Showing posts with label Arrangements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arrangements. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Chris Pratt & Anna Faris Divorce Deal Includes 5-Mile Rule for Living Arrangements

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are split, but won’t be living too far from each other — it’s part of their divorce settlement … TMZ has learned. As we told you, Chris and Anna hammered out their divorce with the help of a private judge … who just…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Kate Middleton Baby Update: New Details, Arrangements Confirmed!

Let’s just get this out of the way up front:

Kate Middleton has not yet had her baby.

We know, we know: What is she waiting for, right?!?

Her water breaking and some other stuff happening inside of her womb, we think.

But in the absence of a new Royal Child to gush over and ogle at, fans can at least take solace in the following update.

Kensington Palace released a few new details on Monday morning in regard to the impending major birth.

FIRST, Unnamed Baby Number-Three for Kate and Prince William will be born at St. Mary’s Hospital in London… in the same wing as the beloved pair’s two previous children.

There has been some talk that Middleton would give birth at home, but we never really bought into it.

Because, come on now. That’s just crazy.

SECOND, the medical team in charge of this momentous event will be led by Alan Farthing and Guy Thorpe-Beeston, who delivered the Duchess’ second child, Charlotte.

She’s happy, healthy and totally adorable, so these doctors clearly know what they’re doing.

THIRD, a handful of barriers and parking restriction signs have been put in place outside the private Lindo Wing in preparation for the arrival of the baby and of the hordes of media members who will be on hand.

It’s safe to therefore assume that this is where the child will make his or her public debut.

It looks like this area will be safely guarded and kept as free as possible through April 30:

parking restirct

Neither Middleton nor anyone associated with The Royal Family has confirmed an actual due date.

But we know it will be very soon and we know the world will basically stop spinning once Kate and William’s third child enters the world.

The baby’s gender is also a secret, not just to the general public, but also to the Royal Twosome itself, who sources have said have decided NOT to learn the sex this time around.

The young man or woman will be fifth in line to the throne (behind big sister Charlotte), bumping William’s younger brother Harry one place notch in the line of succession.

(Yes, this is fairly new: A change in the law after William and Kate were married in 2011 gave women the same rights of accession to the throne as men. About time, right?!?)

Middleton, meanwhile, suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum, which can cause severe levels of nausea and vomiting during the early stages of her pregnancy.

Such a diagnosis caused her to basically disappear from public view during her first two pregnancies, but the effects have not been as significant during this latest experience.

Heck, Kate has continued to perform Royal duties even in her third trimester.

She is a real trooper.

Most recently, for example, Middleton visited a community center in East London with William, helping to whip up some meals with staff members there.

We continue to wish Kate the best health and the most happiness during these final few days of her pregnancy.

And we can’t wait to meet her third baby!!!!!!!
