Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris: Trying Couples Counseling!

As we are all too keenly aware, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have separated. Because love is dead, if it was ever real in the first place.

However, the two of them are reportedly attending couples counseling even though they’re separated.

But … don’t get your hopes up. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re pushing to reconcile.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation during the first week of August, shattering hearts and hopes and dreams from countless fans of the couple.

Though we’re sure that there were many factors behind the split, it’s looking more and more like Chris Pratt’s success ruined their marriage.

Isn’t that sad?

When the two of them got married, Chris Pratt had barely dipped his toes into Parks and Recreation, while Anna Faris was the movie star with name recognition.

Chris Pratt scored Guardians of the Galaxy and became an overnight blockbuster star. Then he starred in Jurassic World.

He even starred in that creepy mistake of a film, Passengers.

(Seriously, casting people: have Chris Pratt play someone lovable or what is even the point?)

Apparently, his busy filming schedule and the travel involved didn’t fit with Anna Faris’ plan for their family, and it was tearing the two apart.

We’re sure that there were other factors, but the two have been fairly tight-lipped about it, releasing this statement about why they’re keeping mum:

“Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.”

And their son, Jack Pratt, born in August of 2012, is what leads us to these two sitting down with a couples counselor.

People reports that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are in couples counseling, but it’s not an effort to reconcile.

“They are going through couples counseling now, which is what you do when you want to divorce and there are children involved.”

Jack, who is five years old, deserves as much care and attention as they can give him.

To be clear, they’re not planning on ending their separation.

“It won’t likely change the status but it could help with their future coparenting.”

That is so important.

For Jack’s continued stability and happiness, his parents need to be on the same page regarding him and his development.

And we’re sure that they’d rather reach an agreement in counseling than work out custody concerns in court.

Of course, some people wonder if spending this time being honest and working together could make them reconsider.

People‘s insider isn’t prepared to totally rule that out.

“Never say never.”

But … mostly. They’re mostly prepared to rule that out.

“Their work separations have taken a toll, and it is not likely that the marriage can be repaired enough to work right now.”

Now, we don’t know if this means that there was something that one or the other of them cannot forgive, like a cheating incident.

Sometimes people just grow apart — especially if they’re spending time apart.

It sounds like Chris and Anna don’t hate each other, though.

“But there is still love between them.”

That’s definitely a good thing. Sometimes, when a relationship sours, all that’s left is spite.

What seems to have drawn them apart hasn’t changed.

“Chris is in demand now and will continue to be traveling all over the world, keeping them apart.”

He’s in Avengers 3: Infinity War, of course, but that’s certainly not his only project.

“That doesn’t make young marriages fare well.”

In all fairness, Chris Pratt as a movie star isn’t really the dynamic that either Chris or Anna signed up for when the two first tied the knot.
