Thursday, May 5, 2016

Arsenio Hall SUES Sinead O"Connor: I Was NOT Prince"s Drug Dealer!

Arsenio Hall has filed a $ 5 million libel lawsuit against Sinead O’Connor after she published an incendiary rant about the comedian earlier this week.

In the accusatory Facebook post, O’Connor accused Hall of supplying Prince with drugs and for slipping her a mickey years ago.

O’Connor’s post reads:

“Two words for the DEA investigating where prince got his drugs over the decades…. Arsenio Hall (AKA Prince’s and Eddie Murphy’s bitch)

“Anyone imagining prince was not a long time hard drug user is living in cloud cuckoo land.

“Arsenio I’ve reported you to the Carver County Sherrif’s office. Expect their call.

“They are aware you spiked me years ago at Eddie murphy’s house. You best get tidying your man cave.”

Earlier this week, the DEA became involved in the investigation of Prince’s death after reports surfaced that a drug overdose may have played a role in the singer’s demise.

The songstress later posted a second, 1,400-word tirade targeted toward Hall, in which she likened his name to “Arse Hole.”

Hall’s lawsuit states that O’Connor is a “desperate attention seeker” and that all of her accusations are lies.

“Desperate, attention-seeker Sinead O’Connor has maliciously published outlandish defamatory lies about comedian Arsenio Hall,” the suit reads.

“The malicious statements made by O’Connor are absolutely false and O’Connor’s heinous accusations that Hall engaged in this criminal conduct are despicable, fabricated lies.”

O’Connor’s biggest hit to date, “Nothing Compares 2 U,” was written by the late Prince.

The Irish singer has a history of mental illness and has attacked other celebrities on social media at various times in the past.