Showing posts with label Dealer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dealer. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Alleged Dealer Arrested for Providing Fatal Drugs to Woman Partying After Lil Peep"s Funeral

8:50 PM PT — A spokesperson for Lil Peep’s family denies Jones having any connection to the rapper.  6:57 PM PT – In a joint statement to TMZ from Matt Miller (Wicca Phase Manager), Tom Chiari (Run For Cover Records) and Adam…


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Has a Warrant Out for His Arrest

The man who admittedly gave Demi Lovato the drugs that led to her overdose is now a wanted man … TMZ has learned. The L.A. County D.A.’s Office tells us a judge issued a bench warrant for Brandon Johnson – but not for Demi … it’s…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Demi Lovato Overdose: Drug Dealer Off the Hook?!

Last week, Demi Lovato’s drug dealer spoke pretty bluntly about his involvement with Demi Lovato … and how he had provided her with the pills on which she overdosed.

Considering that Demi nearly died, that sounds like lousy self-promotion. It also sounded to many like a public confession to one or more crimes.

But apparently the police won’t be charging him over any part of this incident.

Brandon Johnson spoke to TMZ just a little over a week ago and … he did not hold back.

He says that Demi had texted him on the night of her overdose, inviting him to come to her residence.

He says that she was fully aware that he had offered her “aftermarket” pills — powerful painkillers laced with another powerful painkiller.

Oxycodone mixed with fentanyl makes for a dangerous and potentially deadly combination. And he says that Demi knew the risks.

“100% she knew what she was taking,” he insisted.

Sometimes, people speak of their alleged criminal behavior cleverly, in such a way that they haven’t — legally speaking — confessed to anything.

Johnson is not exactly a criminal mastermind. So you might think that police would see his interview and want to interview him themselves, right?

TMZ reports that their sources in law enforcement say that they’re not going after Johnson for this.

The reason? Because this was an overdose, which they classify as a medical emergency rather than a crime.

Johnson is in the clear for this particular incident.

Now, Demi could always try to sue Johnson. if she had died, her loved ones might have tried that — and tried to press charges.

Wrongful death suits can be nasty, and they are sometimes easier to prove than criminal cases.

But since Demi lived, it is difficult to imagine that she will go after this guy. She knows what she allegedly did or did not take and what she knew beforehand.

Besides, her inner circle of colleagues, friends, and family must want her to have as little stress as possible.

Oh, and you know that they don’t want her having any further contact with Johnson. A lawsuit is nearly the opposite of that.

It is important to know that, to hear Johnson tell it, he was much more than Demi’s dealer.

He says that the two of them were primarily just friends, but that their relationship had evolved into a sexual friendship.

He also says that she had sent him that 4-in-the-morning text message because she had wanted to hook up.

It sounds like the suggestion is that hooking up and getting a drug hook-up from him went hand-in-hand.

Clearly they weren’t too close, as he reportedly high-tailed it out of there — leaving Demi’s staff to discover that she had overdosed.

While we’re noting things about Johnson, the dude has been arrested a couple of times this year over possession of drugs, including cocaine.

He also had a fully loaded semi-automatic firearm without a permit, which those who favor an end to drug prohibition might say is worse.

Police have not yet charged Johnson for any specific crimes over his arrest in March.

But that does not mean that he is off the hook forever.

And it is always possible that the attention garnered by Demi’s overdose could mean that prosecutors aim to make an example of Johnson.

Demi, of course, is in rehab on the East Coast. She is said to have limited contact even with her close friends.

She is going to remain in rehab for as long as it takes.

For some people, an addiction is a lifestyle habit that they want to adjust. For others like Demi, a relapse isn’t embarrassing — it’s potentially lethal.

We are so glad that Demi survived and we hope that she makes a full recovery soon — but we’re glad that she’s taking her time in rehab.

We hope that no other creeps slither into her life.


Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Won"t Be Investigated for Her OD

The guy who supplied Demi Lovato with drugs, got high with her, and openly talked about the hours leading up to her OD … will not be arrested or even investigated by the LAPD.  Brandon Johnson spoke with our camera last week — detailing the…


Monday, August 27, 2018

TMZ Live: Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer She Knew The Risk

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Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Actually Speaks on Near-Fatal Overdose

The man who allegedly sold Demi Lovato the drugs that nearly ended her life has actually stopped on the sidewalk and given an interview.

And he’s talked rather openly about the entire situation as well.

Over the past week or so, reports have identified Brandon Johnson as the dealer with whom Lovato had supposedly worked since April.

The two had developement a pretty close relationship that some outlets even claimed cross over from professional… to plutonic… to sexual.

Jacobs had just recently gotten arrested prior to meeting Demi — and has been under fire (even more fire than comes the way of most drug dealers, that is) because there’s a rumor floating around that Lovato took tainted drugs.

This is to say, Demi may have been unaware that the substance she was given had been laced with fentanyl.

Was this the case, TMZ asked Johnson when the website grabbed a few moments with him over the weekend?

No, the drug dealer replied.

The artist “100% she knew what she was taking,” Johnson tells TMZ, adding:

“I disclosed to her that these were not pharmaceutical. There were after market drugs, they were much stronger. She understood fully.”

Johnson would very obviously be an example of the kind of toxic acquiantance that Demi let into her life since she fell off the wagon this past spring.

He says the two had a  “flirty friendship” that did, at times, becomes a “sexual” relationship and that they occasionally “messed around.”

Why did she text him at 4 a.m. the night of July 23, after going out with some friends to celebrate a birthday and then going back to her home with a select few of them?

“Cause she’s a girl and she wanted to kick it,” he said.

What did he and Lovato during at this late hour?

“We hung out. We watched our detective shows as usual… she sometimes has such long days, stressful hours and a stressful job” and she needs to relax.

Johnson admitted that he and Demi also took drugs together, but he didn’t get into any specifics and he claimed to not even have known what the drugs were mixed with.

Moreover, Lovato was a “little drunk” when he showed up, this shady individual confirms, but he tucked her in and left around 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. after she appears to be safely in bed, asleep.

“I’m not here to hurt anybody. I care for her very much,” the drug dealer told TMZ, concluding:

“I care for her a lot. I hope she comes through this better than she was before she got into it.”

Last we heard, Lovato was doing pretty well in rehab.

She is at an undisclosed location and she will remain there for an extensive period of time; the rest of the year, at minimum, according to various insiders.

When she gets out, she’d be wise to continue therapy in some fashion; to rely on her family members and long-term friends; and to never contact anyone such as Johnson ever again.

Hang in there, Demi. We’re thinking of you.


Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Says She Knew the Risks with "After Market" Pills

The man who supplied Demi Lovato with drugs the night she OD’d said she knew exactly the chance she was taking … that she was ingesting “after market pills,” which made things risky. Brandon Johnson told our photog Demi texted him…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jenelle Evans" Drug Dealer Introduces Himself to the World

Many reality stars have prompted the question, is this person on drugs?

So in that respect, Jenelle Evans has a lot of company.

But in one important way, the Carolina Hurricane is in a class of her own:

Not only do we know for a fact that she"s on drugs, we know her substance abuse is so severe that many who know her best are amazed she"s not dead or in prison.

Jenelle has admitted to smoking pot while pregnant; she"s been imprisoned for possession on countless occasions; and she"s nearly lost her life to overdoses.

Needless to say, Jenelle"s drug dealer is one of the most important people in her life, and now, for the first time, we get to meet this elusive figure.


1. The Substance Lover

Jenelle and her pills

Pills, pot, other drugs normalk people have never even heard of that also start with “p” … you name it,m Jenelle’s done it.

2. Partners In Crime

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Jenelle and David both seem to enjoy getting faded, which is one of the very few things that makes their marriage “work.”

3. Life on the Land

David and jenelle eason photo

Jenelle and David live in the middle of freakin’ nowhere, which can create problems for people who enjoy illicit substances.

4. Making It Work

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

But the Easons have apparently discovered a solution. It seems their neighborhood features a drug delivery system.

5. Eco-Friendly

Jenelle evans eye roll

As a bonus, the friendly neighborhood dopeman even gets around via bicycle. No carbon footprint here!

6. The Stranger in the Woods

Jenelle dave eason

But like all mythical creatures, Jenelle and David’s is seldom seen by mere mortals — which is why it’s so exciting that two locals recently caught a glimpse of the elusive beast …

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Demi Lovato Drug Dealer: Identified, Apparently Very Shady

New details have emerged regarding the recent overdose of Demi Lovato.

These details, however, have less to do with Lovato herself and more to do with the individual who supplied the drugs that led to her overdose.

At this point, nearly everyone who follows music or celebrity gossip is aware that Lovato was found unconscious on the morning of July 24.

She had spent the night before out with friends, returning to her home in Beverly Hills afterward with a number of these acquiantances, and was discovered passed out in her bed by her assistant hours later.

This assistant then called 911 and paramedics quickly arrived, administered a drug that helped reverse some of the affects of Demi’s overdose, and then took her to the hospital.

She remained there for about two weeks prior to checking into a treatment center for, what sources have said, will be an extensive recovery period.

So that’s pretty much all we know at the moment about Lovato.

On Tuesday, however, information was published by TMZ about the drug dealer with whom Demi has apparently worked since April of this year.

Sources told this website that Lovato allegedly texted this person around 4 a.m. the morning of her overdose.

The person arrived at Demi’s home with two freebased Oxycodone in tin foil, but the batch he handed over was reportedly laced with fentanyl, the same drug that killed Michael Jackson.

TMZ was somehow made aware that the dealer has been known to purchase dirty drugs from Mexico and that his shady actions in this case may have played a major role in Demi’s near-fatal reaction.

To be clear: Lovato has a serious substance abuse issue and needs professional assistance.

But that can be true and it can also be true that, unbeknownst to the artist, the dealer laced her order with something very dangerous and not requested.

Now, TMZ has actually identified the drug dealer.

His name is Brandon Johnson and he was arrested in March with a stash of guns, drugs and cash, per law enforcement sources.

This arrest took place just a few weeks before Lovato reportedly started using Johnson as her dealer, right around the time she fell off her six-year long wagon.

When the police picked Johnson up in North Hollywood, he allegedly had narcotics, a fully loaded semi-automatic handgun and $ 10,000 in his pocket. 

Officers proceeded to scour Johnson’s residence and discover eveb more guns, drugs and ammunition.

He was also arrested in June and charged with DUI and possession of cocaine. 

A source close to Johnson tells TMZ he’s been telling friends he and Demi have had a “romantic relationship,” but such a connection has not yet been corroborated.

He also denies selling Lovato drugs, but of course he does, right?

The guy probably denies selling anyone drugs.

We’ll continue to update readers with as much information about Lovato and her rehab as we can, but fans should not get their hopes up.

She will reportedly be away and receiving treatment for a number of months, secluded from the press and from the public.

As she should be. Whatever it takes to make sure this sort of thing never happens again.


Demi Lovato"s Alleged Dealer Arrested for Guns and Drugs Before Her OD

The man who showed up at Demi Lovato’s home and allegedly smoked drugs with her hours before her OD is no stranger to the law — cops nabbed him in a huge bust one month before he connected with the singer. Brandon Johnson was arrested back in March…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Sends "Who Is America?" Art Dealer a Letter and Gift

Sacha Baron Cohen doesn’t dupe and ditch when it comes to the art dealer he made look foolish on his show, “Who Is America?” — instead he sent her some real sh***y art. Christy Cones is the art expert at Laguna Beach’s Coast Gallery who met…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel Alleged Customers of Steroid Dealer

Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel and WWE superstar Roman Reigns were all dimed out as alleged customers of a now-imprisoned steroids dealer. The dealer, Robert Rodriguez, named all 3 celebs during a phone interview he did, from prison. Rodriguez claims…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jada Pinkett Smith Was a Drug Dealer When She Met Tupac

Jada Pinkett Smith was all about the thug life when she first met Tupac Shakur — maybe more than he was — because she was the one slinging drugs. She made the confession Wednesday on “Sway in the Morning” after Sway asked her to clear up the…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Flip or Flop" Stars Tarek and Christina El Moussa Sued for Stiffing Home Dealer on Commissions

Tarek and Christina El Moussa hired a guy to find homes for them to flip, but he claims the “Flip or Flop” stars haven’t paid him a dime, and are now more than $ 30k in the red with him. Jonathan Schmier is suing the reality TV stars for…


"Flip or Flop" Stars Tarek and Christina El Moussa Sued for Stiffing Home Dealer on Commissions

Tarek and Christina El Moussa hired a guy to find homes for them to flip, but he claims the “Flip or Flop” stars haven’t paid him a dime, and are now more than $ 30k in the red with him. Jonathan Schmier is suing the reality TV stars for…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Love and Hip Hop Star Mendeecees Harris Insists He"s No Drug Dealer, More Like a Mule

Mendeecees Harris is making an odd plea for a guy who’s currently doing hard time for drug trafficking — he’s insisting he’s NOT a drug dealer … TMZ has learned. Seems too little, too late, but the “Love and Hip Hop NY” star — who got 8 years in…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Jon Is A Drug Dealer!

We’ve always known that Kate Gosselin is an awful monster made of nightmares and screams and bad haircuts, but this is a little much, even for her.

Seriously, brace yourself, because this is just deplorable.

All those obnoxious little fits she’s had on reality television over the years don’t even hold a candle to this horror show.

According to police reports Kate filed last year — reports that have just recently been obtained by In Touch — Mommy Dearest here is hell-bent on bringing down Jon Gosselin.

But for real though.

In one report that was filed on April 24th, 2015, Kate claimed that Jon “kidnapped” their daughter, Hannah — that he took her from her school, apparently without her knowledge.

The police report goes on to reveal that Kate stated “Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics.”

Kate also said that Jon “frequently drinks alcohol around the children.”

And then, on April 27th, Kate called the police again because she was afraid Jon would get into “a hostile dispute” with her — wonder why he might want to do a thing like that?

She even went so low as to claim that “she detects suspicious behavior between Jon and their ten-year-old daughter,” Hannah.

Kate made one more call to the police a couple of days after that, but some bright officer “informed her this was a custody/civil matter, to be handled in court.”

And so it was: they had an emergency hearing in which a judge dismissed all of Kate’s claims.

An insider also explained that Kate didn’t even have the courtesy to tell Jon about all those bad things he’d allegedly done.

“Jon didn’t even know all of what Kate had accused him of until he saw the police report himself,” the source reveals.

“He believes Kate will stop at nothing to get what she wants — even if it means lying to police. She has no boundaries.”

It also turns out that Jon was particularly angry about the accusations that he was doing something wrong with Hannah.

“Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah. He was upset when he found out.”

How awful do you have to be to go after someone like this, especially someone you had eight children with?

To put your children’s wellbeing and happiness at risk just so you can make their father look bad?

It’s fitting that these reports are coming out so close to Halloween, because all this is downright terrifying.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Arsenio Hall SUES Sinead O"Connor: I Was NOT Prince"s Drug Dealer!

Arsenio Hall has filed a $ 5 million libel lawsuit against Sinead O’Connor after she published an incendiary rant about the comedian earlier this week.

In the accusatory Facebook post, O’Connor accused Hall of supplying Prince with drugs and for slipping her a mickey years ago.

O’Connor’s post reads:

“Two words for the DEA investigating where prince got his drugs over the decades…. Arsenio Hall (AKA Prince’s and Eddie Murphy’s bitch)

“Anyone imagining prince was not a long time hard drug user is living in cloud cuckoo land.

“Arsenio I’ve reported you to the Carver County Sherrif’s office. Expect their call.

“They are aware you spiked me years ago at Eddie murphy’s house. You best get tidying your man cave.”

Earlier this week, the DEA became involved in the investigation of Prince’s death after reports surfaced that a drug overdose may have played a role in the singer’s demise.

The songstress later posted a second, 1,400-word tirade targeted toward Hall, in which she likened his name to “Arse Hole.”

Hall’s lawsuit states that O’Connor is a “desperate attention seeker” and that all of her accusations are lies.

“Desperate, attention-seeker Sinead O’Connor has maliciously published outlandish defamatory lies about comedian Arsenio Hall,” the suit reads.

“The malicious statements made by O’Connor are absolutely false and O’Connor’s heinous accusations that Hall engaged in this criminal conduct are despicable, fabricated lies.”

O’Connor’s biggest hit to date, “Nothing Compares 2 U,” was written by the late Prince.

The Irish singer has a history of mental illness and has attacked other celebrities on social media at various times in the past.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lamar Odom: Ditched By Khloe Kardashian Following Visit From Drug Dealer?!

Ever since he was hospitalized for an overdose earlier this month, Lamar Odom has had Khloe Kardashian by his side.

Though they’d been legally separated since 2013, Khloe and Lamar called off their divorce in the wake of Lamar’s near-death experience.

Of course, Khloe is no idiot, and she reportedly made Lamar promise to never do drugs again before she would agree to take him back.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Lamar already messed up the arrangement by communicating with his drug dealer from his hospital bed. 

Several sources reported that an unidentified man showed up at Lamar’s hospital room yesterday and demanded that he be allowed to visit. 

It was only after he was booted by security that the man’s identity was revealed:

“Khloe found out that it was Lamar that had called his drug dealer and old roommate, and told him to come to the hospital,” a source tells Radar. “The friend showed up and went directly to Lamar’s room in ICU. He knew exactly where to go!”

Apparently, the man is still living in a property owned by Lamar, and he showed up with a legitimate gripe:

“Khloe had changed the locks on Lamar’s loft in Los Angeles,” says one insider. 

Still, Khloe was reportedly not at all happy that Lamar had been communicating with his ex-dealer behind her back, and she stormed out of the hospital:

“Khloe was just heartsick that Lamar called this low-life scumbag,” said the source.

“Lamar tried to deny it, but Khloe has heard it all befor – and she knew he was lying. Khloe decided to take Lamar’s cell phone and hasn’t been at the hospital for the past three days.”

Sounds like Khloe might be slowly remembering why she and Lamar called it quits in the first place.