Showing posts with label Peaces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peaces. Show all posts

Monday, July 17, 2017

Rob Kardashian Peaces Out of Family Intervention!

The dramatic saga of Robert Kardashian Jr. and Angela White, a.k.a. Blac Chyna, has subsided somewhat, but is far from over.

One new and troubling development:

Rob reportedly skipped a planned family intervention following his online meltdown, and his family is now even more concerned.

Things were looking up a week ago as Rob apologized to the Kardashians for his insane meltdown and cyberbullying of Blac Chyna.

That doesn’t mean all is well, though.

Apparently, his apology, while appreciated and overdue, did not quell the family’s fears that Rob had lost his mind with his recent antics.

Attacking the mother of his daughter like that, so brutally and borderline illegally with revenge porn, did not instill a lot of confidence.

So his mom(ager) and sisters reportedly decided to take action, hoping to sit him down and convince him to get the help he clearly needs.

This did not go over well, obviously.

When he learned Kris Jenner and his siblings were about to descend on him, he peaced out and gave them the silent treatment again.

Says a source close to Rob:

“He’s refusing rehab, he doesn’t want any fat farms, no more therapists, no more interventions, diets and meddling sisters.”

“He’s absolutely had it with all the games his family and his baby mama play … he’s sick of being played and bamboozled.”

“[He feels] used and tricked.”

Chyna went to war after the cyberbullying attack when she and her lawyer, Lisa Bloom, sought a restraining order against Rob in court.

Rob did not contest that.

His family hired famed attorney Robert Shapiro to defend him, but remain concerned that he is out of his mind and a danger to himself.

The source adds that Rob is just sick and tired of all the drama, and pushing him to get help is likely to make him even more reclusive.

“He’s in real bad shape right now,” the insider said, and we have no evidence to the contrary. We just hope this somehow improves. 

While Rob dodged the intervention attempt, his family is still deeply concerned and mortified by the events of the past few weeks.

Suffice it to say, they are monitoring the situation very closely, because this goes well way beyond the usual concerns over their brand.

The brand can survive a lot. Rob might not survive if he keeps this up. Guy needs to get a whole team of therapists assemlbed.

Like immediately if not sooner.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Scott Disick Banging Chloe Bartoli; Bella Thorne Peaces Out of Cannes!

Looks like Scott Disick is back to his old ways again.

His old ways being Chloe Bartoli, the very same woman he was linked to two summers ago when Kourtney Kardashian dumped him.

As for Bella Thorne … looks like she’s seen enough.

Yesterday in Cannes, France, the 33-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians train wreck was seen in his villa with a mystery brunette.

Suffice it to say, she is a very attractive woman.

Mind you, this is just days after making a show out of taking Bella Throne to Cannes in an obvious play to make Kourt jealous.

Hard to believe he could parade around town with a teenage actress only to ditch her just hours later, but that’s Scott for you.

Brazen is one word for him. Reckless, another.

It turns out the Lord’s mystery plaything wasn’t that much of a mystery at all; Chloe Bartoli has once again linked up with him.

The two, as we said above, have a history.

As for Bella Thorne, she has now met Scott Disick up close and personal, and on the receiving end of a million “I told you sos” online.

Sources close to their Cannes crew say that after seeing just how out of control this guy is, the 19-year-old backed away from Scott.

And the whole Cannes scene, altogether.

Despite the fact that she’s an entertainment industry veteran, Scott’s heavy drinking was truly shocking, TMZ reports, to Bella.

To her credit, when Scott invited Bella to Cannes, she insisted they bring her older sister Dani along as a chaperone of sorts.

Even then, and with several friends around to look out for her, Bella’s long fuse ran out after being exposed to this s–tshow.

Insiders connected to Thorne’s family say that her parents were worried about this trip from the start, for the obvious reasons.

Her young age, the Cannes Film Festival’s reputation as a playground for rich a–holes partying … and Scott Disick, in general.

Still, they believe she’s an adult and can handle her own decisions, so they stayed out of it, and in the end? She proved them right.

Sure, she probably should’ve taken a hard pass in the first place, but at least she put the brakes on before getting in too deep.

Apparently, the final straw was Bartoli, whom Scott was not just “hanging out” with … hanging out on top of would be more apt.

Anyway, Ms. Thorne’s tweets on the subject:


Yes, this fancy life is not for her, Thorne says.

No, nothing happened with Scott, she says. 

A little bit of revisionist history, perhaps – that life could’ve been awesome with a guy who’s not a total f–king mess – but we’ll allow it.

Despite rumors that Scott and Bella stalked Ella Ross, hoping for a threesome with his most recent ex, it doesn’t look like that happened.

We think. And hope, against all hope.

Disick is reportedly determined to have three-way sex in an attempt to stick it to Kourtney … which may be his lowest point ever.

Seriously, this goes beyond his typical propensity for partying and “dating” young models and ventures into dangerous territory.

How many lives can this guy ruin?


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mom Peaces Out for Weekend, Leaves Husband Hilarious Advice on Facebook

Meghan Maza Oeser has three children.

She recently took off for a much-deserved girls’ weekend away, but not before making sure her husband was ready to be in charge of their household for a couple days.

Well… as ready to be in charge of a household that is home to a trio of young kids as one can possibly be, that is.

“I’m writing this to you out of love, not fear,” Meghan begins her Facebook post, which has been shared over 50,000 times.

“I wanted to go over a few things with you before you embark on this weekend alone…with the others.

“Nighttime, daytime, breakfast time, and somewhere around lunchtime can easily be mistaken for pure HELL, with Satan coming off as a My Little Pony in comparison.”

Somewhere, approximately 149 million parents are nodding in agreement with Meghan.

Of course they love and cherish their toddlers, but pure HELL. That sounds about right a lot of the time.

“Dinner will suck,” Meghan warns, giving Dad an idea of what to expect:

“Bailey will want pizza, while Harper will ask for hotdogs. Quinn will cry when you say the word hotdog, and will insist on Mac n cheese (but not the orange kind or the white kind, but the purple kind).

“We’ll be fresh out of the purple kind, so she’ll then ask for toast. You’ll already have started making mac n cheese for Penny, but since she heard Quinn ask for toast, she’ll also want that toast. You’ll end up tossing the Mac n cheese because Bailey got the stomach flu 5 years ago after eating the orange kind, and Harper prefers the white kind.

“You’ll also forget about Harper because her friend Lily “unexpectedly” stopped by, so they went ripsticking down the street.

“Everyone will eat cereal for dinner, and Lily will come inside for a bandaid.”

note to hubby

It should be noted that Meghan wrote this missive as a caption to a photo that can best be summed up by three words:

I’m out, bitches!

Meghan saved the most LOL-worthy (to us, anyway) part of her note for the end.

When she got to the worst time of the day for any parent: bed time.

“Pajamas. FUCK pajamas. Don’t even ATTEMPT anything but a nightgown for Penny,” she wrote.

“And if you cannot find a nightgown for Penny, keep fucking looking. She’ll ask for her Minnie Mouse nightgown, but once you put it on, she’ll scream in agony because the sleeves are CLEARLY ripping her fucking arms off. Just find her Elsa one.

“Chances are, it’s dirty as shit, but so what…so is she. I can’t remember the last time I put soap to that one.”

While some may see this note as depressing, others may find comfort in it.

Hey, you aren’t alone, right?

“Oh, also…just incase you wanted to get ANYTHING done this weekend…good fucking luck,” Meghan wrote toward the end of her post.

“Quinn cries basically every 5 minutes, and you would think that Penny’s esophagus was on certain fire every 4.5 seconds. She’ll need constant refills, which leads to more potty breaks.

“Sometimes she can go by herself, and sometimes she’s completely useless and will whine about everything. Including, but not limited to, her underwears feeling funny. Have backup underwears.

“Oh, and since you made me get rid of most every sippy cup, leaving me with 2…she’ll lose those. Good fucking luck finding them.”

In conclusion, “Kisses, The Wife,” Meghan wrote.

She’s our new hero.

We hope she had a blast on her trip.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Normani Kordei Peaces Out of Twitter; Fifth Harmony Singer Decries Racist Trolls

Fifth Harmony singer Normani Kordei is fighting back against Internet trolls who she claims have bullied her online in a racist manner.

In an emotional statement posted to her Twitter account on Saturday evening, the 20-year-old vocalist revealed she is … quitting Twitter.

Why? A relentless torrent of online hate, she says.

“Over the past four years of being in the public eye I’ve learned to grow a thick skin to critics and those who may not like me,” she wrote.

“I’ve never been one to deny anyone of their opinions.”

“But over the course of this last week and especially over the last 48 hours I’ve not just been cyber bullied, I’ve been racially cyberbullied.”

“With tweets and pictures,” she says, that are “so horrific and racially charged that I can’t subject myself any longer to the hate.”

Last week, Kordei addressed critics accusing Normani of throwing shade at one of her fellow Fifth Harmony members, Camila Cabello.

The accusation, which she denies, was that she deliberately took too long to say anything nice or genuine about her 19-year-old counterpart.

This was in response to a recent interview, and Kordei – prior to taking her leave of absence from social media – addressed the drama.

“I would like to address an issue that has been completely blown out of proportion,” the talented young Kordei wrote on Twitter Friday.

“It is a shame that after four years … I have to address foolishness manufactured by those that have absolutely no idea what goes on.”

“I have shown nothing but commitment for the success of Fifth Harmony [but] yet I always find myself as the target of unjust hate and slander.”

“It’s just not right.”

She added, as part of her latest announcement, “I’m not the first black female celebrity to deal with this and I’m sure I won’t be the last.”

“I want to take this moment to say Love goes much further than hate in this world,” she said, echoing the sentiments of so many lately.

“Hiding behind a computer and putting people down.”

“Especially for the color of their skin doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a coward! I have nothing but love for everyone, even my haters.”

“I hope I can lead by example. I also want to thank Twitter for immediately jumping into action when they were alerted to the situation.”

“I love you all!”

Shortly after Normani announced her Twitter exit, Cabello chimed in with a show of support, standing in solidarity with her bandmate.

She also offered her own criticism of online bullies:

“I stand by the words ‘love only’ meaning I won’t tolerate on my timeline any kind of hate, racism, or discrimination towards ANYONE. period.”

“You don’t have to hate on somebody else to support me … I don’t appreciate it and it’s not what I’m about,” Cabello urged.

“Be kind or move on.”

Words to live by.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lamar Odom: Intervention Staged By Family! NBA Star Peaces Out in a Hurry!

Desperate to help any way that they can, Lamar Odom’s family staged an intervention in New York City Friday night, according to reports.

Suffice it to say, this did not go over well.

In response to the former NBA star’s recent troubling behavior, his family decided to step in and try to get him the help he badly needs.

A source quoted by Us Weekly confirms that the mediation took place on Friday night with several of Odom’s close family members.

Lamar’s longtime partner Liza Morales, the two children she has with Lamar, his aunt JaNean Mercer, and several cousins were involved.

Good for them for stepping up, but … it didn’t take.

“Lamar was doing really bad and his family was going to stage an intervention on Friday,” the insider tells the celebrity news magazine.

According to a separate report from Extra, the retired L.A. Lakers baller “was extremely surprised” by this and quickly “left the location.”

Sad, because an intervention is clearly needed.

Last fall, Odom overdosed and almost died in a Nevada brothel. He was in such rough shape that had to re-learn how to walk and speak (above).

You’d think that would straighten him out. No.

drunk Odom was kicked off a flight from LAX to NYC earlier this month after he reportedly got so hammered that he vomited on the plane.

Witnesses say the 36-year-old stopped at a bar in Santa Monica prior to heading to LAX, where he “got really angry and started getting drunk.”

“It’s really sad,” the insider said, watching Odom spiral out of control and further into the abyss. “He was doing so well in his [rehab] programs.” 

He was?

This incident came on the heels of rumors that Lamar is back on crack – his drug of choice the first time he and Khloe Kardashian split.

Khloe recently filed to divorce Lamar a second time. Shortly after the plane incident, her mom Kris Jenner said she was surprised by the news.

“I don’t know what happened. It was a big surprise to me,” Jenner said. “All I can say is I want the very best for him. He’s like my son.”

“He’s a part of my family and I adore him. He’s the greatest guy in the world and anybody that knows him will tell you the same thing.” 

Odom has recently been spotted at numerous NYC strip clubs, having been kicked out of Khloe’s rental house, allegedly for drug use.

What more is there to say at this point? Unless someone can get through to him, it feels inevitable that the same, sad pattern will continue.

This is not going to end well. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lamar Odom: Shady "Fixer" Shows Up, Takes Unconscious Star"s Stuff, Peaces Out!

How’s this for a twist:

Some “shady” man claiming to be Lamar Odom‘s manager reportedly turned up at the Love Ranch brothel hours after the former NBA star was found.

With Odom unconscious and on the brink of death, the man demanded to take his belongings, according to the business’ owner himself, Dennis Hof.

The unidentified man took the ailing athlete’s phone among other personal items, Hof says, and made himself scarce. Oh, and it gets even weirder:

A few hours after that took place, another man, identifying himself as Odom’s bodyguard, arrived … and had no earthly idea who the first visitor was.

“I don’t know if I got conned,” Hof said afterward. “When this all shakes out, this was a shady motherf–ker. I didn’t recognize him. Something was up.”

No word if Mike from Breaking Bad has an alibi last Tuesday.

Seriously, who was this “cleaner” and what does he know? If Hof – who Khloe Kardashian wants to shut the eff up – doesn’t even know … who does?!

Speaking of Khloe, she remains by Odom’s side as the 35-year-old continues to make progress following his nearly fatal overdose last week.

Despite reports that Lamar Odom died or was brain dead, has been brought out of a medically induced coma, and is now breathing on his own.

He has even smiled and kissed Khloe and Kim.

Odom faces a long road to recovery, but there is reason for hope … and we also hope he can tell us who this Mike-like “fixer” might be.

Because WTF.