Showing posts with label Faris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faris. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Chris Pratt & Anna Faris Divorce Deal Includes 5-Mile Rule for Living Arrangements

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are split, but won’t be living too far from each other — it’s part of their divorce settlement … TMZ has learned. As we told you, Chris and Anna hammered out their divorce with the help of a private judge … who just…


Friday, November 2, 2018

Chris Pratt, Anna Faris Double Date with Son and New Mates for Trick-or-Treating

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are doing divorce as well as ANY Hollywood couple ever has — cause they went trick-or-treating together … WITH their new significant others, and everyone was all smiles! The freshly divorced duo, along…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Anna Faris: BRUTALLY Body-Shamed Over New Photo

As if divorcing Chris Pratt didn’t suck enough, Anna Faris is now facing a new trial in life after she shared a seemingly innocuous picture.

Faris, of all people, was targeted by body-shamers who flooded her social media with negative comments.

The trolling was so severe that she deleted the photo almost instantly.

“Having pre-show jitters,” Anna Faris confessed on social media after sharing the now-deleted photo you’re about to see.

“So glad Michael Sherman captured it,” she wrote with a hint of sarcasm.

Sherman is her Unqualified podcast assistant.

“Also,” Faris added. “I eventually decided to put on pants.”

It’s understandable that she would put it off — who wears pants unless they absolutely have to?

Unfortunately, it was not her lack of leg-prisons … sorry, her lack of pants … that grasped the attention of followers.

It was her legs and especially her thighs which, mostly visible, revealed that she has very slender legs and a significant thigh gap.

“You look so unhealthy,” one troll wrote, before instructing her: “Eat.”

Unfortunately, that was not the only comment — just an example.

She was bombarded by an onslaught of body-shaming from hateful trolls.

TMZ reports that Faris ended up deleting the photo after only 15 minutes.

That is heartbreaking.

Some celebrities merely choose to deactivate comments if the hateful vitriol becomes too much.

These days, celebrities are more accessible than ever before, and people who want to feel a sense of control will lash out at them to deliberately hurt their feelings.

It looks like it worked, this time. Anna Faris does not deserve this.

Anna Faris on The Talk

Faris may have been backstage for her appearance on The Talk on Tuesday.

“Here’s the thing,” Faris confessed. “I feel really guilty that I wasn’t more anxious” about sending her son, Jack, to kindergarten.

“Because it feels like all the other parents were very anxious,” she explains.

“And the kindergarten teachers are like, ‘Ah, is everything going to be OK?"” when speaking to the nervous parents.

“And I felt like…can’t we just drop him off?” she says.

“Chris and I walked him there and we were trying to not transfer any, you know, hint of anxiety,” Faris shares.

She and her now-ex husband did the right thing, though Faris notes: “not that I was having it.” 

Jack followed their lead, she says: “He just ran in and he was like, ‘Bye guys!"”

“But it was that funny mom guilt feeling,” she explains.

This was a sensation “of like, I feel like this should emotionally tug at me more than it is.”

It sounds like they did a good job of instilling confidence in Jack.

We just hope that Faris isn’t reeling from the hateful backlash.

Social media can be an amazing tool to keep friends connected and to make new friends. People can exchange art and ideas.

Unfortunately, the worst people on the planet are also on social media, and they would like nothing more than to ruin someone’s day.

Anna Faris’ legs can be as thick or thin as she likes, and that is none of our business. Period.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Anna Faris Photo Triggers Body Shaming Onslaught

Anna Faris posted a photo she thought was innocent enough, but people on social media almost instantly began an attack over her weight … and the onslaught was so brutal she deleted the pic.  Anna posted the photo with the caption, “Having…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Chris Pratt: Divorcing Anna Faris Totally Sucks

In August of 2017, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation. Because love is dead and we’re all just bags of meat on a space rock who will one day succumb to entropy.

Little by little, they’ve both opened up this month about how it feels now that they’re divorcing.

Chris has just come right out and said it: It sucks.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is coming out in June, for better or for worse, and as part of the press tour, Chris Pratt spoke to Entertainment Weekly.

And yes, he touched on his divorce. And he was blunt:

“Divorce sucks.”

It can ultimately make people’s lives happier, but the process … is not fun. Kind of like how surgery can save your life, but you’ll definitely spend a few days feeling like you’ve been cut open.

“But at the end of the day, we’ve got a great kid who’s got two parents who love him very much.”

The couple shares a 5-year-old son, Jack. He remains the priority.

“We’re finding a way to navigate this while still remaining friends and still being kind to one another.”

That can be so challenging. It’s amazing that they’re keeping things amicable.

“It’s not ideal, but yeah, I think both of us are actually probably doing better.”

Anna Faris recently spoke to Women’s Health about the secret to keeping things healthy during this painful process.

“What Chris and I try to do is to communicate openly.”

That can be key for a successful marriage, but some couples allow a total breakdown of communication when they divorce. And that can be disastrous.

But Anna reminds people that not every divorce works the same way.

“We reiterate that there aren’t rules to this.”

It sounds like the key is keeping their priorities in order.

“We have a lot of love and friendship, and our big goal is to protect Jack.”

Every parent’s first priority should always be the welfare fo their child.

“I cherish my family, my close friends, my child — that makes the rest of it worth it.”

It wasn’t so long ago that an insider dished to Entertainment Tonight about how Chris and Anna are getting along.

“They still laugh and joke together and have seemed to have found a nice friendship as they co-parent.”

That sounds so healthy for them.

More importantly, it sounds really good for their young son.

“They are really committed to making this split as easy on Jack as they can.”

Of course, 5 is a time of massive transitions for children, but they know that.

“Helping him adjust to a big kid school is part of that.”


As soon as news of their split broke, rumors began to circulate that Chris Pratt was already dating someone else.

While there are many obvious reasons why it’s totally plausible to believe that he could land just about anyone, we should remember that this divorce isn’t happening because either Chris or Anna is a horndog.

Some joked after they announced their separation, saying things like: “This is why I’ll never let my man get hot.”

But that wasn’t the problem.

Sometimes, people just grow apart. It can be difficult when suddenly the person whose big break was starring on a sitcom is suddenly a movie star.

And no, despite rumors to the contrary, Chris Pratt is not dating Olivia Munn. They’re just friends.

It’s so good that Chris and Anna have found a way to make things work during their divorce.

So many splits turn acrimonious so quickly.

This is good for them, and even better for their son.

We imagine that this subject will come up a lot more, because we have two whole months until Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom comes out in theaters.

So Chris will be doing many more interviews. Obviously, a lot of people still have a lot of questions.

We continue to wish Chris and Anna the best.


Monday, February 5, 2018

Anna Faris and Boyfriend Michael Barrett Hang with Her Parents

S*** just got real for Anna Faris … her new boyfriend’s hanging with her parents. Anna, Michael Barrett, her kid and parents hit up a Super Bowl party Sunday in the Hollywood Hills. They were shuttled up to the shindig. Meeting the…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Olivia Munn Texts Anna Faris: I"m Not Dating Chris Pratt! I Swear!

A couple of weeks ago, a report came out that Olivia Munn and Chris Pratt are dating. Both stars had plenty of time to confirm-or-deny, yet seemed content to stay quiet.

Until now. Olivia Munn tweeted out not one response, but several. In list form.

Also, Olivia took it upon herself to text Anna Faris about it. And she’s sharing that conversation with the world.

So, if rumor is to be believed, Chris Pratt and Olivia Munn are dating.

It makes sense. They’re both beautiful.

Both recently split from their famous exes

Last April, Olivia Munn split from Aaron Rodgers after three years together.

Almost exactly four months later, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris separated. Because love is dead, that’s why.

More to the point, they’re both close friends who’ve been spending a lot of time together.

Per the report of their relationship, it began with that friendship after they had both had their breakups, and then grow into something more.

But Olivia Munn took to Twitter to respond to some of these reports. In list form.

“1. Not every woman is scorned and upset after a breakup.”

That’s true. Many rumors suggested that Anna Faris was embittered.

“2. Not every woman is ‘furious’ at another woman for dating her ex.”

Also true. And we kind of get the feeling that Olivia Munn is more bothered by rumors that she’s feuding with Anna than she is by the dating rumors.

“3. So even if I [were] dating @prattprattpratt, some tabloids got me and @annafaris all wrong.”

“4. Women respect and love each other a lot more than some people like to think.”

True! The sooner that people get past the mindset that woman are automatically rivals or “dramatic,” the better.

“5. Chris and I would have a horrible celebrity name. Crolivia. Prunn. Chrisivia. Olipratt.”

She’s … really got a point. I can think of some fusion names better than that, but they’re still not great.

Note how nothing on that list actually confirmed or denied that the two of them are banging each other’s brains out.

However, Olivia Munn did respond to those questions … but texting Anna Faris.

How do we know this? Because she included a screenshot of her conversation.

Olivia texted:

“Sooo… I would never respond to random tabloid stories, but since we know each other I wanted to reach out to you personally to tell you the story about me and Chris dating has 0% truth.”

She also added:

“I’m sure you already know it’s not true, or maybe you didn’t care either way, but I just wanted to reach out personally to tell you it’s not true.”

And the screenshot reveals Anna Faris’ response.

“Hi!!!! Oh my god-this town is so f–king crazy. You are so sweet to text.”

Hey, even well outside of Hollywood, this kind of situation would attract attention. Let’s not blame this on geography.

“I love you. Having said that if you were my new sister in law I would be thrilled! -lets please catch up soon”

While we’re not sure that we’ve ever heard someone’s ex-husband’s new girlfriend referred to as a sister-in-law before, we think that everybody gets the idea.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Anna Faris and Boyfriend Michael Barrett Take Jack to Disneyland

Anna Faris and her new modern fam bam are one happy bunch … so, why not hit up the Happiest Place on Earth?! Anna, her boyfriend Michael Barrett and her son, Jack, hit up Disneyland Sunday for a fun family outing. Jack hopped on…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Anna Faris and Boyfriend Already Blending Families

Here’s a new sign Anna Faris and her bf are getting really serious — they’re blending their families for public outings. Anna, her son Jack, bf Michael Barrett and his son hit up the Redondo Beach Pier Friday where…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Anna Faris and Son Out With Her New Boyfriend

Anna Faris’ posse is back to a party of 3. Anna was out Sunday in L.A. taking a stroll with her boyfriend, Michael Barrett, and her son, Jack.  Jack looks pretty chill up on Barrett’s shoulders and it shouldn’t come as a surprise since…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Anna Faris Goes House Hunting with Boyfriend Michael Barrett in Venice

Anna Faris is not just moving on … she’s moving. Check out these pics of Anna looking at houses in Venice, CA with serious boyfriend Michael Barrett. They checked out 2 homes … super modern cribs, though not directly on the ocean. TMZ broke…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Chris Pratt Files for Divorce From Anna Faris

Chris Pratt has filed for divorce from Anna Faris … TMZ has learned. Pratt filed legal docs Friday to end his 8-year marriage, citing irreconcilable differences. But it’s not necessarily what you think, because he and Anna carefully orchestrated…


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Anna Faris on Lunch Date with New Boyfriend, Michael Barrett, in Seattle

Anna Faris and her new boyfriend are getting more comfortable with PDA … we got the couple sipping wine and holding hands on a romantic lunch date. Anna and Michael Barrett — a cinematographer she met on set of her upcoming movie “Overboard” –…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

14 Things We Doubt You Knew About Anna Faris

Anna Faris is pretty, talented and hilarious.

But you knew that already.

What about the actress may take you by surprise?

We just finished her memoir, "Unqualified," and we can think of a few tidbits, revelations and stories that may cause you to view Faris in a slightly different light.

To wit…

1. The Book is Dedicated To…

The book is dedicated to

… soon-to-be-ex-husband Chris Pratt! The dedication reads: “To Chris, Your wisdom and strength have made me a better person.”

2. Pratt Also Penned the Book’s Foreword

Pratt also penned the books foreword

Acknowledging that “”Anna is an important part of my life and she always will be,” Pratt adds: “I’m doing [this] because I love and respect her and told her I would,” saying Faris is the “person that I spent one amazing decade with.”

3. Inside Their Relationship:

Inside their relationship

“When I first met Chris, I was constantly looking for proof that he was not as great as he seemed,” she writes of their 2007 introduction on the set of a movie. At the time, Faris was married, but then she split from her husband and: “You might think that, fresh off an almost decade-long relationship, I would be hesitant to move on to the next, but I couldn’t have fallen more headfirst into my feelings for Chris.”

4. This Is the Chapter That Will Make You Vomit

This is the chapter that will make you vomit

That’s what Faris titled a chapter about all of Pratt’s romantic gestures, which included: sending a giant bouquet of flowers to the set of her sitcom each week and writing her “old-timey war letters that said things like, ‘Honey, I’m dreaming of the day I get to hold you again."”

5. More Gushing Over Pratt

More gushing over pratt

Faris describes her husband as “amazing” when she was admitted to the hospital and placed on bed rest after her water broke at 30 weeks pregnant. In addition to sleeping with her in the hospital, Pratt decorated her room with photos and posters and brought her desserts every night.

6. Marry, F-ck, Kill?

Marry f ck kill

Sort of. “You have to hide a dead body with someone, call them to bail you out of jail, or get anal bleaching together,” says friend Cassie Daniels in the book. Faris replies that she’d hide a dead body with Regina Hall because she’s “cool under fire.”

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Anna Faris and New Boyfriend Michael Barrett Out in Malibu

Anna Faris and her new boyfriend Michael Barrett weren’t hiding anything over a month ago … sippin’ beers and hanging out at a local carnival. Pics have surfaced of the new couple in Malibu taken early September showing the pair enjoying a cold…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Anna Faris is Now Dating a Cinematographer!!!

Anna Faris is back on the dating horse and just like when she met Chris Pratt, this hookup started at work … TMZ has learned. We’re told Anna’s now dating Michael Barrett … a 47-year-old cinematographer with credits on “Ted,” “About…


Anna Faris is Now Dating a Cinematographer!!!

Anna Faris is back on the dating horse and just like when she met Chris Pratt, this hookup started at work … TMZ has learned. We’re told Anna’s now dating Michael Barrett … a 47-year-old cinematographer with credits on “Ted,” “About…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Chris Pratt, I Wasn"t Invited to the Emmys, But Anna Faris was Awesome!!!

Chris Pratt gave us a peek into the current state of his relationship with Anna Faris, and it’s pretty clear he still has love for her. Check out the video … it starts out a little rough, with Chris explaining he didn’t get an invite to the…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Anna Faris & Chris Pratt Take Turns with Jack

Anna Faris and Chris Pratt have clearly made their son a priority in their separation. Anna spent Saturday with 5-year-old Jack. She took him to an L.A. carnival. Sunday was Chris’ turn. The two were spotted grabbing some ice cream. The couple…
