Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ben Affleck Introduces to Lindsay Shookus to Jennifer Garner!

There’s awkward, and then there’s … well, just about everything Ben Affleck does these days.

The Batfleck is living proof that you can be a world-famous, wildly successful millionaire, and something of an incorrigible f-ck-up at the same time.

It would almost be endearing. Ya know, were it not for all the groping and whatnot.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus, a relationship that’s done wonders for his mental health and well-being–if you ask Ben Affleck.

Insiders say many others are somewhat less enthused about Shoofleck pairing, including Ben’s long-suffering ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.

The problem, it seems, is not that Jen doesn’t like Lindsay, but rather that she feels Shookus might be a bad influence at a time when Ben should really be focusing on self-improvement and maintaining his relationship with his children.

Sources say Ben and Lindsay enjoy drinking together, which is a problem, as Ben’s been in and out of rehab several times.

Just before getting romantically involved with Shookus, he had reportedly informed Jen that he’d put the plug in the jug for good.

Following his most recent stint in treatment, Ben has apparently sworn off the sauce again, but insiders claim Garner is understandably still skeptical of his new relationship.

Because Ben only makes good decisions when he’s in the director’s chair, he apparently decided the best solution to this was to arrange a sit-down between Lindsay and Jen.

We assume the idea to spend the afternoon with his ex-wife and current girlfriend came to Ben during a shaky, sweaty rehab nightmare, and the guy is clearly a believer in making his dreams come true.

According to OK! magazine, the meeting took place Saturday afternoon at Jen’s home.

“Ben and Lindsay looked so happy to finally be making their relationship legit with Jen,” a source tells the tabloid.

“They’ve had to tiptoe around and Jen has resisted having the kids hang out with Lindsay,” the insider adds.

“Ben was dressed up and seemed to really want to make a good impression on Jen–like, how clean and healthy he looks. Lindsay looked a little nervous, but was getting support from Ben.”

This is a man who presumably has a form-fitting Batman costume in his closet, yet he apparently doesn’t rock it when he’s trying to make a good impression?

We’re rooting for you, Ben, but you might be beyond hope, bruh.

But hey, maybe he was afraid that any reminder of Justice League’s less-than-stellar reviews and box office returns would cause him to lapse into Sad Affleck mode.
