Showing posts with label Enter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enter. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lil Xan Announces Plans to Enter Rehab On One-Year Anniversary of Lil Peep"s Death

Lil Xan’s stage name might be inspired by his love of prescription medications, but it seems the death of several close friends has caused the rapper to realize that recreational pill-popping can have deadly consequences.

According to TMZ, Xan (nee Diego Leanos) has announced plans to enter rehab in order to seek help for an addiction to opioids.

It’s no coincidence that he reached the decision to enter treatment exactly one year after fellow emcee Lil Peep was found dead of an overdose.

And sadly, at the age of 22, Leanos has been impacted by the opioid crisis multiple times.

Rapper Mac Miller, who died of an overdose in September was a close friend and mentor of Xan’s.

Leanos has stated that he decided to get sober not long after learning of Miller’s passing.

He says he’s recently been hard at work on an album that he describes as a tribute to Miller.

But apparently, Leanos realizes that his health needs to take priority over his work, as he announced today that he’ll be putting that project on hold in order to focus on getting sober:

“I just dropped out of SoundCloud Uni to go to rehab, I leave in like 5 days and I couldn’t be happier with this choice,” Xan wrote on Instagram today.

“I love you guys for being so supportive and can’t wait too get back clean headed ready to Finish my album!”

The decision comes just days after Xan opened up about his ongoing substance abuse issues in an interview with TMZ:

“I relapsed, and that’s common … Any other addict would understand that sh-t just happens,” Leanos told the outlet.

“You just relapse. You don’t want to. It’s a process. You need treatment and help, and sometimes that doesn’t even help.”

Xan made it clear in recent interviews that while he is not as “strung out” as he’s been in the past, he has still not achieved the sobriety he aspires to:

“I’m not completely clean. Off Xanax, yes, but I’m still weaning off Norcos [a brand of codeine-based painkiller],” he said.

While fans have been supportive of Xan’s decision, many expressed hope that he would decide to check into rehab immediately, rather than waiting until next week.

We wish him all the best as he embarks upon the long road to recovery.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

O"Hara in "Enter the Dragon" "Memba Him?!

Robert Wall is best known for playing the scarred bodyguard O’Hara — who dies at the hands of Lee during competition — in the 1973 martial arts masterpiece “Enter the Dragon.” Guess what he looks like now!


Monday, August 27, 2018

Mel B to Enter Rehab for Sex, Alcohol Addiction

Mel B may typically be in the news these days for judging acts on America’s Got Talent, but the former Spice Girl is now making headlines for admitting to something personal.

The singer has got a very big problem.

She actually has two very big problems, according to an interview Brown gave to The Sun over the weekend.

Citing an “incredibly difficult” past six months, Brown says she is seeking professional treatment for alcohol addiction and sex addiction.

“I’ve been working with a writer on my book, Brutally Honest, and it has been unbelievably traumatic reliving an emotionally abusive relationship and confronting so many massive issues in my life,” Brown told the British publication, adding:

“I am being very honest about drinking to numb my pain but that is just a way a lot of people mask what is really going on.”

Added the 43-year old:

“Sometimes it is too hard to cope with all the emotions I feel. But the problem has never been about sex or alcohol – it is underneath all that.

“I am fully aware I have been at a crisis point. No one knows myself better than I do, but I am dealing with it.”

Back in April of 2017, things for very heated and very ugly between Brown and ex-husband Stephen Belafonte.

The artist and NBC personality accused Belafonte at the time of abusing her physically and emotionally, while forcing her to have threesomes … and then blackmailing her by threatening to release secret tapes he had made of these encounters.

Brown even shared photos (such as the one below) of bruises she said she received a result of being punched and shoved by her husband. 

Mel allegedly told friends at the time that she was afraid to go public with these allegations for awhile because she feared Belafonte would have her murdered.

According to a friend who spoke to The Sun, Brown responded to this trauma by becoming “sex-crazed” and even slept with three men in one day at one point.

She was looking for affection and comfort wherever she could find it.

But Brown now acknowledges she has serious personal demons and issues and will check into a rehab facility in England to deal with them.

“I am still struggling, but if I can shine a light on the issue of pain, PTSD and the things men and women do to mask it, I will,” Brown tells the newspaper, adding:

“I am speaking about this because this is a huge issue for so many people.”

In November of, 2017 the exes reached a private settlement and, in exchange for doing so, Brown withdrew her domestic violence restraining order against Belafonte.

In addition to her statement, Mel B tweeted “Knowledge is power” on Sunday, along with a link to a website detailing PTSD.

She also retweeted a post from her mother, Andrea Brown, mentioning Mel’s decision to enter rehab. 

This is what it says:

I’m so proud of my daughter. She has the courage to face her demons head on and deal with them.

I know what hell she has been through and I know what trauma she has suffered and still suffers.

Do not judge because so many people have PTSD and try and numb the pain any way they can.

I am proud of her honesty and I am proud my daughter speaks out on a subject that affects so many people.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Demi Lovato Finally Agrees to Enter Rehab

We know that Demi Lovato is still in the hospital following her overdose, but fans and her loved ones are eager for her to get long-term help. They fear that if she doesn’t enter rehab, she’ll die.

There are two pieces of good news.

One, Demi has agreed to go to rehab. And two, the arrangements for rehab have already been made.

TMZ reports that Demi Lovato has agreed to enter rehab in the aftermath of her terrifying hospitalization for an overdose.

They also report that a plan has been formed with the intended facility.

According to TMZ’s sources, Demi’s family raised the issue of rehab directly — after waiting for days.

The reason for the delay was that Demi’s health was in a precarious place. Her scary overdose had a number of complications.

While she was so sick, apparently her family did not want to raise any contentious topics. That’s smart.

As we mentioned and as TMZ reports, Demi is still at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

But her stay at the hospital won’t be indefinite.

One source tells TMZ: “She’s getting out any day now.”

We don’t doubt it.

When she leaves the hospital, however, she won’t be headed home.

Insiders say that Demi won’t be taking a few days to recover from her stay at the hospital at home or in a hotel.

She will instead be headed directly to rehab.

We do not yet know which live-in rehab facility will become her new residence for the next little while.

In fact, we don’t even know if it’s in California or elsewhere.

We know that it is unlikely to be one in L.A. because there are so many triggers for Demi’s addiction.

We also know that it’s likely to be somewhere that can accommodate a celebrity who just had an extraordinarily public overdose.

Demi continues to have the love and support of her fans, her family, and her friends.

Unfortunately, in the aftermath of Demi’s overdose, her BFF Dani Vitale received death threats as some furious Lovatics blamed her for somehow being responsible for Demi’s overdose.

Vitale had to beg Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats, clarifying that though Demi had been celebrating her birthday hours earlier, she was with another group of people when she died.

Death threats aren’t okay either way, but it adds another layer of cruelty to try to blame someone who cares about Demi on such a personal level.

Just weeks before her overdose, Demi had revealed to the world that she had fallen off of the wagon in terms of her sobriety.

Prior to that, she had recently celebrated six years of sobriety.

This is a grim reminder that addiction isn’t cured by sobriety, and stays with people. It can be frighteningly easy for someone to fall back onto old, potentially deadly habits.

And no amount of financial resources or personal support makes someone immune to addiction.

We hope that Demi makes a full and speedy recovery. She has millions of people who love and adore her.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Roloffs Enter the Guinness Book of World Records, Can Now Trash Talk the Kardashians

Take this, Kardashians.

Go ahead and suck on it, Duggars.

Not even close, Wilkinson-Basketts!

The Roloffs now have bragging rights that no other group of relatives on reality television can match.

We mean this both literally and officially.

On Monday, Matt Roloff surprised Instagram followers by sharing two very sweet photos on his official social media account, both of which were accompanied by a caption that explained an impressive family achievement.

We’ll go ahead and let Matt explain on his loved ones’ behalf:

“The Roloff family’s very exciting news to share with you all… We have – along with all of YOU – made history,” he wrote to open this caption, adding in more detail:

“We’ve been awarded by the Guinness Book of World Records for the most family-focused reality television shows in the history of television!!

“We couldn’t have done it without all of you.

“If you have been a fan for a while, help us share the exciting news by sharing this photo on social media and mentioning how long you have been watching #LPBW.

“We appreciate you guys! @mattroloff @rolofffarms #littlepeoplebigworld #theroloffs #therolofffamily #worldrecord.”

Wow, huh?

We had no idea this even was a record one could achieve.

But Little People, Big World has been on the air since 2005.

As you can maybe see in the photo above, the series hit the 298-episode mark in January, which was apparently the figure needed to propel the Roloffs to the top.

For comparison’s sake:

Keeping Up with the Kardashians has aired 214 episodes, while 19 and Counting may have threatened this figure if TLC had not canceled the series in the wake of that Josh Duggar molestation scandal.

At the time of its axing, that family-based program had aired 227 installments.

This news comes at an interesting time for the show and for the family as a whole.

There’s been chatter among fans regarding the series’ future, based on Matt’s bombshell news that he’s moving to Arizona.

It’s unclear at the moment if this will have any impact on TLC renewing Little People, Big World for a new season.

The past few episodes of the show have also focused more than ever on tension between Matt and Amy, both of whom seem sick of working so closely together and definitely sick of living so close to each other.

This tension has been heightened of late because both Matt and Amy are involved in serious romantic relationships.

What might happen to the series if Matt marries Caryn Chandler and/or Amy marries Chris Marek?

Again, we don’t know.

But as you can see by the comparisons we made above, Little People, Big World is not in any danger of losing this record any time soon.

Its flown past the 300-episode milestone at this point and, even if it ends after this season, no other family-oriented reality show appears to be close.

So… congratulations to the Roloffs.

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching your adventures over the years and we hope there are many more to come in the years ahead.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 4 Episode 15 Recap: Enter Flashtime

It was time to take back the streets of Central City. 

When The Flash Season 4 Episode 15 kicked off, Barry rushed to Iris and admitted he could not save her this time. 

Yes, we were totally wondering if we had missed the whole previous episode, but thankfully we were taken eight minutes into the past to get a nice dose of clarity. 

Cisco and Iris were training Barry how to outrun DeVoe’s breaches, and this resulted in the happy couple taking a break to chat about their relationship. 

That’s when Barry agreed they should go on a date because, well, they’ve barely had a second to spend together as a married couple. 

That’s when Harry arrived and told them that Devoe had been planning to steal the powers form the bus metahumans for longer than they initially thought. 

Jesse Quick appeared, and she wasted no time in grilling her dad about the way he’s dealing with her mother’s death. 

However, they were interrupted by the revelation that a fight with guns had broken out. Just when it seemed like our team was winning the battle, a nuke was revealed. 

Barry and Jesse conferred about what they could do to save everyone, and Jesse went to get Jay Garrick from Earth-3 because they both thought he would know something. 

Cisco tried to send the nuke into another Earth, but not one with any life form. But Cisco could not handle the heat inside Flashtime and made his way back to the normal world. 

Jay arrived on the scene and immediately felt that the mission could lead to the end of the Speed Force. That would mean no more speedsters. 

He offered up some news that the nuke could be cooled down, and that could save everyone from a certain death. 

Killer Frost offered to help out, but her powers were useless inside the Flashtime, so she was sent back to the regular world. 

Iris told Barry about Caitlin using the quark sphere and that Barry should try to get that to drop the bomb. Barry entered the Force once again, and her plan worked. 

Iris saved the day!

The big closing moment found the mystery girl in Jitters spilling coffees on Caitlin and Harry. The youngster said she was waiting to meet someone, but it was later revealed Caitlin and Harry were who she was talking about. 

Let me present a theory: That girl is totally Barry and Iris’ child from another Earth. It’s uncanny, and we’re sure all will be revealed soon enough. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!

The Flash continues Tuesdays on The CW!


Friday, January 5, 2018

Duggar Courtship News: Who Will Enter a Relationship Next?

We"re only five days into the new year, but 2018 has already seen a Duggar baby announcement and a whole slew of courship speculation.

We now know that Jinger Duggar is expecting her first child, but that"s certainly not the only way in which reality TV"s largest family will be expanding in the months to come.

Joy-Anna Duggar is also expecting, as is Joseph Duggar"s new wife, Kendra Caldwell.

And of course, several single Duggars are set to embark on courtship journeys of their own in the months to come.

Here"s a rundown of who might be next to leave the nest:

1. Jana Duggar

Jana duggar a pic

The perennial fan favorite. Fans have been hoping for a courtship announcement from Jana for years now. And thanks to her increasingly close “friendship” with Caleb Williams, it seems 2018 will finally be her year.

2. John David Duggar

Jana duggar and john david duggar

This is another one that wouldn’t come as much of a surprise. In fact, it’s widely believed that John David is already involved in a secret courtship with a woman from Texas. No word on why he might be keeping things on the down-low.

3. The Pressure Is On!

Jana duggar with john david duggar image

Both Jana and John David are no doubt feeling the pressure to announce relationships. The twins will turn 28 this month, and they’re the oldest unmarried Duggars by a considerable margin.

4. Josiah Duggar

Josiah duggar marjorie jackson photo

Many fans believe this is the year that Josiah Duggar will once again try his hand at courtship. Josiah is the only member of his family to enter a relationship that did not result in marriage, having pursued an ill-fated romance with Marjorie Jackson in 2016.

5. A Social Media Loophole

Joy anna duggar josiah duggar and lawson bates

Some fans believe Josiah is the next to go a-courtin’, as in many respects, he’s more modern and mature than many of his siblings. Duggars are typically forbidden to have social media accounts until they enter a formal courtship. However, Josiah has maintained an Instagram page despite the fact that his relationship with Jackson has come to en end, leading many to believe that he’s using it to keep in touch with potential mates.

6. Jedediah Duggar

Jedediah duggar gun photo

Smart money is on Jedediah Duggar announcing a courship in 2018. As many fans have pointed out, he was likely already involved in a romantic relationship that went awry.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mark Salling Enter Guilty Plea for Possessing Child Porn

Between Corey Monteith’s tragic death and Naya Rivera getting charged with domestic battery, things aren’t going so well for some members of the Glee cast.

But the worst of all has to be where Mark Salling’s life has taken him. 

And he has now entered his guilty plea for possession of child porn.

Back in October, Mark Salling finally agreed to a guilty plea for his child porn charges.

According to the terms of his plea agreement, he’ll serve from 4 to 7 years in prison, followed by 20 years of supervised release.

Obviously, he’ll have to register as a sex offender and enroll in a counseling program.

Considering that prosecutors had found about 50,000 images of prepubescent children on his personal devices and reportedly discovered a video of a 5-year-old girl performing a sex act, he’s getting off lightly.

He could have faced 20 or more years in prison.

Considering that the little girls whose photos and videos he had in his possession will never get to have normal or healthy childhoods, many feel that Salling should rot behind bars.

The legal process works much more slowly than it does on television, folks.

Mark Salling agreed to the plea deal in October, shortly after the former Glee actor reportedly attempted suicide.

He’s entering the plea now, in December.

And he won’t be sentenced until March 7th.

It would be unorthodox for him to receive a sentence beyond the plea agreement that he made with prosecutors, since usually sentencing following a plea deal is mostly a formality.

But there’s always a chance of a dramatic upset if a judge determines that a plea is, for example, too lenient. Or perhaps if new evidence of further wrongdoings is unearthed.

That’s still very unlikely.

4 to 7 years is a long time to have your entire life on hold, and there are some people who would argue that child pornography is a “victimless crime.”

We have to believe that the children who were victimized on camera would disagree.

Any sympathy we might have for someone whose brain has a few crossed wires that cause a blurring of their nurture instincts and their sexual attraction goes away the moment that they participate in the victimization of actual children.

(The same way that we stop feeling sorry for someone whose instincts for food and sex are blurred the moment that they start, you know, eating people)

If it helps quash any lingering vestiges of sympathy for Salling, he allegedly responded to news of Ed Westwick raping his girlfriend by breaking up with her instead of, you know, confronting him, comforting her, or suggesting filing a police report.

Anyway, Mark Salling will spend time in prison.

We hope, however, that the time that he spends in mandatory counseling after his release will help him to combat his urges.

Given that he had tens of thousands of these horrifying images, we’d say that he developed a wildly unhealthy compulsion.

But since he’s dated adult women, we have to assume that he could one day lead a healthy sex life.

Assuming, of course, that any woman would have him.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

DMX Gets Off House Arrest, But ONLY to Enter Drug Program

DMX is off house arrest with one big catch — he’s gotta check into a treatment program to get clean … TMZ has learned.  A judge signed off this week on X entering an inpatient treatment program for substance abuse — and as part of the…


DMX Gets Off House Arrest, But ONLY to Enter Drug Program

DMX is off house arrest with one big catch — he’s gotta check into a treatment program to get clean … TMZ has learned.  A judge signed off this week on X entering an inpatient treatment program for substance abuse — and as part of the…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tiger Woods to Enter Plea In DUI Case (LIVE STREAM)

Tiger Woods’ DUI case is about to go in front of a judge — he’s set to be arraigned in a Florida courtroom early Wednesday morning … and TMZ Sports is live streaming the whole thing.  The golfer is expected to enter a plea stemming from the…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Maci Bookout & Taylor McKinney Enter Marriage Counseling: Are They Headed For Divorce?!

It’s only been eight months since Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney got married, but it seems the Teen Mom stars’ wedded bliss has already given way to the complexities of life in a blended family under the constant glare of the media magnifying glass.

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, we learned that Maci and Taylor have entered marriage counseling.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re having serious relationship troubles, many fans have pointed out that there’s ample reason to believe that Maci and Taylor’s home life is less than ideal.

For starters, there’s the revelation that it’s not unusual for Maci and Taylor to engage in drunken fights off camera.

“Obviously, having three kids is catching up to us,” Maci told her friend Keelie in a scene from last night’s installment.

“Eighty-five percent of the time, we’re good to go. The rest of the 15 percent, it’s hell. It’s like all of our stress and emotion and everything … we take it out on each other.”

Bookout added:

“When the cameras leave, we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always like, literally, the smallest things.”

Maci didn’t go into specifics about what she meant by “freak out,” but the comment certainly didn’t paint a pretty picture.

Fortunately, she and Taylor followed Keelie’s advice and sought counseling.

Based on the comments she made to her therapist, it sounds like Maci allows the day-to-day pressures of her hectic life to build up , and then vents her frustrations after her tongue’s been loosened by a few Bud Lights:

“All of the little things build up because neither of us ever communicate them,” Bookout told the couple’s counselor.

“Then all of a sudden, we’re mad and we don’t even know why we’re mad.”

She added:

“To be honest with you, he could go the rest of our lives and never tell me ‘thank you’ or ‘you’re awesome.’ Just grab my ass every now and then and give me a kiss.”

We’re sure the situation isn’t helped by recent issues involving Maci’s first baby daddy.

Fans learned last week that Ryan Edwards has checked into rehab for unspecified substance abuse issues.

Sources close to Maci say she’d been frequently breaking down in tears out of concern for her ex.

So Ryan, Maci, and Taylor are all far from out of the woods, but the important thing is that they’re seeking the right kind of help, which considerably improves their chances of working through these issues.

And for that, we commend them.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the rocky road that led Maci to her current situation.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Conrad Hilton To Be Released on Bail if He Agrees to Enter Hospital for Diagnosis

Conrad Hilton’s family will use his arrest after going off the rails at his ex-girlfriend’s house to get him help … TMZ has learned. We broke the story … Conrad was arrested Saturday at 4 AM after allegedly stealing Rick Salomon’s Bentley,…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kanye West Wants to Enter Cosmetics Business Like Kylie

Kanye West wants to go head-to-head with his famous sister-in-law … diving head first into the cosmetic biz dominated by Kylie Jenner. Kanye’s filed legal docs declaring his intention to produce DONDA brand makeup, perfumes, lotions and other…


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Lady Gaga Wants to Enter the Wine Business with "Grigio Girls"

Lady Gaga is about to one-up the singer who turned lemons into lemonade by turning grapes into delicious wine. Gaga plans to launch her own brand of wine called “Grigio Girls” … named after a bonus track on her 2016 album, Joanne. Her company…


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Voice Recap: Nine Will Enter, Only Four Will Survive

After three consecutive weeks of The Voice results that saw this fall’s Top 12 whittled down to nine, things are about to get real on NBC.

Of the nine singers who gave it their all Monday night, only FOUR will move on Tuesday when the results are announced. High stakes.

Barrett Baber (Team Blake) sang “Ghost” by Ella Henderson, giving it a country-soul flavor and possibly punching his ticket to the next round.

Shelby Brown (Team Adam) sang “Even God Must Get the Blues” by Jo Dee Messina. She sounded awesome, but will it stand out with voters?

Jeffery Austin (Team Gwen) chose “Believe” by Cher. Talk about going for broke with one of more more iconic artists out there. Will it pay off?

Braiden Sunshine (Team Gwen) picked “Amazing Grace.” He was terrific, though it remains to be seen if this will help him leapfrog five others.

Zach Seabaugh (Team Blake) pulled out “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus, again bringing energy and stage presence along with surprising versatility.

Madi Davis (Team Pharrell) took on “Big Girls Don’t Cry” by The Four Seasons. An understated but strong performance, it should keep her in this thing.

Emily Ann Roberts (Team Blake) was next with “9 to 5” by Dolly Parton. She was out of her comfort zone but she had fun, and it was a good thing.

Amy Vachal (Team Adam) belted out “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele. And she made it her own, even in a similarly stripped-down arrangement.

Jordan Smith (Team Adam) went with “Somebody to Love” by Queen, and his big, bold effort combined with his range brought the house down.

What did you think of the semifinal round? Who is destined to make it to the final four, and which five singers will be out of here? Discuss.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar Enter Marriage Counseling

It’s been a tough year for the Duggar family. 

Obviously, the various Josh Duggar sex scandals created the biggest headaches, but the past few months have seen the 19 Kids and Counting clan have seen coping with lots of other stumbling blocks and mini-scandals.

Just last week, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard refunded donations to fans who became outraged after realizing they helped fund missionary work that never actually happened. (At least when Josh shells out for “missionary work” he gets what he paid for!)

Yes, the Duggar situation has gotten so bad that using charitable donations from fans to pay for a vacation is considered a minor scandal.

We imagine seeing your kids’ faces accompanied by some lurid headline every time you check out at the grocery store would be a pretty major source of stress for anyone, so we’re not surprised to hear that Michelle and Jim Bob have decided to get away from it all and give their marriage a tune-up.

Radar Online is reporting that Michelle and Jim Bob have embarked on a marriage retreat, where they’ll spend time in the woods discussing their relationship along with counselors and several other couples. 

The Duggars confirmed the news on there Facebook page today, but did not offer any information regarding when they’ll return from the outing in Ozark National Forest.

A website for the pastor who runs the retreat states that he offers “Biblical solutions to critical family problems.”

Well, that’s good. After all, the Duggars’ family problems are of Biblical proportions.