Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kylie Jenner to Female Paparazzo: Get a Life B-TCH!

Kylie Jenner has never been one to hold back on Instagram, but usually her lack of shyness takes the form of racy selfies that would get most 18-year-olds grounded for a month.

Earlier this week, the youngest Jenner decided to mix things up by sharing her thoughts on a female paprazzo that she spotted while waiting in line at the In-N-Out drive-thru.

Unlike Kylie"s constant bikini pics, the result was seriously ugly:

“No woman should be a paparazzi," Kylie says in the clip below. "This woman is such a bitch. Like what are you doing with your life girl?”

Many have pointed out that as someone who earns her living taking photos of herself and shilling waist training devices to her impressionable, Kylie really isn"t a position to criticize anyone else"s career choices.

Still others have noted that the whole Kardashian-Jenner clan relies on the paparazzi for their continued relevance, so Kylie should probably not worry too much when she sees one quietly doing her job.

While both of those criticisms are valid, the worst thing about this video is the fact that Kylie seems to completely baffled by the idea of a female pap.

Like, why would standing by the In-N-Out pick-up window hoping to spot a reality star be the exclusive domain of men? 

Also, take note Kylie – the singular of "paparazzi" is "paparazzo." You know, for the next time you feel like shaming someone for their ignorance.


Kylie jenner to female paparazzo get a life b tch