Showing posts with label Richardson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richardson. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2018

Kanye West Gets Offer From Quentin Richardson To Help In Chicago

Kanye West just added another big name to the list of people willing to help his social initiatives in Chicago … ex-NBA star Quentin Richardson, who says he totally down to work with Mr. West. Richardson is a Chi-Town native … and lost his…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Panthers Owner Jerry Richardson Fined $2.75 Mil for Workplace Misconduct

Carolina Panthers owner Jerry Richardson has been hit with a $ 2.75 MILLION fine by the NFL for workplace misconduct — misconduct which included sexual harassment and racist language.  The NFL says an investigation into Richardson substantiated…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Carolina Panthers Owner Jerry Richardson Putting Up Team for Sale Amid NFL Investigation

Well that was fast — Carolina Panthers owner Jerry Richardson says he’s putting the team up for sale at the end of the season … the same day the NFL said it’s investigating him. Richardson released a statement Sunday saying he was planning to…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Carolina Panthers Owner Jerry Richardson Under Investigation, "Alleged Workplace Misconduct"

From Hollywood to the NFL … now a powerful NFL owner is being investigated for alleged misconduct in the workplace.  The Carolina Panthers have confirmed they have “commenced an internal investigation” into 81-year-old Jerry Richardson.…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Terry Richardson: Controversial Photographer Blacklisted Amidst Sex Scandal

The past few weeks have brought a number of surprising allegations against some of the most influential men in Hollywood, most notably, formerly esteemed mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Just kidding, there were actually surpsised that Weinstein is a gross predator who’s been using his power to get away with all manner of despicable things pretty 

In fact, here at THG, we’ve been reporting on harassment allegations against Weinstein for years.

We say that not to pat ourselves on the back, because that would be incredibly gross, but merely to point out that anyone who’s paid attention to Weinstein’s career knows that allegations of sexual misconduct have clung to him like a bad smell.

And if they claim otherwise, they’re full of it. (We’re looking at you, Matt Damon.) 

Hollywood insiders like to throw around the term “open secret” because it’s easier than acknowleding the ugly truth of the situation:

There are certain people in Hollywood who can get away with literally anything, including harassment and rape, and everyone who’s lower than them on the totem pole will ignore it, because they hope to one day be that powerful themselves, and they know that guys like Weinstein hold the keys to the castle.

Of course, this sort of behavior isn’t limited to the movie business.

There are predators in every line of work, and many will happily abuse the smallest modicum of power.

Take, for example, famed photographer Terry Richardson.

Just when you didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be a more obvious perv than Weinstein, along comes the revoltingly-nicknamed “Uncle Terry.”

You may not be surprised by the fact that a man who’s bragged about his talent for convincing reluctant celebrities to take their clothes off has some issues with boundaries, but apparently many of his colleagues were.

Richardson is a household name in the worlds of fashion and photography, and you may know him as the director of Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” video and the name is mentioned alongside avery self-consciously “artsy” black-and-white nude photo of a famous person.

Unfortunately for Richardson, it seems that in the wake of the Weinstein allegations, he’s been called out by numerous women who claim he’s guilty of various acts of harassment and abuse.

According to the New York Post, publishing powerhouse Condé Nast has already cut ties with Richardson and ordered that all work of his that’s been commissioned but not yet used should be “killed or substituted with other material.”

Other major media outlets that have used Richardson’s work in the past are expected to follow suit.

Details about the allegations against Richardson are scarce at this time, but it’s telling that none of his current or former colleagues are rushing to the photographer’s defense.

In fact, the biggest question being asked today is–why did take so long for Richardson to be called out?


Friday, February 17, 2017

NFL"s Trent Richardson -- Arrested For Domestic Violence

NFL player Trent Richardson has been arrested for domestic violence after an alleged incident Thursday night in Alabama. Richardson — a star at ‘Bama who’s bounced around the NFL — was arrested by police in Hoover, Alabama after receiving a 911…


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Rihanna, Exposed Boob Pose For Terry Richardson

Rihanna is no stranger to nudity.

In fact, with the possible exception of Miley Cyrus, she may be the nakedest pop star of all time.

The girl loves stripping down so much that there have been reports of former label boss Jay Z cautioning her to stop getting naked all the time.

So naturally, she’s a perfect subject for Terry Richardson.

If you’re familiar with his work, you know that Richardson is a photographer who seems to specialize in convincing famous people to take their clothes off in the name or art.

So it’s not surprising that Rihanna’s latest shoot with Richardson offers up a whole lot of boob-grabbing, suggestive-cigar-chomping fun.

This isn’t Richardson and RiRi’s first shoot, but it may be their raciest.

Their raciest shoot together, that is.

These two have both done much more revealing stuff on their own.

In fact, you probably shouldn’t click through this gallery of Richardson’s work if you’re at work, in a public place, or just want to go through the rest of your life not knowing what Lindsay Lohan pretending to fellate a handgun looks like.

Anyway, RiRi’s latest pics will appear in the new issue of CR Fashion Book.

The magazine claims that the photos are centered around a Marie Antoinette theme.

If you paid attention in history class, you might recall the famous incident in which Marie Antoinette grabbed her own boob.

Or it’s possible we just made that up.

The point is, Rihanna’s boobs have made another appearance, and for that, we thank her.

“Looking at the life and times of Marie Antoinette, we begin to see parallels between her and the female celebrities of today,” the magazine reads.

“Who besides our modern pop stars are followed with more obsession and desire?

“Rihanna is beloved while Marie Antoinette was not, but she shares with the Queen an unapologetic attitude that inspires and fascinates.

“She says what she wants, smokes what she wants, and wears what she wants, making her an icon of authenticity in an era of calculated, pre-baked fame.”

Whatever you say, boob purveyor.

As you know if you follow the Life of RiRi, the singer is dating Drake these days, and it’s anyone’s guess how he feels about her frequent nudity.

On the one hand, Rihanna obviously looks amazing, and he could be incredibly proud.

On the other hand, Aubrey is a bit of a sensitive soul, so he could feel threatened by the thought of millions of people leering at his girlfriend.

In any event, he probably doesn’t have much say in the matter.

As the person who wrote that weird “Rihanna is just like Marie Antoinette except everyone loves her, so really not at all” explanation can attest, RiRi is 100% her own woman.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Miley Cyrus: Totally Naked For Terry Richardson AGAIN!

At this point, nude photos of Miley Cyrus are like racist comments from Donald Trump. There’s a new one just about every day, but it still makes the news.

Last week, we brought you the Miley full frontal pics taken by the creepy uncle of celebrity nudity, Terry Richardson. Today, we give you the inevitable outtakes – complete with armpit hair!

We’re not sure why these pics weren’t released along with the original photos, as they look just about the same.

We’d say it’s the presence of Miley’s armpit hair, that’s never been something that the singer is shy about.

Come to think of it, is there anything Miley is shy about? Say what you will about the girl, she is fully and completely herself at all times.

Miley turned 23 earlier this week, and we’re sure she was dressed in nothing but a cloud of weed smoke at her party.

And that’s what we love about her.

At first, it seemed like she was just trying to distance herself from her squeaky-clean Hannah Montana days as much as possible. 

Now we know that stoned and naked are Miley’s natural states, and her whole manic pixie weed-girl persona isn’t an act but just an honest reflection of her true weird self.

That said, if she wants to keep getting attention for her nude pics, she should probably keep her clothes on for a bit. She’s flooding the market.