Showing posts with label Kiddie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiddie. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Quentin Tarantino Rides Scooby-Doo Kiddie Ride Outside L.A. Grocery Store

Quentin Tarantino’s no stranger to pushing the envelope … and that applies to the age limits on rides meant for children. The famous director was seen at a Super A Foods market in L.A. Friday afternoon, and couldn’t resist a ride on the…


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Gene Simmons -- Kiddie Porn Fans are like Cockroaches (VIDEO)



Gene Simmons says everyone is fair game for child porn Internet predators, so what happened to him could happen to you.

We got Gene Friday night outside the awesome Rainbow Bar & Grill on the Sunset Strip, where he used a cockroach metaphor to describe the way these predators operate.

TMZ broke the story, the LAPD executed a search warrant on Simmon’s home after someone either downloaded child porn on a family computer or used their Internet access.  Neither Gene nor anyone in his family were suspects … it’s someone who had gained access.