Exclusive Details
United Airlines pilots had to deal with a shattered windshield at 40,000 feet, and although the airline said bird strike caused the emergency … one passenger claims there was a massive cover-up.
United’s flight 931 left Chicago bound for London on Oct. 27, 2018,...
United Airlines Sued Passenger Smells Cover-Up Over Shattered 767 Windshield
Thursday, January 24, 2019
United Airlines Sued Passenger Smells Cover-Up Over Shattered 767 Windshield
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Tara Reid Says Delta Airlines Wanted Her Dog Put in Overhead Bin
Tara Reid is drastically changing her story on why she was escorted off a Delta flight — now saying she was told to stow her dog in an overhead bin, and simply refused. The actress posted a statement Wednesday clarifying what she says went…
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Desiigner Calls for Boycott of Scandinavian Airlines After Getting Banned
Desiigner says he was kicked off a plane in Europe after a flight attendant allegedly put her hands on him — and he’s now calling for a full-on boycott of the airline … claiming the whole ordeal was racially motivated. The NYC rapper…
Monday, July 23, 2018
United Airlines Shrugs at Perv Going to Town on Himself Under Blanket
Flying on an airplane is already an unpleasant enough experience. You’re rocketing through the clouds in an overcrowded tube.
One woman says that she awoke to find the man beside her masturbating beneath the blanket.
To make matters worse, she says that United took a month and a half to respond to her complaint — and that their response was an insult.

Her post begins with “*Trigger Warning*”
That is a great reminder that, though the term has been mocked into near-disuse by douchecanoes on the internet, “trigger warning” is a useful warning for people who aren’t eager to relive the worst moments of their lives.
“On June 4th I was on a #unitedairlines flight from Heathrow to Chicago,” her post explains.
“On this flight,” she continues. “The man next to me started masturbating.”
Masturbation in and of itself is a very healthy activity. Masturbating in public in front of a captive audience is absolutely disgusting.

“I woke up,” she describes. “And saw him touching himself under a blanket.”
That sounds like such an unpleasant experience.
“I woke the woman next to me,” she writes. “And got out of there to tell a flight attendant.”
She then says that “the attendants checked and confirmed that he was masturbating in public.”
What a weird job flight attendants have.
“Once I got up the woman next to me saw and she also got up,” she explains. “They gave us new seats.”

Unfortunately, she says that the flight crew was insensitive about the issue.
“They then started making jokes about the situation,” she says. “Asking ‘what perfume are you wearing’ and excusing him saying ‘he’s had a bit of wine."”
Obviously, no type of perfume and no amount of alcohol excuses that.
She laments that “no one stopped him.”
“He was allowed to finish,” she writes. And here is where it gets worse.
She alleges that the masturbating passenger did all of this “with a child sitting closely by.”

“After exiting the plane first to talk to security,” she writes. “The security guard asked me if I’d like an apology from the offender.”
That sounds … absurd.
She says: “I immediately rejected the request.”
“It took @unitedairlines a month an a half to respond to my complaint,” she reveals. “And I received this email today.”
That email being the above image saying that there’s nothing that they can do.
“I am appalled at the lack of action taken in this situation in which as a woman, I was terrified.”

If you’re wondering why she was frightened rather than merely disgusted, it is important to remember that men who harass women by doing things like flashing or masturbating are sometimes working themselves up to commit assault.
“This man is clearly capable of much more,” she explains.
“So women and men out there,” she says. “Pick an airline that cares about your safety.”
She writes: “#unitedairlines referring to being assaulted on one of your flight as a ‘uncomfortable experience’ is a bit of an understatement.”
“Your lack of action is disgusting,” she says, tagging: “@united #unitedairlines #metoo”

While, going off of her description, the word assault doesn’t look accurate, that is a horrible, harrowing situation that absolutely should never have happened.
We’ve heard stories of women who were physically assaulted on planes, and in some of those cases, the perpetrator was also touching himself.
This definitely sounds like a #MeToo story. And it sounds like some professionals on the plane who should have known better were very insensitive about it.
Needless to say, the presence of a child in proximity to the alleged public masturbator is also alarming.
We understand that flight attendants possibly don’t train for this situation and probably hoped to avoid making an incident worse.
But … one would hope that United would be more apologetic.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Jonathan Rhys Meyers Detained By Cops After Tirade On American Airlines
Jonathan Rhys Meyers was detained by police Sunday after allegedly getting into a verbal altercation with his wife on an American Airlines flight. Sources tell TMZ … Meyers, his wife Mara and their 1-year-old son were on a flight from Miami to…
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Couple Gets Married on a Southwest Airlines Flight: WATCH!
A couple decided that there was no place they"d rather get married than on an airplane.
Not a private plane. Not a plane on the ground. Just a regular, commercial aircraft full of other passengers.
It"s a strange story, but very touching, especially when you see how much everyone else played along. Take a look:
"Airplane wedding" might sound like the premise of some god-awful romantic comedy (not all of them are, but this one would be).
Seeing it play out in real life, on the other hand, shows that it can be pretty sweet.
Michael and Renee used the airplane aisle as their, well, aisle. Renee walked towards Michael while Ed Sheeran"s "Perfect" played, because of course.
The pilot of the Southwest flight addressed the entire plane over the intercom, saying:
"They met each other four years ago," the pilot announced. "And this weekend decided to make it at least another four years,"
Everybody"s a comedian.
"They met on a Match.com date," the pilot also shared. "And yes, ladies and gentleman, it really does work."
"They were in beautiful Baltimore when they met," the pilot added. "And it’s happily ever after from there."
Their vows were appropriately tongue-in-cheek under the circumstances.
"I, Michael, take you, Renee, to be my wife, my partner in life, and my travel companion when I become a Rapid Reward Member today, tomorrow and forever."
That"s very cute.
(They danced down the aisle to Chris Brown"s "Forever," which is gross, but it"s inclear whether they or a passanger chose that music)
Skylee Campbell was one of the many passengers who captured this precious moment on video.
"Can’t think of a better way to spend a late-night, 5 hour flight," Skylee wrote. "Other than watching a wedding happen on the plane!"
It makes sense that the airlines are happy to oblige.
First of all, it gives flight attendants and pilots a break from, you know, the mundane agony of just doing their jobs like they do on every other flight.
Second of all, it gives new, free good press for the airline. Do you know how rare that is, these days?
How many videos have we all seen of people getting dragged off of airplanes?
Earlier this month, there were overlapping horror stories from airplanes. One was of a man removed for his foul body odor.
Another was of a man who, according to the woman who was seated beside him, was allegedly masturbating during the flight.
So, yes, a heartwarming story that takes place on an airplane is clearly welcome. From their perspective.
There are ethical concerns to getting marred in a plane in this manner.
The ceremony is sweet, sure. But … the passengers didn"t sign up for this.
These two were effectively tying the knot in front of a captive audience who, rather than being invited to a wedding ceremony between strangers, found themselves immersed in it against their will.
Sometimes public proposals happen like this, but it usually only monopolizes a minute or two of people"s time.
This was a whole wedding ceremony, and the captain was speaking over the intercom. That"s not exactly easy to avoid.
On top of that … imagine having to go to the bathroom while on the flight. That"s an unpleasant prospect at any point, because the process of flying is an exercise in misery.
But interrupting a wedding that you never asked to attend adds extra unpleasantness to being squeezed into a small nightmare bathroom while hurtling through the clouds in a metal tube.
Still … we haven"t actually heard any complaints.
The flight crew reportedly had all of the passengers activate their overhead lights to illuminate the aisle.
It"s such a cute story.
Apparently, the crew was happy to comply.
This couple is hardly the first to get married on a flight, and they won"t be the last.
Honestly, airplane tickets might be expensive considering the conditions that people endure on flights, but they can"t compare to the price of a more traditional wedding.
Good for these two for thinking outside of the box.
And good for the flight crew and passengers for indulging them.
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Dog Dies on Delta Airlines
Another dog took off on a commercial airliner and when the plane landed … it was dead. Alejandro the Pomeranian was in the cargo hold of a Delta jet that originated in Phoenix and was supposed to land in New Jersey with a stopover in…
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Southwest Airlines Investigating Alleged In-Flight Masturbater
There was a possible hijacking on-board a Southwest Airlines flight … and by that we mean some dude allegedly whacked off to porn on a plane. Southwest was alerted by a female passenger who says she spent her entire flight from Las Vegas to…
Thursday, May 24, 2018
United Airlines Strikes Settlement Over Dog That Died in Overhead Bin
United Airlines has settled with the family whose 10-month-old French bulldog, Kokito, died in an overhead bin … TMZ has learned. Although they’ve reached a settlement with the Robledo family, the amount of dough United is paying is…
United Airlines Strikes Settlement Over Dog That Died in Overhead Bin
United Airlines has settled with the family whose 10-month-old French bulldog, Kokito, died in an overhead bin … TMZ has learned. Although they’ve reached a settlement with the Robledo family, the amount of dough United is paying is…
Thursday, May 3, 2018
United Airlines Facing Imminent Lawsuit Over Suffocated Dog
The dog that died of suffocation on a United Airlines flight is about to be the centerpiece of a looming lawsuit and possible criminal charges … according to the grieving family’s attorney. The lawyer for the Robledo family, Evan…
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Dog Killed on United Airlines Flight Died of Suffocation
Kokito, the French bulldog placed in the overhead bin of a United Airlines flight, died of suffocation … TMZ has learned. According to results of Kokito’s necropsy, conducted at Cornell University, the 9-month-old puppy was the victim of the…
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Southwest Airlines Passengers React Moments After Massive Engine Failure
Southwest Airlines passengers were remarkably calm moments after one of the plane’s engines was shredded by something — despite the fact one of them was almost sucked out of the cabin. The images from the Tuesday morning flight — which made…
Thursday, March 15, 2018
United Airlines Dead Dog Puts NYC D.A. on Alert
United Airlines is now under the microscope in a third state, as law enforcement in NY take a closer look at how that dog died in an overhead compartment … TMZ has learned. A rep for the Queens District Attorney’s Office tells us they’re now…
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
United Airlines Rolling Out New Pet Carrier Tags After Dog"s Death
United Airlines says its flight attendant did not hear or understand the woman whose dog was placed in an overhead bin — but it’s taking new steps to avoid a repeat disaster … TMZ has learned. United tells us by April it will start issuing…
United Airlines May Be Held Responsible for Big Damages Over Dead Dog
United Airlines apparently thinks a ticket refund will make its latest scandal go away, but we’ve learned it may be on the hook for a lot more. As you know, a flight attendant shockingly ordered a passenger to put her dog, Kokito, in the overhead…
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Jen Selter Kicked of American Airlines Flight After Heated Argument
Fitness model Jen Selter was booted from an American Airlines flight Saturday night after she and her friends got in a heated argument with a flight attendant and pilot. Jen and her sister got on the plane in Miami which was bound for La Guardia,…
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Paul Wall Feels Horrible United Airlines Fired His Friend
Paul Wall can’t fathom how United Airlines fired one of his closest friends after 16 years of service … and in the process put the guy’s financial future at risk. If you haven’t heard … the rapper on Tuesday fired off a couple of tweets…
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Southwest Airlines Woman Smokes, Threatens to Kill Fellow Passengers
There are a lot of rules on airplanes, but most of them are fairly common sense. You know, don"t smoke, don"t shove the flight attendants, and definitely don"t threaten to murder everyone onboard.
Unfortunately, one woman apparently didn"t get the memo, as she managed to do all three in a very short amount of time.
It doesn"t sound like anybody actually got hurt, but she"s obviously in major trouble. And yes, folks. There"s video.
As you"re about to see in the video below, a woman named Valerie Curbelo seemed to lose her mind on a Southwest Airlines flight.
Now, plenty of people feel like they"re "gonna lose it" on a flight.
Maybe a kid keeps kicking their seat. Maybe they"re sitting beside someone with poor boundaries or who won"t stop talking or who snores loudly.
(There are other potential complaints that one might have — airplanes are metal tubes that cram as many humans into them as possible for hours at a time)
But feeling irritated by circumstances is very, very different from what happened to Valerie.
She"s in jail, folks.
Apparently, Valerie Curbelo went into the bathroom, tampered with the smoke detector, and smoked.
On an airplane.
Like it"s the 1960s or something.
That is, to be clear, absolutely inexcusable. The do-not-smoke signs are impossible to miss, and it"s been more or less understood in society for years and years that you don"t just start smoking in an enclosed public place like it"s The Purge.
As bad as that is, though, it"s what Valerie did next that got her into so much more trouble.
And that"s the part that was captured on video.
Valerie can be seen irate, having apparently grabbed her belongings and even donned a hat.
Angrily, she yells:
"I have a destination for myself!"
That"s a worrisome and also very strange thing to say, let alone yell while dressed as though you"re about to try to leap out of the plane with the expectation that you"ll suddenly learn how to fly.
"I swear, if you don’t … land."
Oh boy, threats.
"I will f—ing kill everybody on this f—ing plane!"
She reportedly then shoved an airline attendant and had to be restrained for the rest of the flight.
Upon landing, she was arrested on a felony charge of making a death threat. Obviously.
As you"ll also see in the video, she is now at a loss to explain her behavior on the plane, saying only that it was brought about by anxiety.
Having a hankering for a cigarette is not an excuse for anything, but … what if there"s something more?
Everyone"s brain is a little different. If this is an isolated incident, it may be that this woman"s body responds to a change in air pressure in a dramatic way that made her behavior beyond her control.
If there"s an identifiable and treatable mental illness behind this, she could go on to live a fairly normal life.
But we don"t imagine that she"ll be welcome on many airplanes in the near future.
Those No-Fly lists are not a laughing matter.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
"Bad Girls Club" Star Natalie Nunn Slams American Airlines for Insulting Daughter
“Bad Girls Club” star Natalie Nunn claims an American Airlines employee insulted her daughter and kicked her out of first class … but our AA sources tell us they’re not to blame. Natalie was flying back to Sacramento after visiting family…