If LeBron James ever decided to quit basketball and hit the cheerleading game … here’s what he’d look like … Meet Chris Ethridge … a University of Louisville cheerleader — who USA Cheer Team tells TMZ Sports is undoubtedly the LBJ of their…
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Jenelle Evans" Drug Dealer Introduces Himself to the World
Many reality stars have prompted the question, is this person on drugs?
So in that respect, Jenelle Evans has a lot of company.
But in one important way, the Carolina Hurricane is in a class of her own:
Not only do we know for a fact that she"s on drugs, we know her substance abuse is so severe that many who know her best are amazed she"s not dead or in prison.
Jenelle has admitted to smoking pot while pregnant; she"s been imprisoned for possession on countless occasions; and she"s nearly lost her life to overdoses.
Needless to say, Jenelle"s drug dealer is one of the most important people in her life, and now, for the first time, we get to meet this elusive figure.
1. The Substance Lover

2. Partners In Crime

3. Life on the Land

4. Making It Work

5. Eco-Friendly

6. The Stranger in the Woods

Monday, July 23, 2018
Pam Anderson Introduces French Soccer Star BF Adil Rami to Mom
Pamela Anderson’s BF, Adil Rami, just won the World Cup with France … so what’s next on the agenda for the soccer star? MEET HER MOM!! TMZ cameras were rolling when Pam and Adil pulled up to The Ivy Sunday in Bev Hills and witnessed the…
Thursday, June 28, 2018
John David Duggar Introduces the World to Abbie Burnett
Here she is, folks!
Earlier this week, John David Duggar confirmed the very exciting news that he"s officially courting Abbie Burnett.
We learned from the couple that Abbie is 26 years old; that shw rosk as a nurse; and that she lives in Oklahoma.
She also comes from her own rather large family (she has at least seven siblings) and that she got to know Duggar well during a church event for which he flew to her native state.
“Abbie and I are just so excited," John Duggar said in his typically reserved fashion while initially publicizing this romance to Us Weekly.
But in the video above, which John David and Abbie recorded for TLC, the burgeoning couple reveals a little more about itself and how they arrived at this point in their relationship.
"We"re in a courtship," Abbie says after John David introduces her to viewers, with Duggar trying very hard to smile while explaining that the two "fell in love very quickly."
"It"s been a wonderful journey thus far, and we"re taking the next step," John David adds.
We can"t say he sounds overly psyched about the whole thing while speaking, but it"s probably sort of awkward to make these videos for the network.
Abbie, meanwhile, chalks up their courtship to "a lot of prayer, a lot of counsel [and] a lot of time together," not making it sound as if there was any pressure on her and John David to get together at all.
They then conclude this interview by encouraging folks to watch Counting On.
Just how serious is the relationship?
It prompted Anna Duggar to break her social media silence; and it has already led to the creation of a joint Twitter handle, @johnandabbie.
"God is so good!" John David and Abbie wrote as a caption to the following photo of themselves for their first, and so far only, post.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, meanwhile, are understandably pumped that their 28-year old son has finally found love.
"We are so excited to announce the courtship of John David and Abbie!" they said in a statement on the family"s website, adding:
John David brings our hearts so much joy and we"ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along! Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them.
We can"t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.
Friday, February 16, 2018
Stassi Schroeder Introduces New Boyfriend Beau Clark: He"s Not a Douche!
If you’ve been watching the current season of Vanderpump Rules, you know that former SUR girl and reigning controversy queen Stassi Schroeder is having a tough go of it.
Granted, many of Stassi’s problems are self-created, but it’s still jarring to see the former queen bee take such a tumble from the top of the social ladder.
The past two weeks have been particularly rough for Stassi due to allegations of racism from Ariana Madix and some bizarre photos that refuse to go away.
(Pro tip: Even if dressing in “Nazi chic” is your idea of a good gag, maybe don’t post the pics on social media.)
Like we said, she’s not exactly on top this season, and her situation is made worse by the fact that she’s dating a total douche.
In real life, Patrick Meagher dumped Stassi on what would have been their fourth anniversary (like we said, douche), but when Vanderpump Season 6 was filmed, they were very much still dating.
Which means we’ve been subjected to levels of mansplaining and cliched bumper sticker-slogan philosophy to make Joel Osteen blush.
(Side note: Between Stassi dating Patrick and Scheana dating Robert Valletta, is it just us, or do these women really go in for some cheesy Danny Tanner types.)
“I am in a relationship right now,” Stassi confirmed to Andy Cohen on Monday.
Now, we know who Stassi is dating, and it seems that after a dating past that includes Patrick and the likes of Jax Taylor, it seems Stassi has broken the cycle with a non-douche.
“It is very new, but they are exclusive,” an insider revealed to E! News.
“Stassi is happy that she didn’t have to use a dating app and met him organically through her best friends.”
The source adds:
“Beau is very social and likable within his friend group, and that’s why Katie [Maloney] and Kristen [Doute] thought he would be a good match for her.”
Is seems Beau possesses the two most important traits for any human being – a sense of humor and a love of dogs:
“Stassi thinks he’s hilarious, and they both share similar humor,” the insider continued.
“They have been spending a lot of time together, and he stays at her apartment often. They both bond over their obsession with their dogs. Beau has slowly been introduced to the Vanderpump circle and there have been no issues yet.”
Stassi was reluctant to speak about Beau when speaking to Cohen, but she did have some kind parting words for Meagher:
“He’s a wonderful person and whoever he finds is a really lucky woman,” she said.
“He’s just not right for me. Once you try twice, like give it two really good shots, you’re not supposed to be together.”
Is it possible that the cast of VPR is … growing up?!
Someone get this girl 14 Pump-tinis, STAT!
We need some bad decisions, and we need ‘em now!
Watch Vanderpump Rules online can make her way back to the op of the social totem pole.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Hugh Jackman Introduces "Greatest Showman" Singer at Party for Sports and Entertainment Stars
Hugh Jackman, a bunch of movie stars, and past and present Olympians were treated to an early ‘Golden Globes’ preview … a live performance of “This is Me.” Jackman gave an impassioned speech about women in sports and entertainment before…
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Ben Affleck Introduces to Lindsay Shookus to Jennifer Garner!
There’s awkward, and then there’s … well, just about everything Ben Affleck does these days.
The Batfleck is living proof that you can be a world-famous, wildly successful millionaire, and something of an incorrigible f-ck-up at the same time.
It would almost be endearing. Ya know, were it not for all the groping and whatnot.
These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus, a relationship that’s done wonders for his mental health and well-being–if you ask Ben Affleck.
Insiders say many others are somewhat less enthused about Shoofleck pairing, including Ben’s long-suffering ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.
The problem, it seems, is not that Jen doesn’t like Lindsay, but rather that she feels Shookus might be a bad influence at a time when Ben should really be focusing on self-improvement and maintaining his relationship with his children.
Sources say Ben and Lindsay enjoy drinking together, which is a problem, as Ben’s been in and out of rehab several times.
Just before getting romantically involved with Shookus, he had reportedly informed Jen that he’d put the plug in the jug for good.
Following his most recent stint in treatment, Ben has apparently sworn off the sauce again, but insiders claim Garner is understandably still skeptical of his new relationship.
Because Ben only makes good decisions when he’s in the director’s chair, he apparently decided the best solution to this was to arrange a sit-down between Lindsay and Jen.
We assume the idea to spend the afternoon with his ex-wife and current girlfriend came to Ben during a shaky, sweaty rehab nightmare, and the guy is clearly a believer in making his dreams come true.
According to OK! magazine, the meeting took place Saturday afternoon at Jen’s home.
“Ben and Lindsay looked so happy to finally be making their relationship legit with Jen,” a source tells the tabloid.
“They’ve had to tiptoe around and Jen has resisted having the kids hang out with Lindsay,” the insider adds.
“Ben was dressed up and seemed to really want to make a good impression on Jen–like, how clean and healthy he looks. Lindsay looked a little nervous, but was getting support from Ben.”
This is a man who presumably has a form-fitting Batman costume in his closet, yet he apparently doesn’t rock it when he’s trying to make a good impression?
We’re rooting for you, Ben, but you might be beyond hope, bruh.
But hey, maybe he was afraid that any reminder of Justice League’s less-than-stellar reviews and box office returns would cause him to lapse into Sad Affleck mode.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Kate Middleton Introduces a Children"s Mental Health Video Resource!
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families produced an animated video designed to show children how to talk about mental health issues. That"s a wonderful resource for many children.
Kate Middleton, who is a patron of the organization, provides the introduction, lending her voice and celebrity status to a worthy cause.
We have the short video for you below, and it"s really worth watching.
We would expect nothing less from the Duchess of Cambridge.
This isn"t just because Kate Middleton is already a mother of two, with a third on the way. Though, obviously, this kind of topic is going to be near and dear to her heart as a mother.
By marrying into the British Royal Family, Kate Middleton did more than just become an implied villain on Grimm.
(Don"t ask)
She inherited a lot of responsibilities — one of which being that she"ll very probably be queen in the not-so-distant future.
Overall, she has an obligation to the British people — whose tax dollars include millions specifically for the royals — to use her influence and celebrity status for positive effect.
One of the ways that she"s doing this is by introducing this video, aimed at children, that talks about mental and emotional health.
Mental health is very complicated.
Until very recently, the subject was almost taboo among most people.
It"s been pointed out that Millennials, stereotypically, are willing to bluntly discuss things like depression and anxiety.
Part of that is being the first generation to grow up with evolving technology, from the internet to social media.
This provided not only access to mental health resources that aren"t hidden behind a paywall (as actually seeing a therapist is), but has allowed Millennials to engage with each other and share their own experiences.
There"s where you get conversations where people say "oh, I"ve always done that … I never knew that it was called executive dysfunction!" or "wait, my life doesn"t feel like it looks like on those commercials, but it sounds like I"m depressed."
Knowing the names for ways that you"re feeling puts you one step closer to finding helpful coping mechanisms.
This video is for younger children, though, and doesn"t use diagnostic terminology or talk about "coping mechanisms" in a formal way.
Rather it talks about feelings.
Some of us don"t live on emotional roller coasters now that we"re adults, and under normal circumstances are feelings are more or less limited to feelings like contentment, hungry, and drunk.
For children, however (and for many adults), there"s a whole spectrum of feelings that their tiny little bodies and still-developing brains cannot contain.
Magnifying that is the general powerlessness of children and the fact that a lot of parents don"t have a clue on how to listen to a child and know what"s normal for children and what could be a sign of mental illness.
So a lot of what the video talks about is how children can start conversations with their parents, teachers, and even their peers about how they"ve been feeling lately and what symptoms they"ve been experienced.
But it"s all handled so informally that they avoid medical jargon at all costs.
It"s important to note (though the video does not) that, in many cases, symptoms of mental health problems in young children can be signs of abuse of various types.
This is a great way to talk about this without making abused children reflexively defensive about what"s been happening to them.
A child might be afraid to tell an adult what"s happened to them at home, but they might not associate their trouble sleeping and stomach aches and acting out with the trauma that they are enduring.
Adorably, the video even deals with how to show good listening skills if a friend comes up to talk to them about mental health.
Always with the suggestion that an adult might be better equipped to help out with the problem.
It"s wonderful that Kate Middleton provided the introduction for this video.
By lending her voice, she gives it more weight and more reach.
There are too many people who still see mental health as a personal failing in which they do not see purely physical ailments. That"s sad, and only education can change that.
Even if you don"t have kids, this video is cute:
We would expect nothing less from the Duchess of Cambridge.
By marrying into the British Royal Family, Kate Middleton did more than just become an implied villain on Grimm.
(Don"t ask)
She inherited a lot of responsibilities — one of which being that she"ll very probably be queen in the not-so-distant future.
Overall, she has an obligation to the British people — whose tax dollars include millions specifically for the royals — to use her influence and celebrity status for positive effect.
One of the ways that she"s doing this is by introducing this video, aimed at children, that talks about mental and emotional health.
Mental health is very complicated.
Until very recently, the subject was almost taboo among most people.
It"s been pointed out that Millennials, stereotypically, are willing to bluntly discuss things like depression and anxiety.
Part of that is being the first generation to grow up with evolving technology, from the internet to social media.
This provided not only access to mental health resources that aren"t hidden behind a paywall (as actually seeing a therapist is), but has allowed Millennials to engage with each other and share their own experiences.
There"s where you get conversations where people say "oh, I"ve always done that … I never knew that it was called executive dysfunction!" or "wait, my life doesn"t feel like it looks like on those commercials, but it sounds like I"m depressed."
Knowing the names for ways that you"re feeling puts you one step closer to finding helpful coping mechanisms.
This video is for younger children, though, and doesn"t use diagnostic terminology or talk about "coping mechanisms" in a formal way.
Rather it talks about feelings.
Some of us don"t live on emotional roller coasters now that we"re adults, and under normal circumstances are feelings are more or less limited to feelings like contentment, hungry, and drunk.
For children, however (and for many adults), there"s a whole spectrum of feelings that their tiny little bodies and still-developing brains cannot contain.
Magnifying that is the general powerlessness of children and the fact that a lot of parents don"t have a clue on how to listen to a child and know what"s normal for children and what could be a sign of mental illness.
So a lot of what the video talks about is how children can start conversations with their parents, teachers, and even their peers about how they"ve been feeling lately and what symptoms they"ve been experienced.
But it"s all handled so informally that they avoid medical jargon at all costs.
It"s important to note (though the video does not) that, in many cases, symptoms of mental health problems in young children can be signs of abuse of various types.
This is a great way to talk about this without making abused children reflexively defensive about what"s been happening to them.
A child might be afraid to tell an adult what"s happened to them at home, but they might not associate their trouble sleeping and stomach aches and acting out with the trauma that they are enduring.
Adorably, the video even deals with how to show good listening skills if a friend comes up to talk to them about mental health.
Always with the suggestion that an adult might be better equipped to help out with the problem.
It"s wonderful that Kate Middleton provided the introduction for this video.
By lending her voice, she gives it more weight and more reach.
There are too many people who still see mental health as a personal failing in which they do not see purely physical ailments. That"s sad, and only education can change that.
Even if you don"t have kids, this video is cute:
Monday, August 14, 2017
Amber Portwood Introduces New Boyfriend, Gets Slammed By Haters
It’s only been three months since Amber Portwood broke off her engagement to Matt Baier, but it seems the troubled Teen Mom star is having zero trouble with moving on.
Over the weekend, Portwood revealed that she’s found someone new – and fan reactions to the news have been decidedly mixed.
“Don’t rush into anything enjoy time with yourself and Leah!! Heal and rejoice in being single!” one follower wrote,
“She should stay single for a while and focus on herself and most importantly, Leah,” another commented.
Amber was having none of the criticism and quickly lashed out on Twitter, writing:
“There’s nothing wrong with dating over 3 months after breaking up with someone..crazy how people judge and are so quick to talk shit? #FYou”
She’s inarguably right about that, but Amber is also deliberately over-simplifying the situation, and there are a few problems with her argument.
For one, she’s doing that annoying thing reality stars do, where they complain about and act completely baffled by all the interest in their personal lives, even though they’re literally famous for nothing other than living out their personal lives in a public forum.
We call it “that spotlight is hurting my eyes, but don’t you dare turn it off” logic.
On top of that, Amber has a long history of serious emotional instability and deeply troubled relationships.
And we don’t mean “troubled” in the way we’ve come to expect from reality stars.
Shortly after her relationship with Gary Shirley, Portwood was charged with felony domestic violence and sentenced to five years in prison.
Her relationship with Baier was only slightly less dysfunctional, characterized by drug use allegations, infidelity, and rumors of Amber helping Matt avoid child support payments for the indeterminate number of kids he fathered before he met her.
All of this is made all the more disconcerting when one recalls that Amber is raising an 8-year-old daughter.
So yes, in most cases, there’s nothing wrong with someone quickly getting over an old love with a new love.
But Amber is a unique case, and she has every reason to proceed with caution.
Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the rocky road that brought Amber to where she is today.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Charlie Sheen Introduces New Girlfriend on "Dark Day" (VIDEO)
Charlie Sheen’s beaming with pride and feeling miserable at the same time … courtesy of his new, smoking hot gf and President Trump. We got Charlie heading into Giorgio Baldi Thursday in Santa Monica to celebrate his daughter’s 12th…
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
McDonald"s Introduces the Frork; The World Will Never Be the Same
When you think of McDonald"s, there"s a good chance that "cutting edge technology" isn"t the first thing that comes to mind … but that"s all about to change.
The great minds over there have managed to invent a brand new way to eat food with a new utensil they"re calling a "frork."
The frork is essentially a fork, but the prongs are made of french fries. Ingenious, right?
Frorks will be available in limited supply on May 5th at participating locations, along with a new line of sandwiches.
And Twitter has absolutely no chill about any of it.
1. Behold, The Frork!

2. Frork Puns!

3. Things Take a Turn …

4. A Good Point …

5. Not the Hi-C!

6. Solid Question

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Ted Cruz Introduces Bill to Use El Chapo"s Drug Money to Pay for Border Wall (PHOTO)
Ted Cruz has the perfect solution on how to pay for Donald Trump’s border wall … pass a law to use El Chapo’s billions and loot from other lords to underwrite construction. The Texas senator introduced a new bill Tuesday called…
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Jennifer Lopez Introduces Her Mom to A-Rod (PHOTOS + VIDEO)
Jennifer Lopez is making a big relationship move with A-Rod … introducing him to mom. The new couple went out Sunday in NYC hand-in-hand — with J Lo’s mother, Guadalupe Rodriguez (yes, really), tagging along for the sight-seeing. …
Jennifer Lopez Introduces Her Mom to A-Rod (PHOTOS + VIDEO)
Jennifer Lopez is making a big relationship move with A-Rod … introducing him to mom. The new couple went out Sunday in NYC hand-in-hand — with J Lo’s mother, Guadalupe Rodriguez (yes, really), tagging along for the sight-seeing. …
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Kylie Jenner Introduces WHAT to Her Cosmetics Line?
Kylie Jenner has expanded her awful business.
The teenage reality star announced on Wednesday that she’s taking Kylie Cosmetics to a new level, going far above and beyond the Lip Kit that started her on a path to successful entrepreneurship.
Well, maybe not too far above and maybe not all that beyond.
Jenner is simply coming out with her own line of highlighters.
The Keeping Up With the Kardashians took to Snapchat yesterday in order to debut the six new shades, all of which will soon be available and each of which has a food-inspired name
As you can see in the following photo, the fresh colors are:
- Chocolate Cherry (rose)
- Strawberry Shortcake (peony pink)
- Cotton Candy Cream (blush)
- Salted Caramel (sand)
- French Vanilla (cream)
- Banana Split (gold)

After sharing this image on social media, Kylie proceeded to open up each Kylighter (yes, Kylighter) compact for a closer look, testing out the shimmers on her arm for her loyal fan base to see.
And for whatever reason, people really do care about this stuff.
“When I have a tan, I wear these two: Salted Caramel and Strawberry Shortcake,” Jenner said in one of her numerous videos introducing the collection.
However, she added with a written note:
“You can really wear any shade you want.”
Yes, folks, ANY shade you want! It’s your call!

Jenner wrapped up the promotional set of photos and video with a launch date:
“My babies launch in 6 DAYS!! Feb.28th at 3pm pst…can’t even wait,” she wrote.
According to recent reports, Kylie may be starring in her own E! spinoff one of these days, weeks or months.
She allegedly wants to break free from the shadow of her sisters and to eventually supercede Kim Kardashian as the biggest money-maker of all Jennerrs and Kardashians.
“Cameras will follow Kylie around to her glitzy photo shoots and glamorous nights out at LA clubs,” a source tells Life & Style of this potential series.
It’s safe to assume that Tyga would also be involved in some way, shape or form.
So now the question that remains is this…
… would you watch a Kylie Jenner reality show?
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Taylor Swift: Introduces Tom Hiddleston to Parents, Thinks He"s "The One," Sources Claim
As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Taylor Swift is dating Tom Hiddleston.
Swift and Hiddleston were caught kissing in public just days after news of the singer’s breakup with Calvin Harris went public.
And by “caught kissing,” we mean her publicists alerted the paparazzi that Taylor and Tom would be enjoying a romantic moment on a beach in Rhode Island, and they wouldn’t mind playing dumb for a few “candid” photos.
It was clearly Swift’s way of taking the relationship public without making a formal announcement, which is fine, but we can’t help but wonder – what’s the rush?
In the past, Taylor has quietly dated dudes for several months and let the press speculate all it wants.
With Hiddleston, it’s like she couldn’t share the news fast enough.
The answer, it seems, is that Taylor is more head-over-heels than she’s ever been before, which is saying something, as this is a girl who’s fallen hard many, many times in the past.
“She felt like she was a little school girl with a huge crush,” one insider tells E! News.
“She loves the fact that Tom acts like such a mature man. She lives that he is older. She feels very safe and protected with him. The attraction is very strong.”
Yes, “the one” talk has already begun.
We’d chalk this up to the fact that this is Taylor Swift, and the media seems to think she’s constantly chomping at the bit to get engaged, but in this case, there’s evidence to support the belief that he whole Swiddleston thing is actually moving very, very fast.
Taylor and Tom recently traveled to Nashville together, and according to Hollywood Life, one of the purposes of the trip was for Hiddleston to meet Mama Swift:
“Taylor would love for her mom to meet Tom,” says one insider.
“She’s eager to introduce them to each other. Taylor and her mom are super close, so it’s just a matter of time that the three of them will get to spend time together.
“If Taylor and Tom weren’t serious, she wouldn’t waste her mom’s time.”
We guess it’s not surprising that Taylor is so eager to make this one work.
Nothing really rhymes with “Hiddleston,” so writing a breakup song would be impossible.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 18 Introduces Show"s First LGBT Couple
Once Upon a Time went there on Sunday night, folks.
Back in September, executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis teased that their ABC series would depict its first-ever same-sex kiss at some point on Once Upon a Time Season 5, with Horowitz explaining that their goal was for their show to “reflect the world as it is now.”
Fast forward a few months to Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 18 and Ruby and Mula teaming up to take down the Wicked Witch.
After learning that Zelena had placed Dorothy in a sleeping curse, Ruby headed to the Underworld in an attempt to save her.
As we’ve seen before on this drama, the only cure for such a curse would be for the subject to be touched by True Love’s Kiss… and Ruby was the one to lay it on Dorothy’s lips in this case.
“True Love’s Kiss has been a staple of this show since the beginning,” Horowitz and Kitsis said about the development.
“This past Sunday’s episode was just another example of how in a fairy tale, as in life, love is love.”
While the smooch is receiving a lot of buzz this morning, the producers have continued to insist that the couple’s love story will be no different from what the series has showcased with Snow White and Prince Charming; or Emma and Hook.
This was not any kin of “very special episode,” Horowitz says, adding:
“We don’t want to marginalize… What we want it to be is normal.”
Click on the link below to watch Once Upon a Time online and react in our Comments section to this intriguing storyline.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Michael Snoddy: Paris Jackson Introduces (Much Older) New Boyfriend on Instagram!
It’s only been four months since Paris Jackson broke up with Chester Castellaw, but it looks as though Michael’s only daughter wasted no time in moving on.
Paris celebrated her 18th birthday on April 3, and she marked the occasion by hitting up Disney Land with her new dude Michael Snoddy.
Snoddy posted a a photo of himself and Paris piling on the PDA along with the following caption:
“Happy birthday to one of the most incredible women I’ve ever met! So happy we get to celebrate YOUR DAY together! Cheers to many more baby!”
Paris returned the favor, posting a pic of her and Snoddy kissing, with a caption reading, “Best birthday ever, my baby.”
Little is known about Snoddy, other than the fact that he’s 26 (Bear in mind that under California law, Paris just became “legal” this week.), he lists his profession as “drummer,” and his Instagram profile declares that he’s “$ OUTHERN MADE. HOLLYWOOD PAID.”
An older man might be able to provide the stability Paris seems to crave, but we hope those in her inner circle have counseled her on how to keep an eye out for fame-and-fortune chasers.
For the most part, Paris seems to be in a good place these days – slamming haters and bravely opening up about her past substance abuse issues on social media.
We hope she stays on the right path and that Snoddy is the guy to help her do it.
But if she’s anything like every other 18-year-old on the planet, she’s still got a whole lot of mistakes ahead of her.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Lindsay Lohan Introduces New Boyfriend, Sucks at Grammar
Last week, we reported that Lindsay Lohan is dating a 23-year-old Russian real estate agent named Igor Tarabasov.
For most celebs, that would qualify as some pretty random news. For Lindsay, this is the most normal thing she’s done since The Parent Trap.
In fact, this may be Lindsay’s most stable relationship in years.
The only thing weird about it is that a dude who’s spent his entire life living in Eastern Europe may have a better handle on the English language than his American girlfriend.
Linds posted the above photo today with a caption reading:
“This is what happens when you choose you’re “boyfriend jacket” for #fashion you both have to hide because he gets stuck with your tailored @chanelofficial jacket #westEnd.”
If you’re a teacher, you’re probably feeling tempted to print this up and bust out your red pen, but let us spare you the trouble.
We think what’s going on here is that Lindsay is trying to make a joke about her boyfriend wearing her jacket for Fashion Week, but instead it sounds like she turned herself into a jacket for the sake of fashion.
It’s not as embarrassing as Lindsay’s Photoshop fails, but by now, the girl should really know that she’s only funny when it’s unintentional.