Thursday, January 25, 2018

Demi Lovato Will Offer Free Mental Health Counseling to Fans on Upcoming Tour

Generally, when we talk about Demi Lovato here it’s because she blessed the internet with another memorable swimsuit selfie.

But today, we’d like to take a moment to applaud Demi for providing an invaluable service to her legion of adoring fans.

Throughout her career, Lovato’s struggles with addiction and mental health have served as fodder for tabloid headlines, but while some stars might attempt to hide such troubles, Demi has embraced her struggle.

She openly discusses her painful past in hopes of serving as an inspiration to fans who might be struggling.

And now she’s going even further to ensure that young people who are experiencing the same problems she endured are able to receive the help they need.

Appearing on Good Morning America Wednesday, Demi announced that her new tour will feature group therapy sessions and talks from motivational speakers before the music begins.

“It’s basically like a therapy session before the concerts, and we have speakers from all over and we’re also helping out with different charities from around the country,” Lovato said in an interview.

“I actually have bipolar disorder, and I’m very open about that because I think that mental health affects so many people and we need to take the stigma away from it.”

Demi went on to speak about what she feels is her duty to the fans that made her famous:

“I think that it’s important for me to use my voice for more than just singing,” she stated.

“I just know how important it is to use my platform to help others and to share my story in hopes that it inspires people to either get into recovery or better themselves. Whatever it is, I just want people to know they’re not alone and I’m here for them.”

Thousands of fans have already taken to social media to thank Demi in advance for this important gesture.

In March, the singer will celebrate six years of sobriety following a struggle with drugs and alcohol that she says nearly cost her her life.

In the years since she got clean, Demi has become far more than just a singer to her millions of fans.

For many young people, she’s living proof that struggles can be overcome and there’s a light at the end of every tunnel.

Demi’s 2018 US tour kicks off in February.

She’ll play more than 20 shows in the next six weeks, and touch untold thousands of fans.
