Showing posts with label Blacklisted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blacklisted. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Charlie Sheen: I"m Broke AND Being Blacklisted!

Forgive us for the very obvious opener here, but…

… Charlie Sheen is most decidedly NOT winning these days.

Some might say he’s losing even more than the New York Mets, in fact.

The 52-year old filed requests to modify his child support payments to ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller yesterday, explaining to the court that he simply cannot afford to continue doling out the previously-agreed-upon sums to these women.

The former Two and a Half Men star, who is living with the HIV virus, who shares two daughters with Richards and twin sons with Mueller.

He alleges he doesn’t have the necessary cash flow to keep up with his monthly payments because he’s “been unable to find steady work, and [has] been blacklisted from many aspects of the entertainment industry.”

This is quite the accusation, of course.

Being blacklisted implies that there’s a concerted efforts by a multitude of people in Hollywood to keep Sheen from earning a living.

There’s a conspiracy against him, Sheen is claiming. 

Sort of like how Donald Trump and his associates willfully teamed up with Vladimir Putin and company in 2016, there’s collusion at work here.

That’s possible.

But it’s maybe more possible that Sheen is simpy unemployable because he’s an accused woman beater who may have lied to sexual partners about his disease and who spent like a year ranting and raving like a mad men.

Anyway, though.

Per these legal documents, Sheen has been making child support payments to both of his ex wives since the summer of 2016.

He was ordered to pay $ 55,000 a month to Mueller in August of 2016 and $ 20,000 a month to Richards in June of 2016 and…

… wait, what?!?!

Sheen has been shelling out $ 75,000 PER MONTH in child support for two years now?!?

We don’t feel sorry for the guy or anything, it’s just… wow. That’s a crap ton of money.

Sheen also pays both exes 9.5 percent of his gross annual income from all sources in excess of $ 2.1 million.

Due to his deal with CBS (for Two and a Half Men) and then with FX (for Anger Management), Sheen could pretty easily afford those aforementioned payments, as significant as they may be.

Now, though?

“I have been unable to find steady work, and have been blacklisted from many aspects of the entertainment industry,” Sheen writes in the documents, adding:

“All of this has resulted in a significant reduction in my earnings.”

As a result of being out of work, Sheen says he he no longer has “sufficient income” to pay the court-ordered child support amounts.

And he’s probably telling the truth.

Is he really in “dire financial crisis,” however, as he also claims?

Documents show that Sheen made an income of $ 37,631 last month and that his assets total about $ 5.8 million.

The latter figure would put him in the upper 1%, of course.

But remember, he’s paying $ 75,000 a month and that can add up quickly.

Sheen married Richards in 2002 and they separated in 2006. 

He then married Mueller in 2008, but the two broke up in 2011 after an ugly few years marred with allegations of infidelity and violence.

The actor also has a 33-year-old daughter, Cassandra Jade Estevez, from a previous relationship with his high school girlfriend Paula Speert.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Disneyland Sued by Club 33 Members Claiming They Were Blacklisted, Booted

Mickey Mouse and his cronies at Disneyland are picking favorites within the park’s exclusive Club 33, which cost 2 members access to the group … this according to a new lawsuit. Carlton Enterprises is suing The Happiest Place on Earth for what…


Disneyland Sued by Club 33 Members Claiming They Were Blacklisted, Booted

Mickey Mouse and his cronies at Disneyland are picking favorites within the park’s exclusive Club 33, which cost 2 members access to the group … this according to a new lawsuit. Carlton Enterprises is suing The Happiest Place on Earth for what…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Terry Richardson: Controversial Photographer Blacklisted Amidst Sex Scandal

The past few weeks have brought a number of surprising allegations against some of the most influential men in Hollywood, most notably, formerly esteemed mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Just kidding, there were actually surpsised that Weinstein is a gross predator who’s been using his power to get away with all manner of despicable things pretty 

In fact, here at THG, we’ve been reporting on harassment allegations against Weinstein for years.

We say that not to pat ourselves on the back, because that would be incredibly gross, but merely to point out that anyone who’s paid attention to Weinstein’s career knows that allegations of sexual misconduct have clung to him like a bad smell.

And if they claim otherwise, they’re full of it. (We’re looking at you, Matt Damon.) 

Hollywood insiders like to throw around the term “open secret” because it’s easier than acknowleding the ugly truth of the situation:

There are certain people in Hollywood who can get away with literally anything, including harassment and rape, and everyone who’s lower than them on the totem pole will ignore it, because they hope to one day be that powerful themselves, and they know that guys like Weinstein hold the keys to the castle.

Of course, this sort of behavior isn’t limited to the movie business.

There are predators in every line of work, and many will happily abuse the smallest modicum of power.

Take, for example, famed photographer Terry Richardson.

Just when you didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be a more obvious perv than Weinstein, along comes the revoltingly-nicknamed “Uncle Terry.”

You may not be surprised by the fact that a man who’s bragged about his talent for convincing reluctant celebrities to take their clothes off has some issues with boundaries, but apparently many of his colleagues were.

Richardson is a household name in the worlds of fashion and photography, and you may know him as the director of Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” video and the name is mentioned alongside avery self-consciously “artsy” black-and-white nude photo of a famous person.

Unfortunately for Richardson, it seems that in the wake of the Weinstein allegations, he’s been called out by numerous women who claim he’s guilty of various acts of harassment and abuse.

According to the New York Post, publishing powerhouse Condé Nast has already cut ties with Richardson and ordered that all work of his that’s been commissioned but not yet used should be “killed or substituted with other material.”

Other major media outlets that have used Richardson’s work in the past are expected to follow suit.

Details about the allegations against Richardson are scarce at this time, but it’s telling that none of his current or former colleagues are rushing to the photographer’s defense.

In fact, the biggest question being asked today is–why did take so long for Richardson to be called out?
