Friday, May 6, 2016

Ben Higgins & Lauren Bushnell: CALLING OFF Wedding??

The Bachelor doesn’t exactly have the best reputation for producing stable, lasting relationships.

And now, it appears as though another couple may be calling it quits.

A new report suggests that the latest Bachelor duo, Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell, may be ending their engagement after just five months.

Last month, rumors circulated claiming that the pair were experiencing “extreme tension” after Lauren witnessed Ben professing his love to Bachelor runner-up JoJo Fletcher.

But now, a source tells Life & Style that Lauren isn’t adjusting well to life in Denver.

“Lauren has been complaining to friends about how unhappy she is and how she has no purpose in Denver,” reveals the source.

When the couple got engaged, Lauren agreed to move from Los Angeles to the Mile-High City, where Ben lives and works, but is now reportedly regretting her decision.

“She can’t see herself living there permanently so Lauren has called off the wedding until Ben agrees to move to LA!” continued the source.

“He’s begged Lauren to get a job, get settled and make a new life for herself, but she just sits at home all day while he works,” the source added.

“She used to be a driven motivated young woman, and now she’s completely lazy.”

“At this point, Ben agrees with her decision to call of the wedding.”

If this is the case, the couple are doing a good job at hiding their relationship troubles.

During an interview with Indiana University’s What’s Up Weekly last month, Lauren said she was eager to start planning the nuptials, which may be televised.

“We’ve been engaged now for a lot longer than when the show ended, so I’m ready to at least start planning,” said Bushnell.

“Maybe by the end of this year,” she added.

Welcome to the spotlight, Ben and Lauren. Your relationship will now be under public scrutiny for the rest of your days.