Friday, June 17, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Details of Their Staged Date Night Revealed!

Due to the very mixed and very vocal reactions from all corners of the Internet, you’ve probably heard by now that Taylor Swift was spotted kissing Tom Hiddleston earlier this week.

The news came just weeks after word of Taylor’s breakup with Calvin Harris went public, and many fans were shocked that Taylor had moved on so quickly.

Hiddleston may not be quite the household name that Swift is, but he’s got a rabid online following, and as a couple of lanky, blonde celebs, it’s not like Swiddleston can easily blend in with a crowd.

So you’d think they would maybe just Netflix and chill together until they were ready to formally announce the relationship.

Instead, they made no effort to keep things … Loki. (Sorry.)

The fact that Tom and Taylor piled on the PDA while paps took artsy, album-cover photos of the two of them canoodling on the beach was taken by many as a sign that Hiddleswift wanted to get busted.

Today, Us Weekly published a slew of new details about the big Swiddles date night that basically confirm that the whole thing was a staged press event.

“Tom and Taylor were … in the back left booth drinking white wine,” an eyewitness tells Us Weekly. “They were very cute, a lot of laughing, giggling, as she showed him texts and photos on her phone.”

“They were interlacing their fingers across the table and laughing,”

The source noted that the couple ordered the restaurant’s “famous Avondale Swan pastry” for dessert, because such is the extent to which people watch Taylor Swift’s every move when she goes out to eat with a new dude. 

They proceeded to a crowded beach where Tom offered Taylor his jacket, because of course their first public date was like the lyrics to one of her cheesier songs.

“They were all over each other – hugging and kissing – even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach,” an eyewitness tells London’s The Sun.

“They looked like any young couple madly in love without a care in the world.”

Yes, not a care in the world – except making sure the paps get their good sides.

Look, Taylor is free to move on with whomever she wants, whenever she wants, but the fact that she wants is downright bizarre.

Frankly, we can kinda see why Calvin Harris is pissed.