Showing posts with label McKinney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McKinney. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Maci Bookout & Taylor McKinney: We"re Adopting a Baby!!!

It’s been a rough year for Maci Bookout.

The Teen Mom OG fan favorite has been forced to deal with the nightmare of trying to keep her family safe from her increasingly troubled ex, Ryan Edwards, while at the same time ensuring that 9-year-old Bentley, her son with Edwards, continues to have a relationship with his father.

On top of being forced to file for a restraining order that temporarily prevented Edwards from contacting Bentley, Maci has grappled with some deeply painful setbacks in her efforts to expand her family.

Late last year, Bookout suffered a miscarriage, and she spoke about the painful ordeal in a memorable episode of TMOG.

But the tragedy hasn’t deterred Maci or her husband Taylor McKinney from working toward welcoming a new family member.

The McKinneys have been considering the possibility of adoption for several years, and this week, Maci gave a candid interview in which she revealed that they’re closer than ever to 

“We are definitely still wanting to adopt. We don’t really have, like, a timeframe or, like, an exact answer,” Bookout told Us Weekly.

“I feel like when we know to start the process, we will start it, but for now we’re happy with where we’re at.”

Needless to say, fans were pleased to hear Maci speaking about her future with such excitement and optimism after such a difficult year.

Equally encouraging is the fact that Maci says she has every intention of working with Ryan and his parents in order to ensure that Bentley has as much support from the adults in his life as possible.

“I don’t think that there will ever come a time when we’re unable to co-parent with Jen and Larry,” she told Us.

“Mainly because we don’t let our feelings get in the way of what’s important and the relationships that are necessary for Bentley to have.

“It’s really just a matter of keeping the line of communication open and also making sure that we aren’t telling too much or giving too much of our feelings or opinions,” she said.

“It’s more about information, rather than speaking about his dad because at the end of the day, Ryan is still his dad.”

Asked how she and Taylor intend to approach the ongoing problem of Ryan, Maci had this to say:

“Neither one of us want to ever put some sort of barrier between the possibility of a better relationship when it comes to Ryan and Bentley.”

This is surely been one of the more challenging years of Maci’s life, but her attitude remains a silver lining amidst a number of dark clouds.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Taylor McKinney Trashes Ryan Edwards: You Jobless Loser!

Perhaps no star in the Teen Mom universe has generated more mixed feelings than Ryan Edwards.

When Ryan went to rehab last year, fans applauded his courage.

When he got out and immediately went back to drinking and making life miserable for his baby mama, Maci Bookout, viewers reacted with a mix of frustration and contempt.

But it seems one person who knows Ryan very well was never the slightest bit confused in his feelings toward the troubled 30-year-old.

Maci"s husband, Taylor McKinney, flat-out doesn"t like Ryan – and it seems he doesn"t care who knows it.

1. Ryan’s Hope

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Ryan has been a source of frustration for Teen Mom OG fans over the years, as many have wondered why the troubled dad can’t get his act together and be the father that little Bentley deserves. And it seems no one has been more outraged by Ryan’s behavior than Taylor McKinney.

2. Taylor Talk

Maci bookout taylor mckinney a selfie

Taylor married Maci in October of 2016. In addition to Bentley, they’re raising two other children, Jade and Maverick.

3. Attempting Normalcy

Maci bookout and taylor mckinney pic

At first, Maci and Taylor made every effort to get along with Ryan, even inviting him to their wedding. Unfortunately, the peace wasn’t meant to last.

4. Ryan’s Rock Bottom

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Relations began to deteriorate rapidly as Ryan’s drug problem worsened. In the summer of 2017, Ryan checked into rehab after losing consciousness during his own wedding. Unfortunately, the damage to his relationship with Maci and Taylor had already been done.

5. Delusional Mackenzie?

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

Standifer has resolutely stood by her man throughout his many ups and downs. But now, fans are pushing back about some of the 21-year-old’s claims about her troubled husband.

6. Mackenzie’s Version

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer pic

On Monday night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Mackenzie furiously defended Ryan, even going so far as to claim that Ryan was the one who left Mackenzie. Fans had a field day with the remark…

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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Taylor McKinney SLAMS Ryan Edwards After Rehab: You"re Not a Father!

Back in June, Ryan Edwards checked into rehab immediately after marrying Mackenzie Standifer in a disastrous ceremony.

It was a positive and necessary move for Ryan to make, but in the months since his release, it seems he"s been forced to confront a painful truth about sobriety–namely, that life doesn"t necessarily get easier after one stops using drugs.

Ryan still struggles with the challenges of being a parent, a step-parent, and a husband. 

And based on what we saw on this week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, Taylor McKinney thinks he"s not up to the task …

1. Ryan In Rehab

Ryan edwards image

Ryan checked into rehab after losing consciousness while driving to his own wedding. He didn’t stay in treatment very long, but he’s reportedly been maintaining his sobriety ever since.

2. Father’s Day Tension

Ryan edwards wedding photo

This week’s Teen Mom 2 featured scenes from Ryan’s first Father’s Day after leaving rehab. He was able to spend time with his son, Bentley, but the day didn’t exactly go according to plan …

3. A Poorly Handled Situation

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Apparently, Ryan could take a lesson in politeness from his 9-year-old son. Maci says Bentley politely asked if he would be seeing his dad on Father’s Day, while Ryan was much more crass in his approach.

4. Abusive Behavior?

Maci b

Maci accused Ryan of berating her with vulgar and offensive text messages. Naturally, Taylor McKinney was not happy to learn that his wife was being insulted by her ex.

5. A Privilege, Not a Right

Maci bookout with taylor mckinney

“It is a privilege to be his father,” Taylor ranted. Maci concurred, telling Taylor, “You’re his father!”

6. Who’s the Real Father Here?

Maci bookout and taylor mckinney pic

“Why should I not get to spend Father’s Day with him, why should Ryan?” Taylor asked at one point. “To spend time with your son on Father’s Day, that should require you being an actual father.”

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Maci Bookout & Taylor McKinney Enter Marriage Counseling: Are They Headed For Divorce?!

It’s only been eight months since Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney got married, but it seems the Teen Mom stars’ wedded bliss has already given way to the complexities of life in a blended family under the constant glare of the media magnifying glass.

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, we learned that Maci and Taylor have entered marriage counseling.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re having serious relationship troubles, many fans have pointed out that there’s ample reason to believe that Maci and Taylor’s home life is less than ideal.

For starters, there’s the revelation that it’s not unusual for Maci and Taylor to engage in drunken fights off camera.

“Obviously, having three kids is catching up to us,” Maci told her friend Keelie in a scene from last night’s installment.

“Eighty-five percent of the time, we’re good to go. The rest of the 15 percent, it’s hell. It’s like all of our stress and emotion and everything … we take it out on each other.”

Bookout added:

“When the cameras leave, we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always like, literally, the smallest things.”

Maci didn’t go into specifics about what she meant by “freak out,” but the comment certainly didn’t paint a pretty picture.

Fortunately, she and Taylor followed Keelie’s advice and sought counseling.

Based on the comments she made to her therapist, it sounds like Maci allows the day-to-day pressures of her hectic life to build up , and then vents her frustrations after her tongue’s been loosened by a few Bud Lights:

“All of the little things build up because neither of us ever communicate them,” Bookout told the couple’s counselor.

“Then all of a sudden, we’re mad and we don’t even know why we’re mad.”

She added:

“To be honest with you, he could go the rest of our lives and never tell me ‘thank you’ or ‘you’re awesome.’ Just grab my ass every now and then and give me a kiss.”

We’re sure the situation isn’t helped by recent issues involving Maci’s first baby daddy.

Fans learned last week that Ryan Edwards has checked into rehab for unspecified substance abuse issues.

Sources close to Maci say she’d been frequently breaking down in tears out of concern for her ex.

So Ryan, Maci, and Taylor are all far from out of the woods, but the important thing is that they’re seeking the right kind of help, which considerably improves their chances of working through these issues.

And for that, we commend them.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the rocky road that led Maci to her current situation.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Maci Bookout Confesses to Drunken Fights With Taylor McKinney

Teen Mom fans have been obsessing over the life of Maci Bookout more than usual in recent weeks, but most of the rumors and speculation have had to do with Maci’s ex, Ryan Edwards.

Maci alleges that Edwards is battling addiction and that she fears for his safety, as he seems to be surrounded by enablers.

But a preview for an upcoming episode has some fans arguing that Maci should clean up her own backyard before worrying about Ryan.

The clip shows Maci opening up about a different problem in her life, one that she’s kept hidden up to this point.

Since she married Taylor McKinney in October of last year, Maci has done a fine job of depicting her life as far more stable than those of her co-stars.

It turns out, that portrayal relies heavily on Taylor and Maci’s ability to keep their beer-fueled conflicts off camera.

For years now, rumors about Maci drinking heavily (even, allegedly, while pregnant) have plagued the 25-year-old.

Aside from mini-controversies over her drinking, Maci has successfully avoided the sort of interpersonal drama that makes the other Teen Moms such divisive figures.

So it’s strange that at this point, she would choose confess to boozy blowouts with her husband:

“Obviously having three kids is catching up to us,” Maci says in the clip.

“Eighty five percent of the time we’re good to go. The 15 percent is hell.”

Bookout says she and McKinney do their best to keep that other 15 percent off camera.

“All of our stress and emotions we take out on each other,” she says.

“When the cameras leave we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always literally the smallest things. It’s such small stuff but it blows up.”

Asked if she feels attending couples therapy might help alleviate some of her problems, Madi dejectedly replies:

“It’s not going to go away.”

This isn’t the first time that fans have been giving reason to believe that Maci is giving a false impression of her life.

She seems to be more skilled than her co-stars in terms of presenting her situation as far more stable than it actually is.

But even the most carefully-constructed facades tend to crumble in time.

Watch Teen Mom online and decide for yourself if Maci seems to be hiding something.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Charlotte McKinney Considers Breast Reduction; World Weeps

If you’re familiar with Charlotte McKinney, it’s probably because of her giant, awesome boobs.

We’re sure the 23-year-old model has many other fine qualities as well, but we’ve never sat down over tea and scones to discuss her thoughts on the global poitical climate.

We have, however, seen Charlotte nude on several occasions, and each time it was glorious.

Sadly, the Charlotte we know and lust after may soon be undergoing a major transformation, and it’s all because people on social media are jackasses.

This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet!

In a surprisingly candid interview with Ocean Drive magazine, Charlotte opened up about being bullied as a teen, and the ways in which the mistreatment at the hands of haters has continued into her adulthood:

“I didn’t have any girlfriends,” McKinney says of her childhood.

“A lot of my friends were guys, and I was called a slut by a lot of people. I was just growing these large breasts at such a young age, not really knowing what to do with them or how to wear them. So it was definitely awkward.”

McKinney adds that the treatment she received from her classmates has left her with lasting psychological scars:

“I also left school because of all of the bullying. Girls would yell at me and call me a slut,” she continued.

“I would go to parties and get beer thrown on my head — there was so much bullying.”

She added:

“It was just so awful, and that’s why now I kind of use my platform to promote anti-bullying.”

Usually, these stories conclude with a happy ending about how adults are so much less hateful and antagonistic.

Unfortunately, this is 2017, a time in which the sort of bullying usually associated with children and teens is still practiced by adults:

“I try to use what I went through to be a voice for it, because it’s still happening and getting even worse now with social media,” McKinney says, adding that she’s considered getting a breast reduction due in part to all the slut-shaming she’s endured online:

“I’ve been thinking about it. They’ve definitely gotten smaller from my diet and over time. So I can see myself getting a reduction or a lift in the future.”

But fear not:

Charlotte says she has no intention of covering up and letting the haters win any time soon.

“I’m always going to be sexy,” McKinney said.

“I’m always going to have those photo shoots, but I’m really looking for different roles that aren’t so commercial and are a bit cooler.”

We look forward to seeing it.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Taylor McKinney: Bentley Is MY Son!

Hope you’re ready to see what could possibly be the sweetest moment in Teen Mom OG history!

Sure, you’re probably used to Farrah yelling at anyone unfortunate enough to cross her path and Catelynn and Tyler crying about their marriage, but trust us, this is going to be a welcome break from the drama.

Grab your tissues, because it’s about to get adorable in here.

This is a sneak peek from next week’s episode, and if you didn’t appreciate Maci Bookout’s brand new husband already, you sure as hell will now.

In this clip, Taylor McKinney has a couple of friends over to look at his new baby, Maverick, and to drink some beers.

Taylor’s buddies ask him what it’s like to be a father to three kids, and while Taylor admits it’s chaotic, he seems to be very happy.

He mentions that Bentley, Maci’s son with Ryan Edwards, is with his father at the moment, and one of his friends points out that it’s a “scary thought, when they’re over at someone else’s house and you don’t know how they’re getting parented or how people are treating them.”

It’s a fair point, and it only gets fairer when you consider that a great deal of people seem to think that Ryan is possibly on drugs at the moment. Throw that on top of Ryan’s general disinterest in parenting, and it must be hard for Taylor and Maci to send Bentley over to be with him.

But, as Taylor’s buddy tells him, “Later in life, Bentley will realize that you don’t have to do anything that you do. Being a stepdad, you’re there by your own choice. He’ll appreciate it. I mean, it’s big.”

And that’s when Taylor began a heartfelt, touching little speech about what Bentley means to him. And it is amazing.

“I don’t feel like I’m doing anything extra,” Taylor says. “It’s just the way I was raised. I’m just going what I’m supposed to do.”

“I knew early on, before I moved out here, the role I was taking on and I wasn’t going to come into his life and leave. If I was going to come in, I was going to be a father figure and teach him everything my dad taught me.”

“So I don’t feel like I treat Bentley any different than I would treat Jayde or Maverick. To me, he’s mine, and not that I’m trying to replace Ryan, it’s just that when he lives over here, I don’t want him to feel any different. I don’t want him to feel like he’s a stepson and I’m favoring them.”

“If anything, I feel like I go out of my way to put him first.”

Taylor then, if you can even believe it, shows off a tattoo of an anatomical heart with three names surrounding it: Jayde, Maverick, and Bentley.

It’s just so nice to see a guy on Teen Mom actually be a good guy, you know?

Right now, Teen Mom OG features Tyler Baltierra, who, while usually sweet, has been acting like a real jackass lately towards Catelynn Lowell.

There’s Matt Baier, Amber Portwood’s guy, who is a well-documented deadbeat dad and who is just generally shady. Along with Matt, there’s also Gary Shirley, the father of Amber’s daughter, Leah, who’s always trying to upset or hurt Amber.

Then there’s Simon Saran, Farrah Abraham’s sometimes boyfriend, and you know any guy who made the choice to date Farrah can’t be great.

And, of course, there’s Ryan Edwards, Bentley’s father … though he hasn’t acted like a father for most of Bentley’s life.

We can’t expect all these dudes to be as sweet as Taylor seems to be, but damn, would it hurt them to at least try?


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Maci Bookout MARRIES Taylor McKinney!

They do, Teen Mom OG fans!

They really do!

Despite horrible weather in Florida, as a result of Hurricane Matthew, Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney went ahead and got married in Greenville on Saturday afternoon.

The MTV star gushed over the ceremony and her new status in a discussion afterward with Us Weekly.

“I am so excited because I don’t use the word ‘fiancé’ because I think it’s kind of silly!” Bookout told the tabloid. “So I’m excited to finally be able to call him my husband.”

According to this same magazine, Bookout wore a Riki Dalal Haute Couture gown for the special occasion.

The couple is familiar to those who watch Teen Mom OG online or on television every week.

They share a 16-month old daughter named Jayde and a four-month old son named Maverick.

Together, Bookout and McKinney also parent the former’s seven-year-old son Bently, who she created with with ex-fiance Ryan Edwards together.

Us Weekly reports that Maci and Taylor wrote their own vows and exchanged them inside a beautiful chapel in front of about 165 of their closest friends and family members.

The rustic-themed ceremony, which Bookout says was “very traditional” and “religious” was officiated by the 25-year old star’s pastor grandfather.

“[It was] really special,” she tells Us.

We’d have to imagine. What a cool personal touch.

Ready for your first look at the newlyweds as husband and wife? Here you go:

Here is what else we know about the Maci Bookout wedding:

It took place at the Honey Lake Resort and featured floral arrangements by Missy Gunnels Flowers.

The DJ was Barnaby Xaphakdy.

In lieu of the customary layered cake, those in attendance dined on a tiered display of delicious doughnuts by Katie’s Cakes & Catering, Inc.

Prior to the reception, Bookout and McKinney had their first dance to John Legend’s emotional 2013 ballad “All of Me.” We strongly approve of that selection.

Originally a featured player on 16 & Pregnant, Bookout and McKinney had been dating for nearly four years when they got engaged back in January.

The proposal was featured on the season 6 premiere Teen Mom OG, which kicked off in August.

Where are they going from here? To the Caribbean for a honeymoon, Bookout tells Us Weekly.

“We’re going for seven nights, eight days,” she says. “So eight days with no children and beer and a beach, it’s going to be awesome. I’d say by day five, though, we’re probably going to be missing the kids a lot!

“But we’ll try to enjoy it.”

We have a feeling they’ll succeed.

Just a week ago, Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer also got married.

These Teen Moms, huh? They are growing up right before our eyes.

We send them all our very best.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Charlotte McKinney, Huge Boobs Get Cheated on By Stephen Dorff

For reasons that remain unclear, Charlotte McKinney was in a relationship with actor and professional vape bro Stephen Dorff for over a year.

For reasons that are even more baffling, Dorff was reportedly unfaithful to McKinney and her giant boobs.

In a way, we suppose we should be thanking him, because sources say Dorff’s infidelity has prompted McKinney to kick him to the curb, meaning the woman who is perpetually referred to as “the next Kate Upton” is back on the market.

“He was fooling around with other women,” a source close to the model tells Page Six.

“Charlotte has been dating Stephen for a while, but he carried on ­texting other women and inviting them over to his house on the beach in Malibu.”

Apparently, the final straw came earlier this month when Dorff enjoyed the company of some very friendly house guests.

“July Fourth weekend … there were all these random people in his house. Charlotte has had enough of him,” the insider says.

The insider adds that Charlotte – who will appear in the upcoming Baywatch movie and just launched a new campaign for Guess – plans to focus on her career and remain single for a while.

Other sources have indicated that Charlotte’s on-again, off-again relationship with David Spade is back on again.

Yes, Ms. McKinney seems to have a thing for guys several decades her senior whom she towers over in heels.

We’re guessing their policy is to just not question it.

Whatever the reason, if you’re middle-aged and a bit on the short side, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

Just make sure you’re a famous millionaire.

That part is probably non-negotiable.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Charlotte McKinney Flaunts Giant Boobs, Makes World a Better Place

It seems everywhere you look these days, there’s nothing but bad news and heated disagreements on everything from who should be president to what sort of punishment one should receive for punching LeBron James in the balls.

Fortunately, there are still a few issues that we can all agree on.

Obviously, chief among them is that fact that Charlotte McKinney’s boobs are huge and awesome.

The model posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, and though all pictures are worth a thousand words this image requires only one: Daaaaaayum!

She captioned it with something about a modeling shoot for Guess, but really, posting a pic like that and then expecting us to read and comprehend words is asking a bit much.

Alright, so it’s not as epic as the sight of Charlotte McKinney nude.

And it’s certainly not as awesome as Charlotte McKinney nude in GIF form.

But at the end of the day, Charlotte is a model, and well, sometimes models have to wear clothes.

In fact, it’s sort of a key part of their job description.

Obviously, the focal point here is Ms. McKinney’s massive breasts, but a surprising percentage of the comments are devoted to praising her legs.

We guess she’s got something for everyone.

Unfortunately for her employers, exactly no one is talking about the clothes Charlotte is wearing.

We guess modeling is sort of an ironic gig, when you think about it.

Charlotte McKinney Flaunts Giant Boobs, Makes World a Better Place

It seems everywhere you look these days, there’s nothing but bad news and heated disagreements on everything from who should be president to what sort of punishment one should receive for punching LeBron James in the balls.

Fortunately, there are still a few issues that we can all agree on.

Obviously, chief among them is that fact that Charlotte McKinney’s boobs are huge and awesome.

The model posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, and though all pictures are worth a thousand words this image requires only one: Daaaaaayum!

She captioned it with something about a modeling shoot for Guess, but really, posting a pic like that and then expecting us to read and comprehend words is asking a bit much.

Alright, so it’s not as epic as the sight of Charlotte McKinney nude.

And it’s certainly not as awesome as Charlotte McKinney nude in GIF form.

But at the end of the day, Charlotte is a model, and well, sometimes models have to wear clothes.

In fact, it’s sort of a key part of their job description.

Obviously, the focal point here is Ms. McKinney’s massive breasts, but a surprising percentage of the comments are devoted to praising her legs.

We guess she’s got something for everyone.

Unfortunately for her employers, exactly no one is talking about the clothes Charlotte is wearing.

We guess modeling is sort of an ironic gig, when you think about it.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Charlotte McKinney & David Spade: Dating?!

He may have played second fiddle to Chris Farley for much of his career, but when it comes to scoring with the hottest women in Hollywood, David Spade takes a backseat to none.

The diminutive comic has hooked up with scores of models, including Heather Locklear and Lala Kent, and now he’s gettin’ it in with the heir to Kate Upton’s boob throne:

Just about everyone with a wi-fi connection has seen Charlotte McKinney nude, but these days it’s only Spade who gets the live and direct experience. 

According to TMZ, Spade and McKinney were spotted leaving Craig’s in West Hollywood over the weekend, and their reps didn’t deny they were on a date.

The fact that the two chose one of the best-known paparazzi hotspots on a Saturday night seems to be their way of going public with their relationship.

Spade may have dated Kaley Cuoco for brief period following her divorce last year, but the unlikely ladies man keeps most of his relationships casual.

So it’s a bit surprising to see him essentially confirm that he and McKinney are an item.

But not nearly as surprising as the fact that the hottest model of the moment has been locked down by David freakin’ Spade.

Take note, young dudes of the world: being funny will get you far. Learn to tell a joke.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Maci Bookout: Engaged To Taylor McKinney!!!

Taylor McKinney has finally put Teen Mom OG fans out of their misery by making an honest woman out of Maci Bookout.

Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney are Engaged

Earlier today, Bookout posted an Instagram of the couple locking lips, with the caption:

“Well y’all, my best friend asked me to marry him! I’m one lucky lady, I love you T!”

I’m kind of into Bookout’s engagement jewel, which appears to be a collection of diamond bands with a rock in the center (when, oh when will Instagram offer a zoom option).

Maci Bookout

Bookout and McKinney have been together for three years, and have a 7-month-old daughter, Jayde together.  

Bookout has a 7-year-old son, Bentley with ex, Ryan Edwards, whose tumultuous relationship was featured on both 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom.

Bookout definitely put pressure on McKinney to propose in the previews for this season’s Teen Mom OG.

In December, Bookout told Us Weekly that marriage was very important to her.

“It’s so to the point where I’m like, ‘Really, what is the deal?’

“In my opinion — and I think Taylor would agree — we pretty much are already married. So it’s kind of like, ‘All right, what are we waiting on?’ I’m confused.”

According to Us, Bookout filmed the show’s reunion in Los Angeles on Saturday, and a wrap party on Sunday turned into a engagement celebration when McKinney popped the question.

“All the other girls were so happy for Maci, and everyone was so happy to celebrate together,” a source told the magazine.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Maci Bookout to Taylor McKinney: Hurry TF Up & Propose!

Teen Mom cast member Maci Bookout has a message for her longtime boyfriend Taylor McKinney: Three years, and still no ring?

HELLO! What is so challenging about this?!

Those who watch Teen Mom online know Maci has been with Taylor since 2012, and he even has the approval of her ex Ryan Edwards.

Yet he hasn’t gotten down on one knee, much to her consternation … and the reality star is openly wondering what the holdup is.

Especially since they have a kid and all.

“It’s so to the point where I’m like, ‘Really, what is the deal?’” Maci, 24, says of the father of her second child, daughter Jayde.

Fans of Bookout have been eagerly awaiting the big news since the Season 5 finale showed Taylor McKinney ring shopping.

That was May. They’re still waiting.

“Marriage is something I want in my life,” Maci says. “In my opinion – and I think Taylor would agree – we pretty much are already married.”

“So it’s kind of like, ‘All right, what are we waiting on?’ I’m confused,” Bookout adds, but rut ring or no, “we make a really good team.”

In addition to Jayde, the couple are also raising Bookout’s son, Bentley, 7, her child with Teen Mom troublemaker Ryan Edwards.

Things between them are alright, though, and the stability Taylor brings to her life has been a big factor in that positive change.

“I don’t think we would be able to do everything we have going on lately if we didn’t have each other,” Bookout says of McKinney.

The new season of Teen Mom: OG kicks off next Monday, January 4. Better step up and pop the question this winter, T, or else.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Charlotte McKinney Flaunts Naked Butt in British GQ, Remains a National Treasure

There were so many memorable celebrity Halloween costumes this year that you may have missed Charlotte McKinney’s.

Or perhaps you saw it and just didn’t realize it was a Halloween costume, because she’s literally just wearing lingerie and a bow tie, but we’re gonna let this one slide, because…ya know, giant boobs and all.

Of course, lots of people put their half-naked bodies on display on Halloween. What sets Charlotte apart is that she makes the world a better place by flashing off different portions of her skin on a regular basis.

Generally, Charlotte’s boobs get all the attention, but we’d like you to take a moment to appreciate dat ass:

That’s Ms. McKinney posing in British GQ, and apparently the UK men’s mag has decided to take up the skin mag mantle now that Playboy won’t be publishing nudes anymore.

Whatever their reason, we applaud them. We’ve seen Charlotte breasts on Instagram and we’ve watched her attempt to make ground beef sexy in Carl’s Jr. ads, but now she gets to show a little range by…taking her pants off near a Doberman Pinscher.

Okay, so other than the fact that she’s dating Scott Eastwood and probably has some lower back problems in her future, we don’t know much about Charlotte, but hopefully that’ll change.

Clearly, the girl has ambition, and we’re sure she’ll eventually branch out and work on a project that doesn’t involve devouring an artery-clogging grease bomb in sexy slow-motion. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Charlotte McKinney & Scott Eastwood: Dating!

Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, the newest Hollywood couple is sure to make you jealous.

TMZ is reporting that Charlotte McKinney and Scott Eastwood are dating, and if it’s true, they might be the most absurdly good-looking couple since Brad and Angie.

You might know Scott from his work in The Last Ride and Taylor Swift’s “Wildest Dreams” video. Obviously, he’s also the son of Squinty Clint.

If you’re not familiar with Charlotte, we recommend – nay, demand – that you check out the many nude photos of Charlotte McKinney right this instance.

There. Now you understand why Scott is such a lucky dude. 

Neither party has confirmed the relationship, but sources say Scott and Charlotte have been spending a lot of time together lately. They were spotted on what appeared to be a beach date in Malibu on Thursday.

Sure, it’s possible they’re just friends, but if these two are hanging out and not banging, it’s basically a crime against nature.

There’s a chance that Scott is the victim of the most tragic friend-zoning in history, but that’s a fate too terrible to even contemplate.

If you don’t believe us, check out some of the hottest Charlotte McKinney photos the web has to offer in the gallery below.

Godspeed, you two. Make some ridiculously attractive offspring for the benefit of future generations.