, Lopez is old AF in calendar years.

“The successful birth of a healthy baby with a woman’s own eggs at age 47, no matter how she conceives, is really a long shot,” Dr. Wiscot told the tabloid.

There you have.  An expert opinion on the reproductive life cycle of a woman.

Suspending reality for the length of this post, let’s assume Lopez is pregnant.  What are her thoughts?  How is she feeling?

“J.Lo is very humble,” a source told the tabloid, “and is thankful she even has the opportunity to have another child at age 47.”

Between her residency in Las Vegas and being a twins Max and Emme, Lopez doesn’t have time to kick back and let the miracle of life allow her to binge-watch The Real Housewives of Everywherevilleshire.

“She says she’ll slow down when she has to, but if her doctors don’t tell her to, she’ll dance her butt off as much as she can.”

Life & Style previously reported that Smart, 29, is just tickled at the thought of becoming a dad, and treats his lady “like a queen.”

In fact, another source claimed that Smart has been begging Lopez for a child ever since they started dating in 2011.

The source added that Lopez” is ready to settle down again and make Casper the perfect father she knows he will be.”