Monday, August 27, 2018

Mel B to Enter Rehab for Sex, Alcohol Addiction

Mel B may typically be in the news these days for judging acts on America’s Got Talent, but the former Spice Girl is now making headlines for admitting to something personal.

The singer has got a very big problem.

She actually has two very big problems, according to an interview Brown gave to The Sun over the weekend.

Citing an “incredibly difficult” past six months, Brown says she is seeking professional treatment for alcohol addiction and sex addiction.

“I’ve been working with a writer on my book, Brutally Honest, and it has been unbelievably traumatic reliving an emotionally abusive relationship and confronting so many massive issues in my life,” Brown told the British publication, adding:

“I am being very honest about drinking to numb my pain but that is just a way a lot of people mask what is really going on.”

Added the 43-year old:

“Sometimes it is too hard to cope with all the emotions I feel. But the problem has never been about sex or alcohol – it is underneath all that.

“I am fully aware I have been at a crisis point. No one knows myself better than I do, but I am dealing with it.”

Back in April of 2017, things for very heated and very ugly between Brown and ex-husband Stephen Belafonte.

The artist and NBC personality accused Belafonte at the time of abusing her physically and emotionally, while forcing her to have threesomes … and then blackmailing her by threatening to release secret tapes he had made of these encounters.

Brown even shared photos (such as the one below) of bruises she said she received a result of being punched and shoved by her husband. 

Mel allegedly told friends at the time that she was afraid to go public with these allegations for awhile because she feared Belafonte would have her murdered.

According to a friend who spoke to The Sun, Brown responded to this trauma by becoming “sex-crazed” and even slept with three men in one day at one point.

She was looking for affection and comfort wherever she could find it.

But Brown now acknowledges she has serious personal demons and issues and will check into a rehab facility in England to deal with them.

“I am still struggling, but if I can shine a light on the issue of pain, PTSD and the things men and women do to mask it, I will,” Brown tells the newspaper, adding:

“I am speaking about this because this is a huge issue for so many people.”

In November of, 2017 the exes reached a private settlement and, in exchange for doing so, Brown withdrew her domestic violence restraining order against Belafonte.

In addition to her statement, Mel B tweeted “Knowledge is power” on Sunday, along with a link to a website detailing PTSD.

She also retweeted a post from her mother, Andrea Brown, mentioning Mel’s decision to enter rehab. 

This is what it says:

I’m so proud of my daughter. She has the courage to face her demons head on and deal with them.

I know what hell she has been through and I know what trauma she has suffered and still suffers.

Do not judge because so many people have PTSD and try and numb the pain any way they can.

I am proud of her honesty and I am proud my daughter speaks out on a subject that affects so many people.
