Thursday, June 28, 2018

John David Duggar Introduces the World to Abbie Burnett

Here she is, folks!

Earlier this week, John David Duggar confirmed the very exciting news that he"s officially courting Abbie Burnett.

We learned from the couple that Abbie is 26 years old; that shw rosk as a nurse; and that she lives in Oklahoma.

She also comes from her own rather large family (she has at least seven siblings) and that she got to know Duggar well during a church event for which he flew to her native state.

“Abbie and I are just so excited," John Duggar said in his typically reserved fashion while initially publicizing this romance to Us Weekly.

But in the video above, which John David and Abbie recorded for TLC, the burgeoning couple reveals a little more about itself and how they arrived at this point in their relationship.

"We"re in a courtship," Abbie says after John David introduces her to viewers, with Duggar trying very hard to smile while explaining that the two "fell in love very quickly."

"It"s been a wonderful journey thus far, and we"re taking the next step," John David adds.

We can"t say he sounds overly psyched about the whole thing while speaking, but it"s probably sort of awkward to make these videos for the network.

Abbie, meanwhile, chalks up their courtship to "a lot of prayer, a lot of counsel [and] a lot of time together," not making it sound as if there was any pressure on her and John David to get together at all.

They then conclude this interview by encouraging folks to watch Counting On.

Just how serious is the relationship?

It prompted Anna Duggar to break her social media silence;  and it has already led to the creation of a joint Twitter handle, @johnandabbie.

"God is so good!" John David and Abbie wrote as a caption to the following photo of themselves for their first, and so far only, post.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, meanwhile, are understandably pumped that their 28-year old son has finally found love.

"We are so excited to announce the courtship of John David and Abbie!" they said in a statement on the family"s website, adding:

John David brings our hearts so much joy and we"ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along! Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them.

We can"t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.

John david duggar introduces the world to abbie burnett