Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Introduces New Boyfriend, Sucks at Grammar

Last week, we reported that Lindsay Lohan is dating a 23-year-old Russian real estate agent named Igor Tarabasov.

For most celebs, that would qualify as some pretty random news. For Lindsay, this is the most normal thing she’s done since The Parent Trap.

In fact, this may be Lindsay’s most stable relationship in years.

The only thing weird about it is that a dude who’s spent his entire life living in Eastern Europe may have a better handle on the English language than his American girlfriend.

Linds posted the above photo today with a caption reading:

“This is what happens when you choose you’re “boyfriend jacket” for #fashion you both have to hide because he gets stuck with your tailored @chanelofficial jacket #westEnd.”

If you’re a teacher, you’re probably feeling tempted to print this up and bust out your red pen, but let us spare you the trouble.

We think what’s going on here is that Lindsay is trying to make a joke about her boyfriend wearing her jacket for Fashion Week, but instead it sounds like she turned herself into a jacket for the sake of fashion.

It’s not as embarrassing as Lindsay’s Photoshop fails, but by now, the girl should really know that she’s only funny when it’s unintentional.