Showing posts with label Punishment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punishment. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Former Top L.A. County D.A. Official Got No Punishment for Sexual Harassment Claims

The former head prosecutor of the Major Crimes Division for the L.A. County D.A. — who once allegedly said he wanted to jack off on a colleague while she strangles to death — received virtually no punishment for the sexual misconduct allegations…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Jon Jones Parties With Steve Aoki 1 Week After Steroid Punishment

Jon Jones isn’t gonna let the whole potential loss of his career thing get him down … and he’s proving it — raging on stage with Steve Aoki in New Mexico!! It was just last week that Jones got his fighting license revoked by the California…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Trump"s Chief of Staff John Kelly Jokes His Job is a Punishment from God

John Kelly says he’s being punished by God … and that’s why he’s working as Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff. Gen. Kelly made the joke Thursday at a Homeland Security event, where he was addressing his former colleagues at the department –…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jon Jones Hearing For Steroid Punishment (LIVE STREAM)

Jon Jones is about to find out if he’ll be SUSPENDED from fighting in the state of California over a failed UFC 214 steroid test. He’s about to face the California Athletic Commission … and we’re livestreaming the whole thing.  TMZ Sports…


Monday, October 16, 2017

Atlanta Hawks: Dennis Schroder Arrest "Unacceptable," Facing Punishment

The Atlanta Hawks announced Dennis Schroder will be disciplined for his “unacceptable” September 29th arrest … but the team has vowed to support the NBA star throughout the ongoing investigation. Shroder was arrested for battery outside an…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Al Sharpton Says Bill Maher Was "Disgraceful" Using N-word, Punishment in Order (VIDEO)

Al Sharpton is outraged at Bill Maher, saying he’s disgraceful and clearly believes the comedian should be punished for joking that he’s a “house n*****.” Al laid into Bill, saying he seemed “comfortable” using the word which is only meant to…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Darrelle Revis Won"t Face NFL Punishment For Dropped Street Brawl Case

NFL superstar Darrelle Revis WILL NOT be punished by the NFL for his February arrest — a case that was later dropped — a league spokesman told TMZ Sports. The Pro Bowl corner was arrested following a street brawl that left 2 men…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Bob Stoops Says Joe Mixon"s Punishment Wasn"t Enough (VIDEO)

Oklahoma head football coach Bob Stoops says looking back … the punishment he dished out to Joe Mixon wasn’t enough — but he strongly felt the running back deserved a 2nd chance.  Stoops spoke about Mixon for the first time since the…


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Justin Timberlake -- D.A. Reviewing Voting Selfie ... Punishment Includes Jail (PHOTO)

Justin Timberlake could go to jail for 30 days for taking a selfie in a voting booth.  JT posted a pic of himself back home Monday at the polling place. Problem is … Tennessee law prohibits voters from taking pics or recording…


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Donald Trump Advocates "Punishment" For Women Who Get Abortions

Unless you’ve spent the last eight months watching reruns of The Apprentice, using a cotton candy machine to create preposterous toupees, and taking the occasional dip in your Scrooge McDuck-like swimming pool full of inherited gold coins, you’re probably aware that Donald Trump has a problem with women.

We don’t mean he’s having difficulty attracting female voters, we mean the man appears to be only vaguely aware that women are human beings who are entitled to equal rights, including the right to object when a sentient jack-o-lantern calls them a “fat pig” in a public forum.  

You would think that as his campaign to bring about the end times foretold in Revelation chugs along, Trump would be doing everything in his power to court female voters, but instead he seems to be taking the opposite approach by attempting to frighten them into staying home on Election Day.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews today, Trump re-affirmed his staunch pro-life stance (a position he’s held for roughly five of his 69 years) by declaring that he believes women who receive abortions should be subject to an un-specified “punishment.”

Pressed for specifics on how he would enact an abortion ban, Trump replied, “[The] answer is that there has to be some form of punishment, yeah.”

In response to questions about the nature of the penalty, Trump stated that he has “not determined what the punishment would be.”

Scrambling to do damage control following a potentially devastating gaffe even by the standards of the most gaffe-happy presidential campaign in US history, Trump took to twitter moments ago, writing:

“This issue is unclear and should be put back into the states for determination. Like Ronald Reagan, I am pro- life with exceptions, which I have outlined numerous times.” 

Sadly, medical professionals have verified that there is little that can be done about the Trump problem, as 282nd trimester abortions are considered grossly unethical.