Showing posts with label Cosmetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosmetics. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner Makes Forbes Cover as Billionaire Cosmetics Queen

Finally, Kylie Jenner did NOT land a magazine cover for her looks, instead it was her FAT assets as she’s set to become America’s youngest self-made BILLIONAIRE. Forbes put the 20-year-old on the cover of its issue ranking the 60 richest self-made…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian To Meet With Congress Over Cosmetics Regulation

Kourtney Kardashian is about to dip her toes into D.C. politics … and it’s all in the name of cosmetics. Our Kardashian sources say Kourtney will come face-to-face with several members of Congress Tuesday in hopes of helping to reform the laws…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Gwen Stefani Launching Her Own Cosmetics Line

Gwen Stefani’s already mastered “The Voice” and now it looks like she’s moving on to the face with her own line of cosmetics.  Gwen’s applied to trademark P8NT — as in “paint” — for her own makeup line. It’s a clever name considering it’ll…


Gwen Stefani Launching Her Own Cosmetics Line

Gwen Stefani’s already mastered “The Voice” and now it looks like she’s moving on to the face with her own line of cosmetics.  Gwen’s applied to trademark P8NT — as in “paint” — for her own makeup line. It’s a clever name considering it’ll…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Serena Williams Files "Aneres" Trademark for Cosmetics Line

Serena Williams wants to serve an ace on yo face … with a new cosmetics line. The tennis great filed legal docs to trademark “Aneres” (spells Serena backwards, btw). Serena had already locked down the name a while back, but it was for her…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Files Legal Docs to Get Into the Cosmetics Business

Kourtney Kardashian is getting in the makeup game … TMZ has learned. Kourtney filed legal docs to own the name “Kourt.” As for what she wants to the name for … she’s going to hawk cosmetics. The docs make it clear … her intention is to fire…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kylie Cosmetics Made THIS Much Money, Kris Jenner Reveals

The ultimate momager looks like the cat who ate the canary, and not without cause.

In the video below, Kris Jenner is talking about where Kylie Cosmetics is going in the future, how Kylie manages it all, and the ludicrous amount of money that her daughter"s company has made in just 18 months.

And, at the same time, she"s giving us some insight into how she found comfort despite Kylie"s teen pregnancy.

Kris jenner kylie jenner splitKris jenner satisfied smile

If Kris Jenner were a cartoon character, her eyes would have become dollar signs several times during this interview.

"Maternal pride" doesn"t even begin to describe what the momager is clearly feeling in this video.

See, Kylie Jenner just entered the makeup business, what … two years ago? 

Overnight, she became a makeup mogul.

Whenever she puts out products, they sell out. Pretty much immediately.

According to projections, the teen tycoon"s business, Kylie Cosmetics, will be worth a billion dollars within five years.

But … how much has the company already made?

Kylie jenner on her side

Kris Jenner has revealed that her youngest daughter"s company has made $ 420 million.

(Blaze it?)

All in just her first 18 months of operating.

The vast majority of people on Earth won"t make 1% of that during their entire lifetimes.

In fact, it"s more standard for someone to make, what, one five-thousandth of that in that amount of time.

Kris looks pleased as punch about the whole thing, because of course she does.

One, she"s proud of her daughter — her youngest, in fact — for maximizing her social media influence and then so effectively transforming that into financial success.

Two, she"s manager to all of her children, right? So … we"d imagine that she gets a cut. She doesn"t say that, but … we wouldn"t be surprised.

Kris jenner helicopter

Kris Jenner teases the idea that Kylie might one day look for a business partnership with a major brand.

But right now, it"s all Kylie"s money propping it up. No investors means that Kylie"s in control.

(With some advice from momager dearest, of course)

Kris also talks about where she imagines that Kylie Cosmetics might go in the future.

"The goal in the future is to just build the whole infrastructure, and figure out what a retail model might look like that could take it globally."

So it"s all about world domination, basically.

She mentions that getting into the Middle Eastern market would be a goal. Potentially.

But Kris emphasizes that Kylie has a wealth of options.

"She’s just scratched the surface and there is so much more to do with the brand."

We"d say so.

Kylie jenner white robe with nails

So, what insight does all of this lend us to how Kris Jenner made peace with Kylie getting knocked up by a rebound guy at 19?

Simple. We imagine that Kris just looked at the big picture.

As long as Kylie is raking in the big bucks — the biggest possible bucks — with the power of her brand and with her makeup empire, does Kris really care what she does?

You know how there are some parents who don"t assign a curfew so long as their teenager isn"t getting into trouble and is still a straight A student?

Well, the momager equivalent of that is not caring about your daughter"s "questionable" life decisions if her business empire is dominating the market.

That"s our guess, of course — Kris" private thoughts are, well, private.

In this whole video, though, Kris is bursting with pride.

Kylie cosmetics made this much money kris jenner reveals

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Kylie Jenner Cosmetics is Worth… Wait… WHAT?!? This Can"t Be Right

When she poses for selfies online, Kylie Jenner rarely wears a lot of clothing.

When she checks her bank account these days, however, Kylie Jenner sees a whole lot of money.

Just how much money may cause your jaw to shatter based on the speed at which it will drop to the floor.

Featured on, Kylie and mother Kris Jenner spoke to the website this week about the former’s beauty company, Kylie Cosmetics.

And while it may have received some very negative customer reviews over the years, that apparently has not stopped people from purchasing products sponsored by Kylie.

Not by a long shot.

Kylie Cosmetics reportedly made $ 420 million in sales over the past 18 months, according to paperwork filed by Kris Jenner and discussed in the WWD article.

The fashion trade goes on to write that the company is projected to see sales go up by 25 percent next year… and is on track to become a billion-dollar beauty brand by 2022.

Yes, a BILLION-DOLLAR beauty brand.

Take that, Kim Kardashian, huh?

For context of this accomplishment, WWD notes that Estee Laude reached revenues of $ 500 million after a decade.

And L’Oreal’s Lancome became a billon-dollar brand in 2015. After 80 years.

Kylie Cosmetics, meanwhile, wasn’t even created until 2015. This is all pretty nuts.

“In the beginning I didn’t really know what my vision was,” Kylie told WWD, explaining of her business endeavor:

“I didn’t know if I wanted to keep my whole line the same, consistent.

“And then I think I realized over time that I like to switch it up, so … that’s where I kind of started creating my collections and just changing all my vials pink if I wanted to and doing fun unit cartons and just really, just having fun with the line.”

The 20-year old mogul launched her now-famous lip kits in three shades in November of 2015.

“I refreshed the page about a minute after we launched and everything was sold out,” she said. “I thought there was a glitch at first.”

Since this time , Jenner has expanded her collection to include blushes, highlighters and eyeshadow palettes.

“I think people were surprised that the brand is so successful because it’s something that Kylie’s created but didn’t really expect the whole business to be the perfect storm,” says her mother, expounding as follows:

“One they tried it, saw it, wore it, were able to experiment with it, and it’s such a great product and it’s so well done, it just kind of exploded and I think that people were thinking, ‘Oh, OK, is she really a player in this business?’

“And I think she proved that she is.”

Concludes her famous, supportive parent:

“Kylie is hardworking, creative, focused and she has the most amazing work ethic of anybody I’d ever met in my life and she really considers this her true passion, an honor and a huge responsibility…

“She’s amazing."”

And just to think… if Kim had never been plowed by Ray J on camera, none of this would be possible.

Talk about amazing!


Kylie Jenner"s Cosmetics Line Worth Over $400 Million, According to Kris Jenner

Kylie Jenner’s well on her way to turning her cosmetics line into a billion-dollar brand … according to her mom/biz manager, Kris Jenner. Since officially launching her famous Kylie Cosmetics lip kit line in 2016, inquiring minds wanted to…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Facing Criticism for Her Cosmetics Line AGAIN?!

Oh, that Kylie Jenner.

It’s almost like a 19-year-old girl without any real education or knowledge about anything other than how to take a good selfie is having a hard time running an entire business.

Because — surprise, surprise — poor Kylie has once again angered the masses with a business decision she’s made with her popular makeup line, Kylie Cosmetics.

And this time, it’s pretty darn gross.

Kylie recently announced that she plans on adding blush to her company’s line. Five matte blushes, to be exact.

And that’s wonderful, right? She’s already got her super popular lip kits, lip gloss, eye shadow palettes, eyeliner, and highlighters. Blush is the next logical step.

But then she revealed the names and shades of the blush. And that’s when things took a turn.

As you can see, Kylie decided to name these new products X Rated, Barely Legal, Virginity, Hot and Bothered, and Hopeless Romantic.

Bet you can’t guess the issue here!

Virginity is kind of a creepy name, and some people aren’t too pleased with it, but Barely Legal? Yeah, this is a dumb move, Kylie.

And her fans and critics alike were quick to call her out for it.

One woman tweeted “Can Kylie Jenner not sexualize young women with her blush names like ‘Virginity’ and ‘Barely Legal’ like ……..”

Another person was a little more pointed with her criticism, writing “How could you call a makeup product ‘Barely Legal’? Kylie Jenner should be f-cking ashamed of herself.”

“Seriously Kylie Jenner,” one girl urged, “choose better names for your products. You have 12+ year old fans!”

And thankfully, several people pointed out what we were all thinking — is Kylie for real trying to sell a product called “Barely Legal” when enough people think something shady was going down between her and Tyga before her 18th birthday?

But the thing is that Kylie isn’t dumb — at least not when it comes to courting controversy for profit.

Many, many makeup lines before hers have been criticized for racy names.

Kat Von D has had a few questionable names for her products: a couple of years ago, she released a lipstick named Underage Red, and a couple of years before that, another lipstick called Celebutard was pulled from shelves.

Two of NARS Cosmetics’ cult favorite products are called Orgasm and Deep Throat, and while they’ve never been pulled, they’ve definitely been side-eyed.

Even MAC has come under fire for their sketchy lip gloss named Underage.

So Kylie isn’t alone, not even a little bit, for choosing questionable but memorable names for her makeup products.

Though she is the only one who’s had a well-documented “barely legal” relationship.

Congrats, girl.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner Introduces WHAT to Her Cosmetics Line?

Kylie Jenner has expanded her awful business.

The teenage reality star announced on Wednesday that she’s taking Kylie Cosmetics to a new level, going far above and beyond the Lip Kit that started her on a path to successful entrepreneurship.

Well, maybe not too far above and maybe not all that beyond.

Jenner is simply coming out with her own line of highlighters.

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians took to Snapchat yesterday in order to debut the six new shades, all of which will soon be available and each of which has a food-inspired name

As you can see in the following photo, the fresh colors are:

  • Chocolate Cherry (rose)

  • Strawberry Shortcake (peony pink)

  • Cotton Candy Cream (blush)

  • Salted Caramel (sand)

  • French Vanilla (cream)

  • Banana Split (gold)

Jenner highlights

After sharing this image on social media, Kylie proceeded to open up each Kylighter (yes, Kylighter) compact for a closer look, testing out the shimmers on her arm for her loyal fan base to see.

And for whatever reason, people really do care about this stuff.

“When I have a tan, I wear these two: Salted Caramel and Strawberry Shortcake,” Jenner said in one of her numerous videos introducing the collection.

However, she added with a written note:

“You can really wear any shade you want.”

Yes, folks, ANY shade you want! It’s your call!

kylie kolors

Jenner  wrapped up the promotional set of photos and video with a launch date:

“My babies launch in 6 DAYS!! Feb.28th at 3pm pst…can’t even wait,” she wrote.

According to recent reports, Kylie may be starring in her own E! spinoff one of these days, weeks or months.

She allegedly wants to break free from the shadow of her sisters and to eventually supercede Kim Kardashian as the biggest money-maker of all Jennerrs and Kardashians.

“Cameras will follow Kylie around to her glitzy photo shoots and glamorous nights out at LA clubs,” a source tells Life & Style of this potential series.

It’s safe to assume that Tyga would also be involved in some way, shape or form.

So now the question that remains is this…

… would you watch a Kylie Jenner reality show?


Kanye West Wants to Enter Cosmetics Business Like Kylie

Kanye West wants to go head-to-head with his famous sister-in-law … diving head first into the cosmetic biz dominated by Kylie Jenner. Kanye’s filed legal docs declaring his intention to produce DONDA brand makeup, perfumes, lotions and other…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Kylie Jenner -- Makeup Artist Threatens Cosmetics Lawsuit (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kylie Jenner specializes in makeup, so she may want to seriously make up with one woman who’s threatening to drop the legal hammer on her for ripping off her photos to promote Kylie’s cosmetics line. A woman named Vlada Haggerty says her…


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kylie Jenner Cosmetics: A Total and Complete Failure!

Kylie Jenner is good at many things.

Take posing for selfies while wearing very little clothing, for example.

Hmmm…. okay. We take it back.

Kylie Jenner is basically good at one thing.

But we now know something at which the Keeping Up with the Kardashians actress is decidedly bad at: running a company.

Kylie Cosmetics, the company behind the ridiculous Kylie Jenner Lip Kit, is not doing very well at the moment.

According to the Better Business Bureau, consumer satisfaction when it comes to the organization is at an all-time low.

The company has racked up 137 customer complaints on that website in the nine months since it opened for business.

Back in December, for example, many patrons claimed they ordered the Lip Kit… and then never actually received the Lip Kit.

In April, meanwhile, there was a security breach at Kylie Cosmetics.

The company’s official website inadvertently exposed personal information of customers to other customers for a short bit.

In response to these problems and complaints, the Better Business Bureau confronted the company last month, hoping to promote a turnaround.

However, in the last week alone, 10 people have taken issue with service or delivery.

For instance, one customer’s kit arrived without the pencil.

We’d tell Kylie to stop taking selfies and to focus on her actual business, but that would imply she has any actual control or say at her business.

And anyone who believes Kylie Jenner has anything to do with Kylie Cosmetics in any operational sense probably believes that Kris Jenner didn’t help leak the Kim Kardashian sex tape.

Then again, should some blame also be placed on the shoulders of the consumers here?

Who buys anything because Kylie Jenner says so?!?