Showing posts with label Boycott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boycott. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

T.I. Adds Burberry to Boycott List ... These Aren"t Coincidences

T.I.‘s gonna be rocking nothing but tighty-whities soon — and not high-end ones — because he’s adding Burberry to his fashion boycott list in response to its noose hoodie fiasco.
Tip ripped the brand Tuesday, just as he did Gucci and Prada last week, and dismissed...
T.I. Adds Burberry to Boycott List ... These Aren"t Coincidences

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Desiigner Calls for Boycott of Scandinavian Airlines After Getting Banned

Desiigner says he was kicked off a plane in Europe after a flight attendant allegedly put her hands on him — and he’s now calling for a full-on boycott of the airline … claiming the whole ordeal was racially motivated.  The NYC rapper…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Beto O"Rourke Is "Fine" with Nike Boycott, "Peaceful, Nonviolent Protest"

Beto O’Rourke — the congressman who went viral defending NFL kneelers — says he’s totally fine with people boycotting Nike … because it’s another form of nonviolent protest.  Beto is currently in a very tight senate race in Texas against…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

National Police Organization Calls for Nike Boycott Over Kaepernick Ad

10:46 AM PT — The National Association of Police Organizations has fired off a letter to Nike chairman and CEO Mark Parker, saying the org. is now calling for a boycott of all Nike products.  “In featuring Mr. Kaepernick in the ‘Just Do It’…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

NASCAR"s Martin Truex Jr. Raves About White House Visit, I"d Never Boycott!

NASCAR champ Martin Truex Jr. says his White House visit Monday to meet President Trump was “amazing” … calling it a huge honor he would NEVER consider passing up.  It’s a MUCH different opinion than some NBA and NFL…


Monday, April 16, 2018

T.I. Calls for Starbucks Boycott After Black Men Arrested in Philadelphia

T.I. says the only way to get Starbucks’ attention is to hit ‘em where it hurts most — their pockets — after 2 black men were treated unequally in Philadelphia. We got the rapper at LAX Sunday and asked him about the controversial arrest in…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

David Hogg Calls for Laura Ingraham Boycott After Cyberbullying

Laura Ingraham picked a fight with the wrong 17-year-old … her show’s now facing David Hogg’s wrath … wrath in the form of a boycott. The Parkland leader ordered his more than 600,000 followers on Twitter to boycott advertisers who sponsor…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy: Have Fans Actually Enacted a Boycott?

At this point in the nearly 14-season run of Grey’s Anatomy, you’d think fans would be used to cast turnover.

Over the years, viewers have been forced to say goodbye to such series regulars as Katherine Heigl, Isaiah Washington, Sandra Oh, T.R. Knight, Eric Dane and Patrick Dempsey.

Just to name a few.

Last week, however, producers confirmed that neither Sarah Drew nor Jessica Capshaw would return for Season 15, prompting some major outrage from loyal Grey’s supporters.

The former has portrayed Dr. April Kepner for nine years and the latter Dr. Arizona Robbins for a decade.

“The characters of Arizona and April are permanently woven into the fabric of Grey’s Anatomy thanks to the extraordinary work of Jessica Capshaw and Sarah Drew,” wrote executive producer Krista Vernoff upon announcing this stunning news.

She continued at the time:

“As writers, our job is to follow the stories where they want to go, and sometimes that means saying goodbye to characters we love.

“It has been a joy and a privilege to work with these phenomenally talented actresses.”

Both stars released statements in the wake of their dismissals, each handling the decision with grace and maturity.

But not all viewers have reacted the same way.

Last Thursday’s installment of Grey’s Anatomy, for example, earned a series low rating.

Last night’s installment of the drama, meanwhile, ticked up a slight bit… but was still a significant drop from previous outings this season and last season.

Does this mean the push for a boycott from a handful of fans on social media is working?

At one point over the past several days, the hashtag “#BoycottGreys went viral, as fans came together to protest yet another example of cast upheaveal on this long-running program.

Moreover, many of these same critics believe Ellen Pompeo is actually to blame for her co-stars getting the boot.

The show’s lead signed a new $ 20 million contract in January, prompting some folks out there to think no money was leftover for Drew and Capshaw.

There’s no evidence of this, of course.

ABC has said the stars were being let go for “creative reasons,” while Pompeo wasted no time at all shooting down this rude and unfair chatter.

“Its unfortunate that @DEADLINE chooses to try to pit women against each other on #InternationalWomensDay #shameonyounotme,” Tweeted Pompeo a week ago, addressing a website that implied Pompeo’s salary was related to Drew and Capshaw’s fate.

Vernoff was similarly upset over this insinuation.

Wrote the producer on Twitter:

The suggestion … that our cast changes are in any way related to Ellen Pompeo‘s salary renegotiation is wrong and hurtful and misguided.

It smacks of an old, broken, patriarchal notion that women must be pitted against each other and that one woman’s success will be costly to others.

Ellen Pompeo has not only advocated passionately for her fellow cast members, she has taken the time to educate women worldwide as to how to advocate for themselves and that must not now be twisted.

The real question in the wake of this ratings drop, of course, is this:

Will ABC actually renew Grey’s Anatomy for Season 15?

It has not done so yet.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

British Royal Family, Politicians to Boycott World Cup Over Spy Poisoning

U.K. prime minister Theresa May just laid down the gauntlet to Russia — saying NO members of the British government OR the royal family will attend the World Cup over a chemical attack on a double agent living in England.  May is FURIOUS over…


Sunday, March 4, 2018

T.I. is Helping Houston"s Understand Black Culture After Ending Boycott

T.I. isn’t just lifting the boycott on Houston’s Restaurant, he’s going to help the company with diversity training to ensure African-American customers never face racism there again. We broke the story … Tip placed a boycott on the Houston’s…


T.I. is Helping Houston"s Understand Black Culture After Ending Boycott

T.I. isn’t just lifting the boycott on Houston’s Restaurant, he’s going to help the company with diversity training to ensure African-American customers never face racism there again. We broke the story … Tip placed a boycott on the Houston’s…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

T.I. Lifts Boycott on Houston"s Restaurant After Racial Issues Addressed

T.I. has gone from the negotiating table to the dinner table at Houston’s … because he believes there’s no need for a boycott anymore since the restaurant is no longer — as he alleged — racist. Sources close to Tip tell us he’s had several…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mike Epps to Eagles: Boycott the White House! Here"s Why ...

Mike Epps is fully supporting Chris Long and Malcolm Jenkins for declining a visit to Trump’s White House — and tells TMZ Sports the REST of the Eagles team should follow suit.  Of course, Chris and Malcolm have laid out their reasons –…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Eagles" Chris Long: I"ll Boycott Trump"s White House if We Win Super Bowl

Chris Long says he’s ready to stick it to Donald Trump AGAIN — stating he will NOT attend the White House visit if the Eagles win the Super Bowl.  Backstory — Long boycotted the trip in 2017 when he was invited to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. as a…


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Tony Rock Blasts Mo"Nique"s Netflix Boycott, Questions Her Relevance

Tony Rock’s calling out Mo’Nique for exercising extremely poor business etiquette in her beef with Netflix. We got Tony at LAX, and asked what he thinks about Mo accusing Netflix of discrimination. Remember, she feels insulted by a $ 500k offer from…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Mo"Nique Accuses Netflix of Undervaluing Black Women, Demands Boycott

Mo’Nique claims Netflix severely short-changed her during negotiations for a comedy special … and she says the proof is in how much some other comedians got paid for specials. The Oscar winner told us Friday … Netflix offered her $ 500k,…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Joel McHale: Boycott Thursday Night Football? No Way.

This clip with Joel McHale sums up the NFL’s problem with Thursday Night Football in a nutshell — he  knows it’s dangerous for the players … but he loves the sport too much to stop watching. McHale is a footballaholic — but with huge names…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Derick Dillard Leads Boycott of Target, Sparks Yet Another Controversy

Well, it looks like Derick Dillard has chosen a side in the long-standing Target vs. Wal-Mart debate.

Of course, his allegiance has nothing to do with the price of cargo shorts and everything to do with Derick’s new found desire to be the Duggar clan’s resident rabble-rouser.

If you follow Derick on social media, then you’re probably aware that Jill Duggar’s husband has developed a taste for expressing controversial views as of late.

It started with Derick’s attack on Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen and fellow TLC reality star, whom Dillard accused of espousing a “non-reality,” arguing that “gender is ordained by God.”

Dillard was widely criticized for his comments, but he also received a good deal of support from Twitter’s evangelical community.

Like all reality stars, Derick thrives on attention, be it good or bad, so it should come as no surprise that the controversy over his Jennigs remarks prompted the father of two to continue tweeting about incendiary political issues.

In recent weeks, Derick has claimed there’s no racism in America, revealed his support for President Trump, and taken publicly taken the far-right stance on a number of issues.

While his opinions may not come as much of a surprise, it’s somewhat surprising that he’s continued to express them publicly.

The Duggars’ are usually content to leave their social views an open secret, but Derick is a self-styled political figure–and, it should be noted, a former Wal-Mart employee–who has now set his sights on the nation’s second-largest retail chain.

Yes, Derick has entered the debate over transgender men and women using public restrooms, and not the utter shock of absolutely no one, he’s taking the ignorant view on the matter.

Earlier this week, Derick tweeted a link to an article urging consumers to boycott Target over the corporation’s policy on restrooms.

“Important article for Christians who are concerned for the future of America,” Derick wrote.

The article–entitled “Target: A web of deception for women and children?”–is an ugly transphobic screed that villainizes transgender women as rapists in disguise.

“Men don’t belong in women’s restrooms and changing areas,” the author argues at one point.

Not surprisingly, the reaction against Derick’s bigotry has been swift and harsh:

“Men also don’t belong in bed with their little sisters,” wrote one follower.

“Yet you support a ‘president’ who is a legit rapist. Seems he’s more of a threat in the bathroom than any true trans out there,” commented another.

Rather than engage with those who disagree with him, Derick responded the way he always does in the face of pushback–he quoted some Bible verses and basically told his critics that they’re headed straight to hell:

“There is one objective truth that no man can change, regardless of how one feels about it; one day everyone will have to come to terms w/ it,” Derick tweeted.

It’s long been rumored that Derick has aspirations to run for office and his trip to D.C. for the Value Voters Summit this week has been interpreted by many as Dillard’s way of confirming that he has sights set on Washington.

We hate to break it to the guy, but he may need to sharpen his debate skills.

Even in 2017, shouting Bible quotes at your opponents doesn’t count as a cogent argument.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Cardi B Threatens NFL Boycott, Hire Kaepernick Or I"ll Watch Baseball!

Cardi B — who has the #1 song in the country — says NFL owners need to hire Colin Kaepernick ASAP or she’ll boycott NFL Sundays and start watching baseball instead … on whatever day baseball is on.  The “Bodak Yellow” rapper told Billboard…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Al Sharpton: We"ll Boycott ESPN If Jemele Hill Gets Fired

Al Sharpton says he’s got Jemele Hill’s back — and if ESPN fires her over her anti-Trump tweets, he’ll lead a boycott against the network. The Rev. tells TMZ Sports he’s furious with the White House and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for…
