Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick: Attending Couples Counseling in Secret?!

Scott Disick is still in rehab, but that doesn’t mean he’s given up on his efforts to make things right with his rightfully pissed-off baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian.

The amazing part is, it seems to be working.

Earlier this month, we learned that Scott was trying to win Kourtney back via apologetic love letters that he composed as part of his treatment.

Sources claimed that Kourtney was moved to tears by the letters, and she even agreed to take the couple’s kids to visit Disick in rehab.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Kourtney is doing more than just visiting, as she and Scott are attending couples counseling in hopes of saving their marriage.

“Kourtney went to his rehab this weekend with the kids and Kris because she agreed to attend therapy sessions with just her and Scott,” says one insider.

“During the hour-long session, Scott told her that his addiction is 100 percent behind his cheating, and that he would never do anything like that if he was sober.”

Of course, having been burned by Scott many, many times in the past, Kourtney is not surprisingly unwilling to take him at his word.

The source says what’s really convinced Kourt to give the Lord another chance is his newfound commitment to staying off the sauce:

“She is really proud of how much he’s grown since getting sober this time around and all she wants is for him to get better so that he can be there for his children.”

Sounds promising – but hopefully Kourtney is holding out to see if Scott behaves himself once he’s out of treatment before she agrees to welcome him back into her life.