Showing posts with label Hurry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurry. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Mike Sorrentino to Lauren Pesce: Let"s Hurry and Get Married Before I Go to Jail!

Well, he’s living up to his nickname more than ever these days, because Mike Sorrentino is stuck in a seriously complex situation.

If you watched Jersey Shore Family Vacation this season, you know that Mike proposed to Lauren Pesce, she said yes, and plans are already in place to populate the tri-state area with dozens of mini-Sitches.

Unfortunately, there’s a minor roadblock standing in the way of Mike and Lauren’s domestic bliss.

When the focus briefly shifted from Ronnie’s never-ending emotional meltdown, JSFV also reminded us that Sorrentino is facing prison time for tax evasion.

While Mike has gone to great lengths to clean up his act in the years since his legal entanglement began, it’s unlikely that he’ll be able to avoid prison time.

Which means, of course, that he and Lauren don’t have the luxury of a long engagement.

“They are working out the exact date now, as well as the location for the wedding and venue for the reception,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

Mike is scheduled to be sentenced on September 7, and his lawyers have reportedly informed him that he should be prepared to serve at least two years behind bars.

Fortunately, Lauren says she’s willing to wait for Mike for as long as she needs to.

“They are both hoping for leniency. But it does not matter to Lauren how long he has to go to prison,” the insider says.

“She will stand by him no matter what. She will be visiting him in prison as often as she is allowed.

Even though Mike might not begin serving his sentence until several months after he’s sentenced, he and Lauren are planning to tie the knot this summer, just to be safe.

The original plan was for Sorrentino and Pesce to tie the knot on the second season of JSFW, but a rushed production. schedule put the kibosh on that plan.

But don’t worry, unlike past Shore weddings, the entire guido crew will be in attendance, and most of Mike’s castmates will be a part of the wedding party.

(We’re guessing Ronnie was the only one left out.)

Insiders say Mike and Lauren hope to spend at least four months living as man and wife before his sentence begins.

And of course, they’ll be hard at work making those little mini-Situations.

As difficult as Mike’s current situation is, those who know him best say he’s never been happier — and they credit Lauren with saving his life.

“Everyone is just so proud of Mike for getting sober Opens a New Window. , and are just as close with Lauren as they are with him,” says thee source.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Ben Seewald to Jessa Duggar: Hurry Up & Get Pregnant Again!

Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar have been busy.

The young couple has welcomed two children in just three years of marriage, and it seems that they have no intention of stopping there.

Or at least Ben has no intention of stopping there.

If you’re a fan of the Duggar clan, you may have been disappointed to learn that Monday night’s episode of Counting On was a season finale.

But fear not – the Duggars are taking an etremely brief hiatus and will be back with a whole batch of new episodes this summer.

“It’s crazy how much has changed in our family over the past year and there’s so much more to come,” Jessa in a recent teaser for the summer season.

“Babies, relationships and milestones are always happening.”

Sure, there are the upcoming milestones that we already knew about – we’ll get to see Joy-Anna Duggar welcome her baby; Jinger and Kendra are still expecting; preparations for the wedding of Josiah and Lauren Swanson are under way…

But could it be that Jessa is hinting at yet another majot development that will come as a surprise to Duggar fans?

“What if we have another kid by the end of four years?” Ben says to Jessa in the preview.

Jessa is a Duggar, so obviously she’s open to the idea of having more children … eventually.

But it sounds like Ben is talking about expanding the family ASAP – and Jessa comes off as less than thrilled by that prosepct.

In fact, at one point in the preview, she bemoans the 

“There’s days where it feels like we have just hardly any time in the evening together,” she complains.

Of course, like her sisters, Jessa was raised with the idea that the primary function of women is to breed.

So you can bet that Jessa is open to the idea of bringing more little bundles of joy into the world eventually.

But perhaps she’d like to wait until her first two sons are a but more independent.

“It seems like our family never slows down,” Jessa says at one point in a tone that could be taken as more resigned tha excited.

“You never know what’s going to happen next,” Joy-Anna adds.

Any new mother can imagine the fatigue that Jessa must be feeling at this point.

Unfortunately, like other new moms, Jessa isn’t permitted to tell her husband that she’s at the end of her rope.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversal family.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Quentin Tarantino"s Down to Direct "Star Trek" But Better Hurry!!!

Quentin Tarantino’s officially putting it out there — if a studio wants him to direct a ‘Star Trek’ flick, then set the meeting … STAT! We got the director extraordinaire Thursday at LAX and asked him ‘Star Trek’ stuff …namely, would he be…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Stephen Colbert Says Trump Shouldn"t Hurry Back from Saudi Arabia (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert looked super relaxed Saturday in NYC, apparently relieved the Commander in Chief is otherwise occupied. The talk show king clearly thinks Donald Trump shouldn’t rush things along in the Middle East … favoring an extended trip for…


Stephen Colbert Says Trump Shouldn"t Hurry Back from Saudi Arabia (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert looked super relaxed Saturday in NYC, apparently relieved the Commander in Chief is otherwise occupied. The talk show king clearly thinks Donald Trump shouldn’t rush things along in the Middle East … favoring an extended trip for…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner -- I"m On Baby Duty! (Hurry Back, Blac Chyna) (VIDEO)

Rest easy, Blac Chyna … Kylie Jenner’s watching your firstborn, and we’ll say this for her babysitting skills — at least every single moment is captured on video. Kylie was hanging with 4-year-old King Cairo — Chyna’s son with Tyga — while BC…


Friday, October 21, 2016

Miranda Lambert to Anderson East: Hurry Up and Get Me Pregnant!

It’s been over a year since Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert divorced, and both parties seem to have had no difficulty moving on from their marriage.

Obviously, Blake started dating Gwen Stefani very soon after the split (some would say suspiciously soon), but Miranda didn’t waste much time either.

She’s been dating Anderson East since at least December of 2015, and while they don’t seem to have moved quite as quickly and Gwen and Blake in the early months of their relationship, they might now be making up for lost time.

According to multiple sources, Anderson and Miranda are eagerly planning the next step in their relationship – and it may be a big one.

One insider claims Miranda is in a hurry to get pregnant. 

She reportedly believes Anderson would make a great dad, and with her 33rd birthday just two weeks away, she’s apparently concerned about her ticking biological clock.

“That has been an open conversation between her and Anderson,” says an insider close to the couple.

“He wants the same. Her friends think this is the guy for her.”

Both parties are reportedly hoping that marriage will follow soon after, but having a kid is said to be priority number one.

Several media outlets have suggested that part of the reason Miranda is so eager to get pregnant is so that she can set the record straight with regard to reports that she’s still pining away for Blake.

According to various rumors, she’s been particularly upset with her ex in recent weeks, due to reports that he’s told friends and family that Gwen “saved him” from a loveless marriage to Lambert.

Miranda’s inner circle says that’s nonsense, and she would never have a kid for such a foolish reason.

Based on what we know about Lambert, we’re inclined to agree with those sources.

She doesn’t strike us as the bitter type, and she seems to be genuinely head-over-heels for East.

So good luck with the baby-makin’, you two!

If nothing else, we’re sure they’ll enjoy the process.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lamar Odom: Intervention Staged By Family! NBA Star Peaces Out in a Hurry!

Desperate to help any way that they can, Lamar Odom’s family staged an intervention in New York City Friday night, according to reports.

Suffice it to say, this did not go over well.

In response to the former NBA star’s recent troubling behavior, his family decided to step in and try to get him the help he badly needs.

A source quoted by Us Weekly confirms that the mediation took place on Friday night with several of Odom’s close family members.

Lamar’s longtime partner Liza Morales, the two children she has with Lamar, his aunt JaNean Mercer, and several cousins were involved.

Good for them for stepping up, but … it didn’t take.

“Lamar was doing really bad and his family was going to stage an intervention on Friday,” the insider tells the celebrity news magazine.

According to a separate report from Extra, the retired L.A. Lakers baller “was extremely surprised” by this and quickly “left the location.”

Sad, because an intervention is clearly needed.

Last fall, Odom overdosed and almost died in a Nevada brothel. He was in such rough shape that had to re-learn how to walk and speak (above).

You’d think that would straighten him out. No.

drunk Odom was kicked off a flight from LAX to NYC earlier this month after he reportedly got so hammered that he vomited on the plane.

Witnesses say the 36-year-old stopped at a bar in Santa Monica prior to heading to LAX, where he “got really angry and started getting drunk.”

“It’s really sad,” the insider said, watching Odom spiral out of control and further into the abyss. “He was doing so well in his [rehab] programs.” 

He was?

This incident came on the heels of rumors that Lamar is back on crack – his drug of choice the first time he and Khloe Kardashian split.

Khloe recently filed to divorce Lamar a second time. Shortly after the plane incident, her mom Kris Jenner said she was surprised by the news.

“I don’t know what happened. It was a big surprise to me,” Jenner said. “All I can say is I want the very best for him. He’s like my son.”

“He’s a part of my family and I adore him. He’s the greatest guy in the world and anybody that knows him will tell you the same thing.” 

Odom has recently been spotted at numerous NYC strip clubs, having been kicked out of Khloe’s rental house, allegedly for drug use.

What more is there to say at this point? Unless someone can get through to him, it feels inevitable that the same, sad pattern will continue.

This is not going to end well. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Maci Bookout to Taylor McKinney: Hurry TF Up & Propose!

Teen Mom cast member Maci Bookout has a message for her longtime boyfriend Taylor McKinney: Three years, and still no ring?

HELLO! What is so challenging about this?!

Those who watch Teen Mom online know Maci has been with Taylor since 2012, and he even has the approval of her ex Ryan Edwards.

Yet he hasn’t gotten down on one knee, much to her consternation … and the reality star is openly wondering what the holdup is.

Especially since they have a kid and all.

“It’s so to the point where I’m like, ‘Really, what is the deal?’” Maci, 24, says of the father of her second child, daughter Jayde.

Fans of Bookout have been eagerly awaiting the big news since the Season 5 finale showed Taylor McKinney ring shopping.

That was May. They’re still waiting.

“Marriage is something I want in my life,” Maci says. “In my opinion – and I think Taylor would agree – we pretty much are already married.”

“So it’s kind of like, ‘All right, what are we waiting on?’ I’m confused,” Bookout adds, but rut ring or no, “we make a really good team.”

In addition to Jayde, the couple are also raising Bookout’s son, Bentley, 7, her child with Teen Mom troublemaker Ryan Edwards.

Things between them are alright, though, and the stability Taylor brings to her life has been a big factor in that positive change.

“I don’t think we would be able to do everything we have going on lately if we didn’t have each other,” Bookout says of McKinney.

The new season of Teen Mom: OG kicks off next Monday, January 4. Better step up and pop the question this winter, T, or else.