Showing posts with label STAGED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STAGED. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Donald Trump Set Up CNN"s Jim Acosta and Staged Confrontation, Congressman Says

Congressman Gerry Connolly says CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta was set up by Donald Trump … set up to humiliate him during Wednesday’s news conference.  We got Connolly in D.C. Thursday and he seemed certain, there was a script…


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Justin Bieber Sideways Burrito Photo Was a Staged Prank by Yes Theory

You know that viral photo of Justin Bieber eating a burrito from the side — yeah … that was fake news, courtesy of the same guys who got Will Smith to jump into the Grand Canyon. As it turns out, this pic of “Justin” that made the Internet go…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Farrah Abraham Staged Her Wardrobe Malfunction, Of Course

Remember how Farrah Abraham flashed her vagina at Cannes? 

It was, of course, a "total accident" and a "wardrobe malfunction," and not a planned and carefully arranged stunt because she loves attention.

We"re kidding. It was by design, as you can see in the video that we"ve included.

So, Farrah wasn"t wearing underwear under her dress, which is how she ended up flashing her bits to the camera.

While all of the witnesses were, of course, turned to stone and remain in Cannes as statues of warning, photos and even video have surfaced of the alleged "wardrobe malfunction."

During the video, Farrah can"t seem to sit in the audience like a normal person.

Instead, she is constantly staring at the camera — at one camera in particular, that seems trained on her.

You know how people wondered how she had landed an invitation to walk the red carpet?

She hadn"t. She just crashed the red carpet by getting up, walking on it, and it looks like she went out of her way to make sure that she showed her genitals to the camera.

And it looks like the camera operator knew what was coming.

In fact, it looks like Farrah is keeping her eye on the camera, not only because she"s some sort of attention vampire who will wither and despair if people aren"t looking at her …

… But because she"s waiting for some sort of signal.

We"re guessing that the timing for crashing a red carpet show and flashing your genitals "by accident" and making sure that it"s all captured by all of the right cameras takes precision.

Still, Oceans 8, this is not.

And anyone watching the full video can see that this was planned.

Why was it planned?

Why does Farrah do anything?

1. Attention.

2. Money (which comes from attention).

We"ll admit that Farrah also does some things due to what we"ll generously call personality issues that make her such a hostile reality star that she got fired from Teen Mom.

Because while there are some very, very bad people who are reality stars, most of them have the sense to not make it impossible for producers and the camera crew to work with them while they film.

Farrah did, and now she"s no longer on the show that catapulted her to fame.

And many fans believe that this ridiculous stunt on the runway is probably a direct consequence of her Teen Mom firing.

Farrah needs attention, and she"s clearly not getting enough by just posting risque photos on her daughter"s social media account.

Farrah"s appeared nude before.

For that matter, she"s been in porn, solo and with a partner.

But for some very toxic reason that seems to be an indictment of our society, people are more interested in unintended nudity than they are in deliberate nudity.

A nip slip gets more attention than a topless selfie.

For that matter, people will sometimes devalue a person who poses topless, but not necessarily blame the person whose nudity was accidental. Society is weird.

Even Farrah knows this.

A number of fans believe that this is why she tried to make it appear that she"d flashed her stuff by accident.

Since Farrah planned this, is she planning some sort of grand tour in which she"ll flash her vagina at every big event?

(Yes, we know that she was technically not showing her actual vagina, but "vagina" is the colloquial term for that whole operation; please don"t make us refer to Farrah"s labia unless it"s absolutely necessary)

Because that will get old faster than she may realize.

Only time will tell.

Farrah abraham staged her wardrobe malfunction of course

Friday, April 6, 2018

Dana White Says Bus Attack Was Not Staged, "Dumbest Thing I"ve Ever Heard"

Dana White is adamant the UFC had nothing to do with planning the Conor McGregor melee — and slams theories it was all a publicity stunt gone sideways.  “I’m seeing tons of dummies out there saying this is something staged,” White said…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Javi Marroquin Shares Staged Photo, Gushes Over Kids

Javi Marroquin may or may not have cheated on Kailyn Lowry with her best friend.

And Javi Marroquin may or may not now be trolling for dates on Twitter.

But Javi Marroquin is definitely happy to see his kids.

The Teen Mom 2 star returned home from his deployment in the Air Force last month, walking in the door at one point and being greeted by his six-year old stepson, Isaac, and his two-year old biological son, Lincoln.

Marroquin shared a photo of the reunion on Instagram and included with it a very sweet caption that reads:

“My world in one picture.”

Of course, the scene would be a tad more sentimental if we couldn’t so obviously see the MTV cameraman in the foreground, filming this supposedly spontaneous meeting.

The staged set-up doesn’t make Isaac, holding a “Welcome Home” sign, any less adorable.

Nor does it make Lincoln and his big smile any less precious.

But when you know you’ll be able to watch Teen Mom 2 online next season and see this scenario play out, well… that takes away at least a little bit of the emotion.

It feels more like a scripted moment than a true moment of parental joy.

After several roller coaster months, Lowry and Marroquin finally confirmed their plans to divorce in May.

Since then, Marroquin has been accused of stepping out on Lowry in multiple occasions, prompting the couple’s eventual split.

Lowry, meanwhile, has been suspected of having a same-sex relationship with a woman actually named Becky Hayter.

We’re not sure what to believe, except that this is all very hard on the two most important people involved here: Issac and Lincoln.

Lowry shares custody of Isaac with her ex, Jo Rivera, who also appears on the hit MTV docuseries.

But Marroquin has grown very close to the toddler.

“[Isaac’s] my best friend,” Javi said during the June 20 reunion episode of Teen Mom 2, adding at the time that he wants “all of us to be together” and blaming Lowry’s stubbornness for their divorce.

Although Lowry still contends she plans to dissolve the couple’s nearly four-year marriage, the 24-year old did welcome her estranged husband back home via a sweet message via social media.

“Welcome back! @javim9,” she wrote on Instagram yesterday.

Sadly, she wrote it as a caption to the same staged photo we’ve featured above.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lamar Odom: Intervention Staged By Family! NBA Star Peaces Out in a Hurry!

Desperate to help any way that they can, Lamar Odom’s family staged an intervention in New York City Friday night, according to reports.

Suffice it to say, this did not go over well.

In response to the former NBA star’s recent troubling behavior, his family decided to step in and try to get him the help he badly needs.

A source quoted by Us Weekly confirms that the mediation took place on Friday night with several of Odom’s close family members.

Lamar’s longtime partner Liza Morales, the two children she has with Lamar, his aunt JaNean Mercer, and several cousins were involved.

Good for them for stepping up, but … it didn’t take.

“Lamar was doing really bad and his family was going to stage an intervention on Friday,” the insider tells the celebrity news magazine.

According to a separate report from Extra, the retired L.A. Lakers baller “was extremely surprised” by this and quickly “left the location.”

Sad, because an intervention is clearly needed.

Last fall, Odom overdosed and almost died in a Nevada brothel. He was in such rough shape that had to re-learn how to walk and speak (above).

You’d think that would straighten him out. No.

drunk Odom was kicked off a flight from LAX to NYC earlier this month after he reportedly got so hammered that he vomited on the plane.

Witnesses say the 36-year-old stopped at a bar in Santa Monica prior to heading to LAX, where he “got really angry and started getting drunk.”

“It’s really sad,” the insider said, watching Odom spiral out of control and further into the abyss. “He was doing so well in his [rehab] programs.” 

He was?

This incident came on the heels of rumors that Lamar is back on crack – his drug of choice the first time he and Khloe Kardashian split.

Khloe recently filed to divorce Lamar a second time. Shortly after the plane incident, her mom Kris Jenner said she was surprised by the news.

“I don’t know what happened. It was a big surprise to me,” Jenner said. “All I can say is I want the very best for him. He’s like my son.”

“He’s a part of my family and I adore him. He’s the greatest guy in the world and anybody that knows him will tell you the same thing.” 

Odom has recently been spotted at numerous NYC strip clubs, having been kicked out of Khloe’s rental house, allegedly for drug use.

What more is there to say at this point? Unless someone can get through to him, it feels inevitable that the same, sad pattern will continue.

This is not going to end well. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Details of Their Staged Date Night Revealed!

Due to the very mixed and very vocal reactions from all corners of the Internet, you’ve probably heard by now that Taylor Swift was spotted kissing Tom Hiddleston earlier this week.

The news came just weeks after word of Taylor’s breakup with Calvin Harris went public, and many fans were shocked that Taylor had moved on so quickly.

Hiddleston may not be quite the household name that Swift is, but he’s got a rabid online following, and as a couple of lanky, blonde celebs, it’s not like Swiddleston can easily blend in with a crowd.

So you’d think they would maybe just Netflix and chill together until they were ready to formally announce the relationship.

Instead, they made no effort to keep things … Loki. (Sorry.)

The fact that Tom and Taylor piled on the PDA while paps took artsy, album-cover photos of the two of them canoodling on the beach was taken by many as a sign that Hiddleswift wanted to get busted.

Today, Us Weekly published a slew of new details about the big Swiddles date night that basically confirm that the whole thing was a staged press event.

“Tom and Taylor were … in the back left booth drinking white wine,” an eyewitness tells Us Weekly. “They were very cute, a lot of laughing, giggling, as she showed him texts and photos on her phone.”

“They were interlacing their fingers across the table and laughing,”

The source noted that the couple ordered the restaurant’s “famous Avondale Swan pastry” for dessert, because such is the extent to which people watch Taylor Swift’s every move when she goes out to eat with a new dude. 

They proceeded to a crowded beach where Tom offered Taylor his jacket, because of course their first public date was like the lyrics to one of her cheesier songs.

“They were all over each other – hugging and kissing – even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach,” an eyewitness tells London’s The Sun.

“They looked like any young couple madly in love without a care in the world.”

Yes, not a care in the world – except making sure the paps get their good sides.

Look, Taylor is free to move on with whomever she wants, whenever she wants, but the fact that she wants is downright bizarre.

Frankly, we can kinda see why Calvin Harris is pissed.