Thursday, October 19, 2017

Derick Dillard Leads Boycott of Target, Sparks Yet Another Controversy

Well, it looks like Derick Dillard has chosen a side in the long-standing Target vs. Wal-Mart debate.

Of course, his allegiance has nothing to do with the price of cargo shorts and everything to do with Derick’s new found desire to be the Duggar clan’s resident rabble-rouser.

If you follow Derick on social media, then you’re probably aware that Jill Duggar’s husband has developed a taste for expressing controversial views as of late.

It started with Derick’s attack on Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen and fellow TLC reality star, whom Dillard accused of espousing a “non-reality,” arguing that “gender is ordained by God.”

Dillard was widely criticized for his comments, but he also received a good deal of support from Twitter’s evangelical community.

Like all reality stars, Derick thrives on attention, be it good or bad, so it should come as no surprise that the controversy over his Jennigs remarks prompted the father of two to continue tweeting about incendiary political issues.

In recent weeks, Derick has claimed there’s no racism in America, revealed his support for President Trump, and taken publicly taken the far-right stance on a number of issues.

While his opinions may not come as much of a surprise, it’s somewhat surprising that he’s continued to express them publicly.

The Duggars’ are usually content to leave their social views an open secret, but Derick is a self-styled political figure–and, it should be noted, a former Wal-Mart employee–who has now set his sights on the nation’s second-largest retail chain.

Yes, Derick has entered the debate over transgender men and women using public restrooms, and not the utter shock of absolutely no one, he’s taking the ignorant view on the matter.

Earlier this week, Derick tweeted a link to an article urging consumers to boycott Target over the corporation’s policy on restrooms.

“Important article for Christians who are concerned for the future of America,” Derick wrote.

The article–entitled “Target: A web of deception for women and children?”–is an ugly transphobic screed that villainizes transgender women as rapists in disguise.

“Men don’t belong in women’s restrooms and changing areas,” the author argues at one point.

Not surprisingly, the reaction against Derick’s bigotry has been swift and harsh:

“Men also don’t belong in bed with their little sisters,” wrote one follower.

“Yet you support a ‘president’ who is a legit rapist. Seems he’s more of a threat in the bathroom than any true trans out there,” commented another.

Rather than engage with those who disagree with him, Derick responded the way he always does in the face of pushback–he quoted some Bible verses and basically told his critics that they’re headed straight to hell:

“There is one objective truth that no man can change, regardless of how one feels about it; one day everyone will have to come to terms w/ it,” Derick tweeted.

It’s long been rumored that Derick has aspirations to run for office and his trip to D.C. for the Value Voters Summit this week has been interpreted by many as Dillard’s way of confirming that he has sights set on Washington.

We hate to break it to the guy, but he may need to sharpen his debate skills.

Even in 2017, shouting Bible quotes at your opponents doesn’t count as a cogent argument.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
