Showing posts with label Quentin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quentin. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian Visits Prisoners And Staff At San Quentin State Prison

Kim Kardashian paid a visit to one of the nation’s most notorious prisons Thursday, and the timing and location is super interesting.  Sources familiar with the visit tell TMZ … Kim dropped in on San Quentin State Prison in Northern…


Monday, September 24, 2018

Kanye West Gets Offer From Quentin Richardson To Help In Chicago

Kanye West just added another big name to the list of people willing to help his social initiatives in Chicago … ex-NBA star Quentin Richardson, who says he totally down to work with Mr. West. Richardson is a Chi-Town native … and lost his…


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ronda Rousey to Quentin Tarantino, Put Me In "Kill Bill 3"!

With Ronda Rousey’s movie career taking off, the UFC legend says she’s aiming high — and wants a very specific role if Quentin Tarantino goes forward with a 3rd installment of “Kill Bill.” We got Rousey in NYC where she was promoting her new flick…


Monday, June 4, 2018

Drake"s Alleged Ghostwriter Quentin Miller Dodges Questions He Writes for Drizzy

Drake’s alleged ghostwriter, Quentin Miller, was all smiles in the middle of Drake and Pusha T’s war … skirting questions he’s the pen behind Drizzy’s tracks. We got Quentin at Aisle 5 in Atlanta on Thursday night and asked about…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Scott Peterson"s Latest Mug Shot from San Quentin State Prison

If you’ve been wondering what Scott Peterson — the man convicted of murdering his wife and unborn son in 2004 — has been up to, the relatively good news is … he’s still rotting away in prison. Peterson’s currently on death row in California’s…


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Quentin Tarantino Rides Scooby-Doo Kiddie Ride Outside L.A. Grocery Store

Quentin Tarantino’s no stranger to pushing the envelope … and that applies to the age limits on rides meant for children. The famous director was seen at a Super A Foods market in L.A. Friday afternoon, and couldn’t resist a ride on the…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Quentin Tarantino Apologizes to Roman Polanski"s Rape Victim

Quentin Tarantino is issuing a mea culpa after old comments he made live on the air about Roman Polanski’s child rape victim were met with rage. Tarantino issued a statement Thursday, apologizing to Polanski’s then-13-year-old victim, Samantha…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Quentin Tarantino: I Did NOT Try to Kill Uma Thurman!

The Kill Bill films tell the story of one woman’s epic quest for revenge against a criminal organization presided over by an evil mastermind.

So we suppose it’s not surprising that when Uma Thurman decided to take on Harvey Weinstein and his Miramax minions, she likened herself to the vengeful heroine she portrayed.

But the movies are on Thurman’s mind these days for reasons that go beyond the obvious parallels between herself and her character.

Last week, the actress became the latest to come forward with allegations of sexual assault against Weinstein.

In a candid interview with Maureen Dowd of The New York Times, Thurman told an all-too-familiar tale of unwanted advances from Weinstein.

She also alleged that her longtime friend and collaborator Quentin Tarantino knowingly put her in mortal danger during the filming of Kill Bill Vol. 2.

According to Thurman, Tarantino coerced her into driving an antique car that had been reconfigured from a manual to an automatic for a scene in the film.

Thurman reluctantly agreed to do the stunt, crashed the car, and had to be taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for minor injuries.

Today, Tarantino is speaking out in response to charges that he knowingly put Thurman’s life at risk:

“It was heartbreaking,” the director said in an interview with Deadline.

“Beyond one of the biggest regrets of my career, it is one of the biggest regrets of my life. For a myriad of reasons.” 

He added that the crash “affected me and Uma for the next two to three years. It wasn’t like we didn’t talk. But a trust was broken.”

Tarantino went on to claim that he intended to corroborate Thurman’s version of events in the Times piece, but was never afforded the opportunity:

“Part of my job on the piece was to do an interview with Maureen Dowd, and back up Uma’s claims,” he said.

“And we never hooked up. Me and Dowd never hooked up,” Tarantino added, claiming that he “ended up taking the hit and taking the heat.”

“I feel like I’ve been honest here and told the truth, and it feels really good after two days of misrepresentation, to be able to say it out loud. Whatever comes of it, I’ve said my piece. I’ve got big shoulders and I can handle it.”

The news comes at a time when Tarantino’s reputation has already been badly damaged by recent events.

The director’s current project is reportedly inspired by the Manson family and the 1969 murder of Sharon Tate, the wife of filmmaker Roman Polanski.

Controversy surrounding the project has led to the resurfacing of a 2003 interview in which Tarantino defends Polanski against statutory rape allegations.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Michael Madsen Knows Manson Movie Secrets, But Ain"t Crossing Quentin Tarantino

Michael Madsen ain’t about to piss off the golden goose — aka Quentin Tarantino — but it’s clear he knows a lot about the upcoming Charles Manson movie, and gave up at least one secret. Mike was doing some shopping at Vintage Grocers Tuesday in…


Michael Madsen Knows Manson Movie Secrets, But Ain"t Crossing Quentin Tarantino

Michael Madsen ain’t about to piss off the golden goose — aka Quentin Tarantino — but it’s clear he knows a lot about the upcoming Charles Manson movie, and gave up at least one secret. Mike was doing some shopping at Vintage Grocers Tuesday in…


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Guillermo del Toro Understands Why Quentin Tarantino Didn"t Blow Whistle on Harvey Weinstein

Guillermo del Toro is a strong defender of Quentin Tarantino, saying he understands why Quentin didn’t come forward years earlier to expose Harvey Weinstein. We got the famed director Friday heading into The Palm in Bev Hills, and he said he gets…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Quentin Tarantino"s Down to Direct "Star Trek" But Better Hurry!!!

Quentin Tarantino’s officially putting it out there — if a studio wants him to direct a ‘Star Trek’ flick, then set the meeting … STAT! We got the director extraordinaire Thursday at LAX and asked him ‘Star Trek’ stuff …namely, would he be…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

J. Cole Hangs with San Quentin Inmates, Stays Off Death Row

J. Cole’s visit with San Quentin inmates included deep conversation and plenty of photo ops — but it did NOT include a walk down the green mile … TMZ has learned. Photos of Cole hanging with San Quentin prisoners surfaced this week — showing…


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Quentin Tarantino, Don"t Even Ask if Jennifer Lawrence is Pretty Enough to Play Sharon Tate in Manson Movie

Quentin Tarantino does not seem down with the sister of Sharon Tate, who told TMZ Jennifer Lawrence wasn’t pretty enough to play her sibling in Quentin’s rumored upcoming Manson flick. We got Quentin and his freshly ringed fiancee leaving Madeo…


Monday, October 26, 2015

Quentin Tarantino: Police Union Calls For Boycott of Director"s Films

Quentin Tarantino has been at the center of a number of controversies over the years, but most of them have involved the intensely graphic violence in his uniquely stylized films.

In real life, however, Tarantino has gone on record as saying that he “abhors” violence, and he put his money where his mouth is over the weekend by taking part in a RiseUp rally to protest recent incidents of police brutality.

Now, ironically, Tarantino’s call for peace has ignited the biggest controversy of his career.

“I’m a human being with a conscience,” Tarantino told a reporter at the rally. “When I see murders, I do not stand by…I have to call a murder a murder, and I have to call the murderers the murderers.”

Not surprisingly, some police officers have taken issue with Tarantino’s statement.

“It’s no surprise that someone who makes a living glorifying crime and violence is a cop-hater, too,” Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said in a statement.

“The police officers that Quentin Tarantino calls ‘murderers’ aren’t living in one of his depraved big screen fantasies – they’re risking and sometimes sacrificing their lives to protect communities from real crime and mayhem.”

Lynch went on to say that New York residents should “send a message” by boycotting Tarantino’s films, particularly his upcoming Western The Hateful Eight, which is set for release in December.

Tarantino has yet to respond to the criticism, but we’re guessing he’s preparing a lengthy, wildly articulate, hyper-referential statement at this very moment.