Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Josh and Anna Duggar: Still in Marriage Counseling, Hanging By a Thread

Josh and Anna Duggar’s marriage is still in deep trouble, according to a new report, as the old wounds from the past have yet to heal.

With a new baby on the way soon, a family insider says that they’re putting on a good front, but the cracks in their foundation are evident.

The Duggar source says that “they have continued to work through their issues in couples counseling,” though it’s been an uphill battle.

While the parents of four (soon to be five) appear outwardly to be “doing okay,” they may be hiding their marital issues from their family.

“If there was a problem, we wouldn’t know about it,” the insider said, adding that this is just what the embattled couple has always done.

“They put on a front.”

The report claims that the two are “trying desperately to salvage their troubled relationship,” which is holding on by a thread at this point.

It’s obvious that the chasm between them was particularly deep, given the extent of what happened. Still, it’s jarring to read this account.

The report of marital strife between Josh and Anna follows rumors of their kids moving to the Duggar compound to live with their grandparents.

That story, while not independently confirmed, coincides with recent talk that essentially, Jana Duggar is raising Josh’s kids … seriously.

Jana, the oldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle, is helping out their first-born child so Josh and Anna can try to save their marriage.

Supposedly. That’s the word on the street in Tontitown, where Anna also hates Austin Forsyth apparently (follow the link on that side note).

Anna famously stood by her husband amid police reports that revealed how he molested five minor females (for sisters) in his youth.

Then he was caught cheating on her.

After the police reports were published in the media – the legality of which is still being questioned by the Duggars – TLC axed their show.

While 19 Kids and Counting was later reborn as Counting On, with a shift in focus to the adult women, Josh has been persona non grata.

The molestation of his sisters, while deeply troubling, might have been forgivable had his family not tried to handle it “in house” for years.

Moreover, he wasn’t held accountable, all while espousing “family values” and self-righteously condemning those with whom he disagreed.

Then, to top it all off, he was busted on the adultery website Ashley Madison, ultimately admitting he was a cheater and a porn addict.

He checked into a Christian rehab center soon after.

“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever,” he said a statement, admitting that he did all this “While espousing faith and family values.”

“I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography … this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.”

“I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living.”

“[I’m] grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.”

The couple began marriage counseling when he left treatment in March 2016 “to take important steps toward healing,” they said.

“Since the residential treatment program ended, we have been working with a professional marriage and family counselor.”

“It isn’t easy and some days are very difficult. It is a long road to rebuild trust and a truly healthy relationship,” the couple said.

“We are very thankful for God’s forgiveness, grace and help, as it is our strength and guide to rebuilding our lives.”

“As the future unfolds, we are taking one day at a time and we are grateful for your continued prayers for both of us and our sweet children.”

They announced their fifth pregnancy in March 2017, and Michael, Marcus, Mackynzie and Meredith await their newest sibling any day now.

While this should be a joyous time for them, it remains to be seen if the embattled couple has truly moved past this – or ever will.

While his family continues to shun him and TLC won’t show his face on TV (see below), Anna has made her decision to stay.

That doesn’t mean she doesn’t regret it, or wish she had the option of leaving when she truly believes she has no choice in the matter.
