Showing posts with label Shattered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shattered. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

United Airlines Sued Passenger Smells Cover-Up Over Shattered 767 Windshield

Exclusive Details
United Airlines pilots had to deal with a shattered windshield at 40,000 feet, and although the airline said bird strike caused the emergency … one passenger claims there was a massive cover-up.
United’s flight 931 left Chicago bound for London on Oct. 27, 2018,...
United Airlines Sued Passenger Smells Cover-Up Over Shattered 767 Windshield

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Southwest Passengers Sue Airline Over Engine Failure, Shattered Window

Nine passengers who survived Southwest flight 1380 — the one where shrapnel from a failed engine shattered a cabin window — are suing the airline. The passengers say they’re all suffering severe PTSD after the tragic flight. Some are also coping…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Opens Up About Shattered Relationship With Javi Marroquin

When Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin finalized their divorce, it seemed that they were both committed to maintaining an amicable co-parenting relationship.

Of course, that’s a state that’s difficult to maintain even when both parties are fully committed, and it seems that Kail and Javi have been struggling mightily in recent months.

By Kail’s own admission, she and Javi are on the outs these days, and it seems the feud is affecting their ability to peaceably divide parenting rights and responsibilities.

“Javi and I got to a really good place by early fall and it’s unfortunate that things have changed so much to the degree that it’s affecting our ability to co-parent,” Lowry recently told Us Weekly.

“However, I’m not going to let this stop me. I’ll continue to be respectful to the father of my child and keep working at my career, and that includes my writing,” she added.

“Writing has been keeping me busy and focused and I’m anxious to get these upcoming books out.”

Yes, Kailyn is releasing another memoir, but it won’t be the book she was planning to release.

Kailyn and Javi previously signed a deal to collaborate on a pair of memoirs, with each giving their take on the downfall of their marriage.

Now, however, the couple has 86’d those plans, and Kailyn us working on a third book on her own.

“I wanted to keep our co-parenting relationship intact and didn’t want to make any significant others uncomfortable,” Kail explained about their decision to stop working on the book.

“We would have had to spend time together for promos and book tour, but we are not in a place to do that right now.”

The situation is further complicated by the fact that Javi will soon be deployed for a second tour of duty with the US Air Force.

Marroquin says he’s looking forward to serving his country again but admits that the time away from home could put a strain on his relationships.

Currently, Javi is dating Briana DeJesus, and it seems the romance was the primary cause of his falling out with Kailyn.

Many believe Briana is hooking up with Javi solely to stick it to her rival Kail, but those who know the couple best insist they’re legitimately in love.

Whatever the case, it seems Javi and Briana are a long way from getting back to a place where they’re able to fully focus on the needs of their son.

Here’s hoping they’re able to sort their differences out soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the couple’s rocky romance and unexpected split.
