Showing posts with label Considers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Considers. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Lawyer, Michael Avenatti, Considers Legal Action for Ohio Arrest

Michael Avenatti believes the police in Columbus, Ohio were well aware they had no grounds to arrest Stormy Daniels, but went ahead and did it anyway. We spoke to Stormy’s lawyer shortly after her strip club bust charges were dismissed…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Rachel Lindsay Talks Plans After the Bachelorette, Considers The Real Housewives of Dallas

Those of you who keep up with The Bachelorette spoilers know already, but Rachel Lindsay has yet to reveal to the public who her fiance is. She doesn"t want to spoil the finale, of course.

Now that she"s found the man of her dreams on reality television, however, people are wondering if she"ll take the plunge and commit to starring on an ongoing reality series.

Like, say, The Real Housewives of Dallas. And Rachel Lindsay already knows her answer, as you"ll see in the video below!

Rachel lindsay in red

Her answer isn"t no.

Not quite, anyway — she does start out by saying "no."

And then she backtracks.

See, Rachel Lindsay values a degree of privacy during her everyday life.

That might sound bonkers coming from someone who just found her fiance on a reality show.

(Though, if you"ll recall, at one point Rachel Lindsay wanted to quit The Bachelorette rather than go on and make her decision — though we"re sure that she"s glad that she stuck with it)

But the way that she explains it, a reluctance to appear on The Real Housewives of Dallas or a similar show is totally sensible.

It"s about priorities, really.

She starts her answer to the Housewives question, however, by acknowledging that she"d surprised herself by being The Bachelorette.

Rachel lindsay at billboard music awards

"No. No. … I said I would never do reality TV, yet, here I am."

That"s almost a record for how quickly someone walked back a "no" by immediately acknowledging that people shouldn"t count her out just because she says that she isn"t interested.

Then she starts explaining why The Real Housewives of Dallas, for the moment, might not be the best place for her.

"But I kind of don"t want my personal life to be, you know, out there so much."

It"s hard to get more personal than a show where you sort through an array of guys to find the man of your dreams, but she does get more specific.

"Housewives is a little different. You"ll know where I live, you"ll know what I drive, you"ll know who I hang out with."

That makes sense.

There"s a difference between appearing on location for a season and broadcasting your everyday life to the world.

"I like to keep that secret."

Totally understandable.

After mocking the Real Housewives intro gimmicks and catchphrases, Rachel does admit that she"d be great in the role:

"I really am. I secretly am a Housewife."

Rachel lindsay picture

Does this mean that Rachel Lindsay is done with reality television altogether?

"I mean, I hate to — never say never."

Her interviewer tries to push her to appear on Dancing With The Stars.

"I do love to dance."

She appears to be a little reluctant — possibly at the prospect of doing so much hard, physical work and performing for so many people.

(That gives a lot of celebrities pause)

"I"m a never-say-never type person, so we"ll see."

Right now, however, she has other priorities.

"I want to be with my fiance."


Rachel lindsay waves

We"ve all seen relationships wither and die while being broadcast over reality television.

That"s almost certainly what caused the famous split between Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey.

Omnipresent cameras so early into their relationship also prompted Laura Bushnell and Ben Higgins" breakup, and that was way more recent.

If the secret to a healthy relationship is honesty and communication, then not being able to speak to your loved one in private is going to kill a marriage.

Maybe even before you ever say "I do."

Rachel Lindsay is playing it smart.

She"s already caused some heartbreak — she doesn"t need any for herself.

Watch her fun interview!

Rachel lindsay talks plans after the bachelorette considers the

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Charlotte McKinney Considers Breast Reduction; World Weeps

If you’re familiar with Charlotte McKinney, it’s probably because of her giant, awesome boobs.

We’re sure the 23-year-old model has many other fine qualities as well, but we’ve never sat down over tea and scones to discuss her thoughts on the global poitical climate.

We have, however, seen Charlotte nude on several occasions, and each time it was glorious.

Sadly, the Charlotte we know and lust after may soon be undergoing a major transformation, and it’s all because people on social media are jackasses.

This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet!

In a surprisingly candid interview with Ocean Drive magazine, Charlotte opened up about being bullied as a teen, and the ways in which the mistreatment at the hands of haters has continued into her adulthood:

“I didn’t have any girlfriends,” McKinney says of her childhood.

“A lot of my friends were guys, and I was called a slut by a lot of people. I was just growing these large breasts at such a young age, not really knowing what to do with them or how to wear them. So it was definitely awkward.”

McKinney adds that the treatment she received from her classmates has left her with lasting psychological scars:

“I also left school because of all of the bullying. Girls would yell at me and call me a slut,” she continued.

“I would go to parties and get beer thrown on my head — there was so much bullying.”

She added:

“It was just so awful, and that’s why now I kind of use my platform to promote anti-bullying.”

Usually, these stories conclude with a happy ending about how adults are so much less hateful and antagonistic.

Unfortunately, this is 2017, a time in which the sort of bullying usually associated with children and teens is still practiced by adults:

“I try to use what I went through to be a voice for it, because it’s still happening and getting even worse now with social media,” McKinney says, adding that she’s considered getting a breast reduction due in part to all the slut-shaming she’s endured online:

“I’ve been thinking about it. They’ve definitely gotten smaller from my diet and over time. So I can see myself getting a reduction or a lift in the future.”

But fear not:

Charlotte says she has no intention of covering up and letting the haters win any time soon.

“I’m always going to be sexy,” McKinney said.

“I’m always going to have those photo shoots, but I’m really looking for different roles that aren’t so commercial and are a bit cooler.”

We look forward to seeing it.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kim Zolciak BOMBS on Dancing With the Stars, Considers Quitting!

When Kim Zolciak was chosen for Dancing With the Stars, most of us were excited. Sure, we love to hate her, but she definitely knows how to go over the top and put on a show.

However, apparently, that isn’t true if it involves dancing…

Kim bombed her “Egyptian Tango” routine on the Season 21 premiere of the hit reality competition show.  Now, after her treacherous performance with her professional dance partner Tony Dovolani, Kim might be quitting the show!

Reportedly, the former Real Housewives of Atlanta star had a major meltdown at Delta Airlines after the DWTS performance. TMZ reported that the meltdown started with a boarding pass snafu.

The airline allegedly tried to put half of Kim’s (really large) family and entourage on a different flight. Supposedly, Kim took out her disappointment and frustration with her DWTS sh*t show and flipped out at the Delta employee.

After her meltdown, sources disclosed that Kim might be leaving DWTS. She is bound by a contract, but she doesn’t want to perform again.

We aren’t sure if this is true or not. But Kim did quit The Real Housewives mid-season, so we wouldn’t put it past her.

An insider close to Zolciak stated, “Kim isn’t exactly used to not excelling. She doesn’t know how to handle not being the best at something.”

The source added, “She has already threatened to quit Dancing With The Stars, and has asked her agent if there was any way to get her out of the contract.”

“She was in tears after her embarrassing performance during the premiere – it’ll be a miracle if they get her back up on stage for night two.”

Kim zolciak bombs on dancing with the star consider quitting wat