Showing posts with label Counseling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Counseling. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Kareem Hunt Reportedly Enters Anger Management ... & Alcohol Counseling

Kareem Hunt is reportedly tackling his issues by heading to counseling for alcohol and anger management in the wake of his surveillance video scandal.
Citing sources familiar with the situation, reported Sunday that the former Chiefs running back entered counseling this week. The...
Kareem Hunt Reportedly Enters Anger Management ... & Alcohol Counseling

Friday, May 11, 2018

Tina Knowles Put Solange in Counseling to Deal with Beyonce"s Fame

Tina Knowles knew very early Beyonce would be a star, so she put her kids in counseling so Solange could deal with being in Bey’s shadow. Tina sat down with Maria Shriver Friday to discuss her kids and parenting skills. Knowles says Beyonce’s…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Demi Lovato Will Offer Free Mental Health Counseling to Fans on Upcoming Tour

Generally, when we talk about Demi Lovato here it’s because she blessed the internet with another memorable swimsuit selfie.

But today, we’d like to take a moment to applaud Demi for providing an invaluable service to her legion of adoring fans.

Throughout her career, Lovato’s struggles with addiction and mental health have served as fodder for tabloid headlines, but while some stars might attempt to hide such troubles, Demi has embraced her struggle.

She openly discusses her painful past in hopes of serving as an inspiration to fans who might be struggling.

And now she’s going even further to ensure that young people who are experiencing the same problems she endured are able to receive the help they need.

Appearing on Good Morning America Wednesday, Demi announced that her new tour will feature group therapy sessions and talks from motivational speakers before the music begins.

“It’s basically like a therapy session before the concerts, and we have speakers from all over and we’re also helping out with different charities from around the country,” Lovato said in an interview.

“I actually have bipolar disorder, and I’m very open about that because I think that mental health affects so many people and we need to take the stigma away from it.”

Demi went on to speak about what she feels is her duty to the fans that made her famous:

“I think that it’s important for me to use my voice for more than just singing,” she stated.

“I just know how important it is to use my platform to help others and to share my story in hopes that it inspires people to either get into recovery or better themselves. Whatever it is, I just want people to know they’re not alone and I’m here for them.”

Thousands of fans have already taken to social media to thank Demi in advance for this important gesture.

In March, the singer will celebrate six years of sobriety following a struggle with drugs and alcohol that she says nearly cost her her life.

In the years since she got clean, Demi has become far more than just a singer to her millions of fans.

For many young people, she’s living proof that struggles can be overcome and there’s a light at the end of every tunnel.

Demi’s 2018 US tour kicks off in February.

She’ll play more than 20 shows in the next six weeks, and touch untold thousands of fans.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Josh and Anna Duggar: Still in Marriage Counseling, Hanging By a Thread

Josh and Anna Duggar’s marriage is still in deep trouble, according to a new report, as the old wounds from the past have yet to heal.

With a new baby on the way soon, a family insider says that they’re putting on a good front, but the cracks in their foundation are evident.

The Duggar source says that “they have continued to work through their issues in couples counseling,” though it’s been an uphill battle.

While the parents of four (soon to be five) appear outwardly to be “doing okay,” they may be hiding their marital issues from their family.

“If there was a problem, we wouldn’t know about it,” the insider said, adding that this is just what the embattled couple has always done.

“They put on a front.”

The report claims that the two are “trying desperately to salvage their troubled relationship,” which is holding on by a thread at this point.

It’s obvious that the chasm between them was particularly deep, given the extent of what happened. Still, it’s jarring to read this account.

The report of marital strife between Josh and Anna follows rumors of their kids moving to the Duggar compound to live with their grandparents.

That story, while not independently confirmed, coincides with recent talk that essentially, Jana Duggar is raising Josh’s kids … seriously.

Jana, the oldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle, is helping out their first-born child so Josh and Anna can try to save their marriage.

Supposedly. That’s the word on the street in Tontitown, where Anna also hates Austin Forsyth apparently (follow the link on that side note).

Anna famously stood by her husband amid police reports that revealed how he molested five minor females (for sisters) in his youth.

Then he was caught cheating on her.

After the police reports were published in the media – the legality of which is still being questioned by the Duggars – TLC axed their show.

While 19 Kids and Counting was later reborn as Counting On, with a shift in focus to the adult women, Josh has been persona non grata.

The molestation of his sisters, while deeply troubling, might have been forgivable had his family not tried to handle it “in house” for years.

Moreover, he wasn’t held accountable, all while espousing “family values” and self-righteously condemning those with whom he disagreed.

Then, to top it all off, he was busted on the adultery website Ashley Madison, ultimately admitting he was a cheater and a porn addict.

He checked into a Christian rehab center soon after.

“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever,” he said a statement, admitting that he did all this “While espousing faith and family values.”

“I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography … this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.”

“I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living.”

“[I’m] grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.”

The couple began marriage counseling when he left treatment in March 2016 “to take important steps toward healing,” they said.

“Since the residential treatment program ended, we have been working with a professional marriage and family counselor.”

“It isn’t easy and some days are very difficult. It is a long road to rebuild trust and a truly healthy relationship,” the couple said.

“We are very thankful for God’s forgiveness, grace and help, as it is our strength and guide to rebuilding our lives.”

“As the future unfolds, we are taking one day at a time and we are grateful for your continued prayers for both of us and our sweet children.”

They announced their fifth pregnancy in March 2017, and Michael, Marcus, Mackynzie and Meredith await their newest sibling any day now.

While this should be a joyous time for them, it remains to be seen if the embattled couple has truly moved past this – or ever will.

While his family continues to shun him and TLC won’t show his face on TV (see below), Anna has made her decision to stay.

That doesn’t mean she doesn’t regret it, or wish she had the option of leaving when she truly believes she has no choice in the matter.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Trying Couples Counseling!

As we are all too keenly aware, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have separated. Because love is dead, if it was ever real in the first place.

However, the two of them are reportedly attending couples counseling even though they’re separated.

But … don’t get your hopes up. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re pushing to reconcile.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation during the first week of August, shattering hearts and hopes and dreams from countless fans of the couple.

Though we’re sure that there were many factors behind the split, it’s looking more and more like Chris Pratt’s success ruined their marriage.

Isn’t that sad?

When the two of them got married, Chris Pratt had barely dipped his toes into Parks and Recreation, while Anna Faris was the movie star with name recognition.

Chris Pratt scored Guardians of the Galaxy and became an overnight blockbuster star. Then he starred in Jurassic World.

He even starred in that creepy mistake of a film, Passengers.

(Seriously, casting people: have Chris Pratt play someone lovable or what is even the point?)

Apparently, his busy filming schedule and the travel involved didn’t fit with Anna Faris’ plan for their family, and it was tearing the two apart.

We’re sure that there were other factors, but the two have been fairly tight-lipped about it, releasing this statement about why they’re keeping mum:

“Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.”

And their son, Jack Pratt, born in August of 2012, is what leads us to these two sitting down with a couples counselor.

People reports that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are in couples counseling, but it’s not an effort to reconcile.

“They are going through couples counseling now, which is what you do when you want to divorce and there are children involved.”

Jack, who is five years old, deserves as much care and attention as they can give him.

To be clear, they’re not planning on ending their separation.

“It won’t likely change the status but it could help with their future coparenting.”

That is so important.

For Jack’s continued stability and happiness, his parents need to be on the same page regarding him and his development.

And we’re sure that they’d rather reach an agreement in counseling than work out custody concerns in court.

Of course, some people wonder if spending this time being honest and working together could make them reconsider.

People‘s insider isn’t prepared to totally rule that out.

“Never say never.”

But … mostly. They’re mostly prepared to rule that out.

“Their work separations have taken a toll, and it is not likely that the marriage can be repaired enough to work right now.”

Now, we don’t know if this means that there was something that one or the other of them cannot forgive, like a cheating incident.

Sometimes people just grow apart — especially if they’re spending time apart.

It sounds like Chris and Anna don’t hate each other, though.

“But there is still love between them.”

That’s definitely a good thing. Sometimes, when a relationship sours, all that’s left is spite.

What seems to have drawn them apart hasn’t changed.

“Chris is in demand now and will continue to be traveling all over the world, keeping them apart.”

He’s in Avengers 3: Infinity War, of course, but that’s certainly not his only project.

“That doesn’t make young marriages fare well.”

In all fairness, Chris Pratt as a movie star isn’t really the dynamic that either Chris or Anna signed up for when the two first tied the knot.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Maci Bookout & Taylor McKinney Enter Marriage Counseling: Are They Headed For Divorce?!

It’s only been eight months since Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney got married, but it seems the Teen Mom stars’ wedded bliss has already given way to the complexities of life in a blended family under the constant glare of the media magnifying glass.

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, we learned that Maci and Taylor have entered marriage counseling.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re having serious relationship troubles, many fans have pointed out that there’s ample reason to believe that Maci and Taylor’s home life is less than ideal.

For starters, there’s the revelation that it’s not unusual for Maci and Taylor to engage in drunken fights off camera.

“Obviously, having three kids is catching up to us,” Maci told her friend Keelie in a scene from last night’s installment.

“Eighty-five percent of the time, we’re good to go. The rest of the 15 percent, it’s hell. It’s like all of our stress and emotion and everything … we take it out on each other.”

Bookout added:

“When the cameras leave, we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always like, literally, the smallest things.”

Maci didn’t go into specifics about what she meant by “freak out,” but the comment certainly didn’t paint a pretty picture.

Fortunately, she and Taylor followed Keelie’s advice and sought counseling.

Based on the comments she made to her therapist, it sounds like Maci allows the day-to-day pressures of her hectic life to build up , and then vents her frustrations after her tongue’s been loosened by a few Bud Lights:

“All of the little things build up because neither of us ever communicate them,” Bookout told the couple’s counselor.

“Then all of a sudden, we’re mad and we don’t even know why we’re mad.”

She added:

“To be honest with you, he could go the rest of our lives and never tell me ‘thank you’ or ‘you’re awesome.’ Just grab my ass every now and then and give me a kiss.”

We’re sure the situation isn’t helped by recent issues involving Maci’s first baby daddy.

Fans learned last week that Ryan Edwards has checked into rehab for unspecified substance abuse issues.

Sources close to Maci say she’d been frequently breaking down in tears out of concern for her ex.

So Ryan, Maci, and Taylor are all far from out of the woods, but the important thing is that they’re seeking the right kind of help, which considerably improves their chances of working through these issues.

And for that, we commend them.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the rocky road that led Maci to her current situation.


Teen Mom OG Recap: Love and Marriage Counseling

Last night’s Teen Mom OG Season 4 Episode 10 saw Maci Bookout struggling with issues with a man in her life, but not who you think:

Taylor McKinney. Her husband.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you know that Maci’s ex, Ryan Edwards, has been the subject of a great deal of scrutiny for months.

Well, it turns out not everything is great at home for Maci either. She and Taylor are understandably struggling with having three kids.

Keeping their marriage healthy with that kind of busy lifestyle is no easy fast, and Maci revealed her drunken fights with Taylor off camera.

She decided to propose they go to marriage counseling with her husband to “fix it before it gets too bad to fix,” and he agreed to this.

“I want to be able to help him understand what I’m feeling without saying it in such an a–hole way,” Maci said at their very first session.

If we learned anything from this, it’s that both of them seem committed to each other and to having a healthier relationship in the future.

On last week’s Teen Mom OG, Maci and Amber (along with Catelynn, but not Farrah) spent time in Puerto Rico on a little girls’ getaway.

Amber really missed Leah, understandably, and was excited to see her daughter this week. Boy did she make up for lost time!

Portwood said they were going to spend the weekend staying up all night and having fun, putting on her makeup like a “baby hooker.”

That’s her quote, and it’s super weird.

Shifting gears before we dwell any longer on that, Amber’s ex Gary Shirley made Amber drop Leah off early to reveal his new house.

According to Amber, this was more of an attack on her than a surprise for Leah, and she made her fiance, Matt Baier, drop Leah off.

Portwood just couldn’t even pretend to be excited for Gary, saying “he’ll do things to spite me sometimes … I could not drop her off.” 

Co-parenting is never easy, is it?

Meanwhile, in the great state of Michigan, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra revealed that have not seen Carly in two years.

Carly, of course, is their first child, who they placed for adoption, and their lock of communication with her adopted parents is difficult.

“I’ll keep asking, though,” Tyler said of trying to reach out and ask to speak to Carly, who lives in another state with her family.

Finally, Farrah Abraham confessed that her most recent ex, Simon Saran, struggled with accepting her late boyfriend Derek Underwood.

Derek, of course, is deceased.

He died while Farrah was pregnant with their daughter, yet he still has a big role in her life, because Farrah keeps his memory alive.

Some have accused Farrah of doing this for the cameras, but there’s no question it’s made an impact on Sophia, and a special one.

Still, to hear Abraham tell it, Simon wasn’t ready to accept this, and Farrah didn’t seem too crushed, instead embracing the single life.

Sophia, she said, “likes to be involved” in the dating scene for her mom, and we’re not even kidding. She apparently screens all applicants.

According to Soph, she didn’t like one guy Farrah found on a dating app because, in the child’s words, he was “not like daddy Derek.”

Swipe left.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Kate Middleton & Prince William: Attending Marriage Counseling Following Cheating Scandal?

Most of the news coming out of Buckingham Palace in recent weeks has had to do with the upcoming wedding of Pippa Middleton.

So it’s interesting that just a few days ahead of the highly-publicized nuptials, the tabloid press has shifted its focus to the marriage of Pippa’s much more heavily-scrutinized older sister.

After years of maintaining at least the appearance of quiet domestic contentment, Prince William and Kate Middleton hit their first public rough patch last month following allegations that William cheated on Kate during a rowdy vacation with his mates.

To be fair, most insider accounts claimed that Will stopped short of sleeping with the other woman, but Kate was reportedly less than thrilled by reports that he had been getting very friendly with an eager young blonde.

As with most royal matters, the whole thing was quickly swept under the rug, but that doesn’t mean all is well for Will and Kate.

According to a new report published today by Radar Online, Will and Kate are attending marriage counseling sessions in a desperate effort to repair their badly damaged relationship.

“Of course it was all downplayed, but Kate was horrified and since then Will has been nothing short of a slave trying to make amends,” a source close to the couple tells Radar.

During the past month, Will and Kate have participated in a number of highly-publicized royal engagements, but the insider says that’s all part of an effort to create the illusion that all is well:

“All these publicity stunts and interviews are total deflections from the truth; Kate’s really struggling to forgive him,” the source claims.

“She was humiliated and part of their therapy is for him to make public gestures to repair the damage.”

Of course, the culmination of this public apology tour will be Pippa’s wedding, where Kate and Will will be seated at the head table alongside several other prominent couples.

Interestingly, Prince Harry was always the family’s resident bad boy, but these days he’s reportedly planning to propose to Meghan Markle, and it’s Will who’s out there sowing his wild oats.

Maybe we’ve but judging the Ginger Prince unfairly all these years.

Or maybe Will was really better behaved the whole time and he’s simply in the throes of a premature midlife crisis.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: Undergoing "Extreme" Couples Counseling?

While it’s true that Kim Kardashian-Kanye West divorce rumors have been circulating pretty much since the day the couple got hitched, this time around there’s real reason to believe that Kimye may soon be a thing of the past.

Sources have confirmed that Kim and Kanye lived in separate homes for a brief period following his hospitalization for psychiatric issues.

These days, it appears that the Wests are once again cohabiting, but that doesn’t mean they’re out of the woods just yet.

In fact, it seems that Kim and Kanye are having such a tough time lately that they’ve been undergoing an “extreme” form of couples counseling in a last-ditch effort to save their struggling marriage.

“They’re having twice-weekly sessions, plus a third session on their own, each of which costs $ 1,000 a pop,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

On top of the frequent face-to-face sessions, Kim and Yeezy have reportedly been taking full advantage of their therapist’s 24-hour stand-by services.

“Their on-call therapist is available 24/7, which doesn’t come cheap, but she’s also available via Skype if they’re out of town,” says the insider.

Not surprisingly, that sort of round-the-clock help doesn’t come cheap:

“The help is costing them $ 4,000 a week for the four sessions and another $ 1,000 every time there’s an off-hours query,” the source adds.

Yes, $ 1,000 for a phone call.

At that rate, most folks would hold off unless there was some sort of serious emergency, but this is Kanye we’re talking about.

You know he’s making the call every time Kim forgets to tell him how dope his leather sweat pants are.

The whole situation sounds extreme, but apparently Kim and Kanye’s problems are serious enough to justify this approach.

The insider says Kim nearly reached her breaking point when she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris back in October.

Kanye was reportedly not as supportive as Kim needed him to be, and she was forced to finally come clean about a litany of complaints that she had been keeping to herself.

“They have a lot of issues to work through and Kanye’s in total shock at just how unhappy Kim’s been,” said the source.

“He’s had his head in the clouds.”

Head in the clouds? Kanye?

We simply can’t believe that.

Are we laying on the sarcasm thick enough for you?


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kanye West: Needs Spiritual & Mental Counseling, Says Former Co-Writer

Citizens the world over have thought Kanye West was a little off his rocker from time to time (okay, most of the time), what with his constant egotistical claims that he’s the biggest rock star on the planet and his downright insane Twitter rants.

But a former friend and colleague is now suggesting that Kanye’s issue could be more than just extreme arrogance.

Kanye West and Rhymefest split

Rhymefest, who has co-written many songs with Kanye including “Jesus Walks” and “New Slaves,” recently tweeted to fans that he believes his fellow rapper needs help in the form of spiritual and mental counseling.

Rhymefest tweet about Kanye

Rhymefest tweet about Kanye - 2

Rhymefest quit working with Kanye about a month ago – an odd time to leave given that the rapper just debuted his new album, “The Life of Pablo,” last Thursday.

Previously, fans assumed Kanye’s bizarre behavior was due to one of two possibilities: A) he’s a jackass or B) he’s grandstanding for publicity.

But when a close colleague goes public and says there may be a deeper problem, well, that’s not something we can ignore.

We most certainly do not have a team of psychiatrists here at THG, but the likelihood of a personality disorder does not seem so far-fetched.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and lists the following symptoms: 

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents

  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people

  • Requiring constant admiration

  • Having a sense of entitlement

  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations

  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want

  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you

  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner

Again, we are in NO position to provide an actual diagnosis, but the points above appear to describe Kanye’s public persona to a T.

We’ve all had experience with narcissists in our life, but Kanye’s behavior – from publicly trashing other artists and ex-girlfriends to pumping up his ego with outrageous claims of genius – seems beyond normal standards. 

Earlier today, Kanye took to Twitter to announce he was $ 53 million in debt and asked for a $ 1 billion loan from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to support “the greatest artist of all time.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick: Attending Couples Counseling in Secret?!

Scott Disick is still in rehab, but that doesn’t mean he’s given up on his efforts to make things right with his rightfully pissed-off baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian.

The amazing part is, it seems to be working.

Earlier this month, we learned that Scott was trying to win Kourtney back via apologetic love letters that he composed as part of his treatment.

Sources claimed that Kourtney was moved to tears by the letters, and she even agreed to take the couple’s kids to visit Disick in rehab.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Kourtney is doing more than just visiting, as she and Scott are attending couples counseling in hopes of saving their marriage.

“Kourtney went to his rehab this weekend with the kids and Kris because she agreed to attend therapy sessions with just her and Scott,” says one insider.

“During the hour-long session, Scott told her that his addiction is 100 percent behind his cheating, and that he would never do anything like that if he was sober.”

Of course, having been burned by Scott many, many times in the past, Kourtney is not surprisingly unwilling to take him at his word.

The source says what’s really convinced Kourt to give the Lord another chance is his newfound commitment to staying off the sauce:

“She is really proud of how much he’s grown since getting sober this time around and all she wants is for him to get better so that he can be there for his children.”

Sounds promising – but hopefully Kourtney is holding out to see if Scott behaves himself once he’s out of treatment before she agrees to welcome him back into her life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Explain Why They Attended Marriage Counseling

Earlier this week, we reported that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have entered marriage counseling

Along with professional therapists and several other couples, the Duggars embarked on a retreat in Ozark National Forest amidst rumors that the many Duggar scandals of the past year had put a strain on their relationship.

In response to those rumors Michelle and Jim Bob posted a statement on their Facebook page and explained to People magazine that their marriage was simply in need of a little fine-tuning.

“Beautiful place, beautiful people, beautiful truths!” the Duggars said of the retreat that they claim brought them closer together.

They reportedly told People that the retreat was timed so that they would be back in their hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas several weeks before Jessa Duggar’s due date.

Jessa is expected to give birth to her first child on November 1, which also happens to be her one-year wedding anniversary.

There’s no denying that 2015 has been packed with scandals and public humiliations for the Duggars, but unfortunately they now find themselves in a position where critics and former fans are looking for controversy where none exists.

We’re sure Michelle and Jim Bob’s marriage is just fine. And we’re still hoping Anna will leave Josh while he’s in rehab, but that’s neither here nor there!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar Enter Marriage Counseling

It’s been a tough year for the Duggar family. 

Obviously, the various Josh Duggar sex scandals created the biggest headaches, but the past few months have seen the 19 Kids and Counting clan have seen coping with lots of other stumbling blocks and mini-scandals.

Just last week, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard refunded donations to fans who became outraged after realizing they helped fund missionary work that never actually happened. (At least when Josh shells out for “missionary work” he gets what he paid for!)

Yes, the Duggar situation has gotten so bad that using charitable donations from fans to pay for a vacation is considered a minor scandal.

We imagine seeing your kids’ faces accompanied by some lurid headline every time you check out at the grocery store would be a pretty major source of stress for anyone, so we’re not surprised to hear that Michelle and Jim Bob have decided to get away from it all and give their marriage a tune-up.

Radar Online is reporting that Michelle and Jim Bob have embarked on a marriage retreat, where they’ll spend time in the woods discussing their relationship along with counselors and several other couples. 

The Duggars confirmed the news on there Facebook page today, but did not offer any information regarding when they’ll return from the outing in Ozark National Forest.

A website for the pastor who runs the retreat states that he offers “Biblical solutions to critical family problems.”

Well, that’s good. After all, the Duggars’ family problems are of Biblical proportions.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sister Wives Recap: Marriage Counseling Texas Style

This week, Sister Wives gave fans a lesson in “Marriage Counseling Texas Style” and also featured an episode that was “All About Christine.”

What did this double shot of the TLC favorite entail specifically?

On Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 5, the Browns’ adoption drama continued with Robyn Brown revealing some troubling news about her ex.

Not just any ex, as fans who watch Sister Wives online know.

The father of her eldest three children, he been making the adoption process extremely challenging for Kody and kompany every step of the way.

He’s not making threats or anything, but refusing to meet with lawyers or be served with the necessary court papers, basically, will delay things.

You can imagine the impact on everyone’s stress levels.

The Browns remain confident Kody will be able to adopt Dayton, Aurora and Breanna despite their father’s behavior, and we hope they’re right.

For everyone’s sake. Kody had a lot else on his plate, too.

His rocky relationship with Christine Brown was another focal point of this installment, as the two were about to celebrate their 21st anniversary.

The couple took a trip to mark the occasion, and during that adventure, they paid a visit to their old friend (and therapist) Pat in Galveston, Texas.

Their current therapist Nancy is also tagging along on the trip to help them with “intimacy and communication” issues … that’s not awkward at all.

Strange? Yes. But “I’ve reached a point where almost everyday is hard,” Christine says of plural marriage, jealousy and anger … so maybe necessary.

On Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 6, they were forced to act out an experiment in which they build stack of stones to represent their partnership.

Kody wants to build one based on the “value of the whole family,” while Christine sets out to build one to signify her personal romance with him.

Then Kody “bulldozes” Christine’s idea, literally and otherwise.

“In the end he’s not going to do what I want him to do at all,” Christine said of the failed experiment. “There was no way I was going to win.”

“So I tried to lose with grace,” she lamented. “Just build the tower how he wants. It was very heartbreaking and frustrating. It was awful.”

Emblematic of their issues heading into this trip? Oh yes.

However, she admitted that this helped her in a sense, in understanding why Kody’s so adamant about including the whole family in every facet.

Kody also admitted that he needs to be a better communicator, and “the greatest lesson for me is that I have to understand their pain,” he noted.

Good luck, you crazy kids.