Monday, August 14, 2017

Amber Portwood Introduces New Boyfriend, Gets Slammed By Haters

It’s only been three months since Amber Portwood broke off her engagement to Matt Baier, but it seems the troubled Teen Mom star is having zero trouble with moving on.

Over the weekend, Portwood revealed that she’s found someone new – and fan reactions to the news have been decidedly mixed.

“Don’t rush into anything enjoy time with yourself and Leah!! Heal and rejoice in being single!” one follower wrote,

“She should stay single for a while and focus on herself and most importantly, Leah,” another commented.

Amber was having none of the criticism and quickly lashed out on Twitter, writing:

“There’s nothing wrong with dating over 3 months after breaking up with someone..crazy how people judge and are so quick to talk shit? #FYou”

She’s inarguably right about that, but Amber is also deliberately over-simplifying the situation, and there are a few problems with her argument.

For one, she’s doing that annoying thing reality stars do, where they complain about and act completely baffled by all the interest in their personal lives, even though they’re literally famous for nothing other than living out their personal lives in a public forum.

We call it “that spotlight is hurting my eyes, but don’t you dare turn it off” logic.

On top of that, Amber has a long history of serious emotional instability and deeply troubled relationships.

And we don’t mean “troubled” in the way we’ve come to expect from reality stars.

Shortly after her relationship with Gary Shirley, Portwood was charged with felony domestic violence and sentenced to five years in prison.

Her relationship with Baier was only slightly less dysfunctional, characterized by drug use allegations, infidelity, and rumors of Amber helping Matt avoid child support payments for the indeterminate number of kids he fathered before he met her.

All of this is made all the more disconcerting when one recalls that Amber is raising an 8-year-old daughter.

So yes, in most cases, there’s nothing wrong with someone quickly getting over an old love with a new love.

But Amber is a unique case, and she has every reason to proceed with caution.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the rocky road that brought Amber to where she is today.
