Showing posts with label Risks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Risks. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2018

Alaskan Bush People Sneak Peek: Gabe Brown Risks Life and Limb!

Alaskan Bush People has been destroying Keeping Up With The Kardashians" ratings, and it looks like this new episode will be no different.

In this sneak peek, Gabe Brown takes huge risks as the Browns build a new structure on their property, scaring his siblings half to death.

Noah also comes to visit in the new episode, revealing a serious health problem that required surgery.

Alaskan bush people family photo

In the video that we"ve included, viewers can see Gabe standing on a piece of construction equipment and wielding a chainsaw.

"The next step is now Gabe just needs to cut off the top of the poles," Bird Brown explains.

"He’s just going to stand in the bucket of the skid-steer," Bird describes.

She reveals who will be operating this dangerous equipment, adding: "and Rain’s going to raise him up."

It"s always reassuring to see a 15-year-old operating heavy machinery.

Alaskan bush people construction gif 01

"I’m not normally serious," Bird acknowledges. "But right now it is super serious,”

“It is actually pretty dangerous," Bird admits.

"It’s actually the most dangerous things we’ve done on the job."

Bam Bam Brown adds: "That does not look incredibly safe."

His opinion is pretty clear. As you can see in the clip, he"s standing a considerable distance away from the action.

Alaskan bush people construction gif 02

In addition to Gabe risking life and limb (and his baby sister"s mental health for the next half-century) to shorten some stilts, this weekend"s episode promises another development.

In August, Noah Brown married Rhain Alisha in a small, moving wedding ceremony.

On this weekend"s episode, Noah "returns to the pack," as they say, visiting the new family homestead in rural Washington to see his parents.

His presence is reassuring to his father, Billy Brown, who is happy to see him.

His arrival is also a tremendous comfort to Ami, who states that she feels more secure with all of her children around her.

Gabe brown defies death

Noah also makes a startling confession about his health.

During his time away from his family, his body began to become inexplicably bloated.

As it turns out, as is usually the case with a sudden change in body size, there is a medical explanation.

In Noah"s case, it was his gall bladder.

He had to have his abnormally large gall bladder removed, and his torso still bears the stretch mark from the sudden gain in weight that his endocrine system foisted upon him. 

Alaskan bush people construction gif 03

We"re sure that some parts of this coming episode of Alaskan Bush People is just theatrics for the camera. That goes with the territory on any reality show.

We have no doubts that Noah"s family knew about his gall bladder being removed before he told them on camera and showed off his scar.

And we also know for a fact that Billy Brown"s new 435 property could gain a new structure without the children risking it all to build it.

But they"re doing this personally, on camera, so that they can keep raking in that reality TV money.

And since Alaskan Bush People is creaming Keeping Up With The Kardashians, this hard work and drama is a sound investment in their family"s future.

Alaskan bush people sneak peek gabe brown risks life and limb

Monday, August 27, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Says She Knew the Risks with "After Market" Pills

The man who supplied Demi Lovato with drugs the night she OD’d said she knew exactly the chance she was taking … that she was ingesting “after market pills,” which made things risky. Brandon Johnson told our photog Demi texted him…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Jenelle Evans Risks Her Son"s Life In Terrifying Road Rage Incident

Several months ago, reports of an insane road rage incident involving Jenelle Evans began to circulate online.

As time went on, the rumors got more and more ridiculous, to the point that they would have been impossible to believe — if this were anyone other than Jenelle Evans we were talking about.

Sources claimed Jenelle pulled a gun and chased the other driver to his home.

They said there was a standoff at the man"s house that could have turned deadly.

And perhaps most shocking of all, witnesses revealed that Jenelle risked the life of her son Jace, who was riding shotgun the entire time.

Now, we"re seeing footage of the incident for the first time, and it seems the chase was every bit as terrifying as we"d been told:

1. Jenelle and Jace on the Road

Jenelle and jace on the road

We now know that Jace Evans was seated next to his mother while she pursued another driver during a shocking road rage incident. Footage from the altercation has left fans stunned.

2. Her Story

Jenelle raging on the road

Jenelle says another driver cut her off, and she became irate due to the fact that he could have killed her son. So being the reasonable creature that she is, Jenelle responded by further endangering Jace.

3. Keeping Mum

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle has mostly kept silent about the incident, presumably for legal reasons.

4. Angry Evans

Jenelle evans in glasses

But she’s hinted that fans will learn the truth once MTV releases footage of the incident.

5. Along For the Ride

Jenelle evans instagram pic

Yes, a presumably frightened Teen Mom 2 camera crew was in tow and managed to capture most of the incident on camera.

6. Judgement Day

Jenelle hearts drugs

Now, the big day has finally arrived. Does the video evidence exonerate Jenelle or condemn her? Check it out and decide for yourself …

View Slideshow

Friday, June 29, 2018

LeBron James Risks It All To Jump Off A Cliff In Anguilla

Here’s something no Laker fans (or even Cleveland fans) wanna see — LeBron James throwing himself off a cliff!!! But, yeah, it happened …  LeBron and his superstar kid, Bronny, scaled a cliff in Anguilla on Thursday and essentially dared…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Jackie Evancho Risks Inauguration Voice to Surprise Trump with 3 Songs

Jackie Evancho has the biggest performance of her life tomorrow, but she’s still got the pipes to sing for Donald Trump tonight. Sources close to Jackie tell TMZ … she was asked by the Inaugural Committee to surprise the Prez-elect at…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jennifer Lopez Pregnant at 47: Doctor Weighs In On Risks Of Fake Fetus

There’s a story going around on the interweb that Jennifer Lopez is carrying boyfriend Casper Smart’s child.

Life & Style is convinced that Lopez is pregnant, to the point where they’ve interviewed gynecologist Dr. Arthur L. Wiscot, of Reproductive Partners Medical.

Though Dr. Wiscot does not treat Lopez, he’s pretty knowledgeable when it comes to high-risk pregnancies as a woman gets older.

Since Lopez is 47, Life & Style thought it appropriate to really drive home the point that despite looking 20, Lopez is old AF in calendar years.

“The successful birth of a healthy baby with a woman’s own eggs at age 47, no matter how she conceives, is really a long shot,” Dr. Wiscot told the tabloid.

There you have.  An expert opinion on the reproductive life cycle of a woman.

Suspending reality for the length of this post, let’s assume Lopez is pregnant.  What are her thoughts?  How is she feeling?

“J.Lo is very humble,” a source told the tabloid, “and is thankful she even has the opportunity to have another child at age 47.”

Between her residency in Las Vegas and being a twins Max and Emme, Lopez doesn’t have time to kick back and let the miracle of life allow her to binge-watch The Real Housewives of Everywherevilleshire.

“She says she’ll slow down when she has to, but if her doctors don’t tell her to, she’ll dance her butt off as much as she can.”

Life & Style previously reported that Smart, 29, is just tickled at the thought of becoming a dad, and treats his lady “like a queen.”

In fact, another source claimed that Smart has been begging Lopez for a child ever since they started dating in 2011.

The source added that Lopez” is ready to settle down again and make Casper the perfect father she knows he will be.”