Showing posts with label Sharpton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharpton. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Al Sharpton Praises Stan Lee"s Brilliance in Creating "Black Panther"

Al Sharpton counts Stan Lee as a pioneer at the height of the civil rights movement … and one need not look further than Black Panther. We got the Reverend on Capitol Hill Tuesday and wanted to get his take on the legendary…


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Al Sharpton Questions EA Sports" Apology To Colin Kaepernick, "I"m Very Suspect!"

Al Sharpton is very skeptical of EA’s statement on why it removed Colin Kaepernick’s name from the Madden 19 soundtrack … telling TMZ Sports, “I’m questioning their intentions.” The creators of football’s top-selling game issued an apology after…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Al Sharpton Tells President Trump, "You Are a Racist"

Rev. Al Sharpton says President Trump is doing a horrible job of hiding who he really is … a straight-up racist. We got the Rev. at Reagan National Airport, and asked if he thought Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Diddy Gets Full Support from Al Sharpton, "Perfect" for NFL

Diddy has another big supporter in his corner in his quest for NFL ownership — with Al Sharpton saying the business mogul could fix a BUNCH of the league’s P.R. problems.  “He would be the perfect mixture of business acumen and pizzazz,”…


Diddy Gets Full Support from Al Sharpton, "Perfect" for NFL

Diddy has another big supporter in his corner in his quest for NFL ownership — with Al Sharpton saying the business mogul could fix a BUNCH of the league’s P.R. problems.  “He would be the perfect mixture of business acumen and pizzazz,”…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Al Sharpton Wants Keaton Jones to Teach Mom Tolerance

Rev. Al Sharpton says support for Keaton Jones should come with a big string attached … now that it appears Keaton’s mother has strong views about racism and the confederate flag. Sharpton was outside NBC Studios in NYC when he told us…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Al Sharpton, Meek Mill Knows Protest is Bigger than Him

Rev. Al Sharpton gave our photog a debrief on his prison meeting with Meek Mill, and it’s clear the rapper’s incarceration has changed his life. Sharpton was leaving NBC Friday night when he told us Meek is staying strong behind bars and knows the…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Al Sharpton Visits Meek Mill in Pennsylvania Prison (LIVE STREAM)

Al Sharpton is about to talk about his visit with Meek Mill at the Chester State Correctional Institution outside of Philly … and we’re streaming it live. The civil rights leader met with Meek Monday after saying he’d lend his…


Al Sharpton Visits Meek Mill in Pennsylvania Prison (LIVE STREAM)

Al Sharpton is about to talk about his visit with Meek Mill at the Chester State Correctional Institution outside of Philly … and we’re streaming it live. The civil rights leader met with Meek Monday after saying he’d lend his…


Al Sharpton Says He Can Help Meek Mill Like He Helped Tupac

Al Sharpton is hellbent on getting Meek Mill another shot at freedom, and says there’s proof he can do it because he also came through for Tupac … when he was doing hard time.  Al tells TMZ his Monday visit with Meek — and Meek’s…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Al Sharpton Furious Over Jemele Hill Suspension, "We Won"t Stand for This"

Al Sharpton says he’s ready to call for a boycott over ESPN’s suspension of Jemele Hill — telling TMZ Sports, “We will not stand for her to be suspended.” Sharpton says it’s “outrageous” for ESPN to bench Hill for her tweets about Cowboys owner…


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Al Sharpton To Floyd Mayweather: Real Men Don"t Disrespect Women

Al Sharpton is calling out Floyd Mayweather … saying his recent comments on the way “real men” treat women are total CRAP … and giving Money a little lesson on how to treat the ladies. Floyd made the comments recently on “Hollywood Unlocked”…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Al Sharpton: We"ll Boycott ESPN If Jemele Hill Gets Fired

Al Sharpton says he’s got Jemele Hill’s back — and if ESPN fires her over her anti-Trump tweets, he’ll lead a boycott against the network. The Rev. tells TMZ Sports he’s furious with the White House and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for…


Al Sharpton: We"ll Boycott ESPN If Jemele Hill Gets Fired

Al Sharpton says he’s got Jemele Hill’s back — and if ESPN fires her over her anti-Trump tweets, he’ll lead a boycott against the network. The Rev. tells TMZ Sports he’s furious with the White House and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Usher Accuser Quantasia Sharpton: We Made a Sex Tape! I Have Proof!

Usher is being sued by multiple women.

An anonymous woman is accusing him of giving her herpes. Usher’s response has basically been that the woman can’t prove that he’s the one who gave her herpes, though his legal team isn’t exactly denying that he has the infection.

A not-so-anonymous woman, Quantasia Sharpton, is also suing Usher. And she says that she can back up her claims … with a sex tape.

Quantasia Sharpton says that she went to an Usher concert for her birthday, where Usher brought her up on stage.

She alleges that, afterwards, Usher returned with her to her hotel room where they had sex.

Though she did not contract herpes, she accuses Usher of having recklessly endangered her by exposing her to his own (alleged) herpes infection without telling her.

(If you point a gun at somebody and fire and it misses or doesn’t go off, that’s still a crime — it makes sense that knowingly exposing someone to an incurable STI would be treated in the same way)

Quantasia has a witness — a hotel staffer who backs up her story of entering the lobby with Usher and taking him back to her room for an extended period of time.

Usher and source close to Usher have been trying their hardest to shoot down Quantasia’s story, even starting right at the beginning.

“He may have pulled her up onstage, he doesn’t remember, but he absolutely didn’t hook up with her.”

Now, the usual he-said, she-said is expected in a lawsuit predicated upon whether two people had sex.

Shamefully, they’ve been attacking Quantasia’s story by attacking her body-type, saying things like:

“He’s just not into her type.”

In addition to being hurtful to countless women with similar body types to Quantasia’s, this tactic — whether true or not — preys upon prejudices that many people have towards larger women.

A lot of people seem shocked to learn that fat women have sex at all, let alone with conventionally attractive men.

After a story came out that Usher had infected a woman with herpes and paid $ 11 million in hush money, Usher could have nipped all of these lawsuits in the bud by offering to prove in court that he does not have herpes.

Many have taken the fact that he hasn’t offered anything of the sort as an indirect admission that the star has herpes.

If he is infected, that alone is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s literally just an infection. We don’t shame people for getting sick, do we?

If he knowingly infected women with herpes, or lied about not carrying the infection, or even just knowingly recklessly exposed women to contracting his infection … well, that sounds inexcusable.

Well, despite the hotel staffer witness, there isn’t any “smoking gun” style evidence just yet that Usher and Quantasia had sex.

We can’t think of anything else that a person might reasonably assume that a celebrity and a random woman from his show’s audience would be doing in that woman’s hotel room.

But courts of law are based upon evidence and the legal system, not on common sense.

That may no longer be the case, though.

In an interview with YouTube vlogger Miss Jacob Kohinoor (which is the most random platform for dropping such a bombshell that we can imagine), Quantasia Sharpton says that she and Usher have a sex tape.

Before you think that she’s admitting to a crime, she says that Usher knew that they were being recorded.

She also says that her legal team is subpoenaing the Days Inn in order to get security camera footage of her and Usher entering her hotel room.

This is explosive and … as we said, an odd place to release this information.

Unless you believe that Quantasia is just some sort of compulsive liar or will say anything if backed into a corner (Miss Jacob Kohinoor expressed a lot of doubt, and even asked stupid questions like “why would you keep these all these years?” as if somebody’s just gonna delete their celebrity sex tape, ever), this is huge.

Frankly, even the security footage, corroborated by the hotel staffer’s testimony, would be enough to make most people reasonably put two and two together.

Video of the act itself would be real proof that the two had sex.

If Quantasia really has this tape, and if it really shows their faces (a lot of homemade sex tapes do not), maybe Usher’s team will start singing a different tune and soon.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Usher Accuser Quantasia Sharpton Says She Has a Sex Tape with Him

The woman publicly accusing Usher of exposing her to herpes claims she got the whole shebang on tape, and there’s footage placing him at her hotel, too. Quantasia Sharpton told YouTube vlogger Miss Jacob Kohinoor … she filmed the alleged sex…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Usher Accuser Quantasia Sharpton Claimed "I Need Some Money," Lamented Going Public Ahead of News Conference

One of Usher’s accusers, Quantasia Sharpton, seemed to be second guessing her decision to go public in the hours before she filed the lawsuit — she publicly stated she was hard up for cash. Quantasia, who also goes by Angel Valentino on social…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Al Sharpton In No Feud With Jay-Z Over Shot Fired on "4:44"

Al Sharpton is the opposite of upset with Jay-Z dissing him on “4:44” … he’s stoked, flattered and inspired. We got Al in NYC Wednesday and talked about Hov’s “Family Feud” lyric, “Y’all think small, I think Biggie/…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Al Sharpton Says If Trump Can Tweet, He Can Selfie All He Wants

In case you haven’t noticed, Al Sharpton’s been taking a lot of selfies lately … and it might be because of Donald Trump. We got the the civil rights leader Wednesday in NYC, and asked what a lot of people have been wondering about him lately –…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Al Sharpton Says Bill Maher Was "Disgraceful" Using N-word, Punishment in Order (VIDEO)

Al Sharpton is outraged at Bill Maher, saying he’s disgraceful and clearly believes the comedian should be punished for joking that he’s a “house n*****.” Al laid into Bill, saying he seemed “comfortable” using the word which is only meant to…
