Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Demi Lovato Drug Dealer: Identified, Apparently Very Shady

New details have emerged regarding the recent overdose of Demi Lovato.

These details, however, have less to do with Lovato herself and more to do with the individual who supplied the drugs that led to her overdose.

At this point, nearly everyone who follows music or celebrity gossip is aware that Lovato was found unconscious on the morning of July 24.

She had spent the night before out with friends, returning to her home in Beverly Hills afterward with a number of these acquiantances, and was discovered passed out in her bed by her assistant hours later.

This assistant then called 911 and paramedics quickly arrived, administered a drug that helped reverse some of the affects of Demi’s overdose, and then took her to the hospital.

She remained there for about two weeks prior to checking into a treatment center for, what sources have said, will be an extensive recovery period.

So that’s pretty much all we know at the moment about Lovato.

On Tuesday, however, information was published by TMZ about the drug dealer with whom Demi has apparently worked since April of this year.

Sources told this website that Lovato allegedly texted this person around 4 a.m. the morning of her overdose.

The person arrived at Demi’s home with two freebased Oxycodone in tin foil, but the batch he handed over was reportedly laced with fentanyl, the same drug that killed Michael Jackson.

TMZ was somehow made aware that the dealer has been known to purchase dirty drugs from Mexico and that his shady actions in this case may have played a major role in Demi’s near-fatal reaction.

To be clear: Lovato has a serious substance abuse issue and needs professional assistance.

But that can be true and it can also be true that, unbeknownst to the artist, the dealer laced her order with something very dangerous and not requested.

Now, TMZ has actually identified the drug dealer.

His name is Brandon Johnson and he was arrested in March with a stash of guns, drugs and cash, per law enforcement sources.

This arrest took place just a few weeks before Lovato reportedly started using Johnson as her dealer, right around the time she fell off her six-year long wagon.

When the police picked Johnson up in North Hollywood, he allegedly had narcotics, a fully loaded semi-automatic handgun and $ 10,000 in his pocket. 

Officers proceeded to scour Johnson’s residence and discover eveb more guns, drugs and ammunition.

He was also arrested in June and charged with DUI and possession of cocaine. 

A source close to Johnson tells TMZ he’s been telling friends he and Demi have had a “romantic relationship,” but such a connection has not yet been corroborated.

He also denies selling Lovato drugs, but of course he does, right?

The guy probably denies selling anyone drugs.

We’ll continue to update readers with as much information about Lovato and her rehab as we can, but fans should not get their hopes up.

She will reportedly be away and receiving treatment for a number of months, secluded from the press and from the public.

As she should be. Whatever it takes to make sure this sort of thing never happens again.
