Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Accused Oscar Thief"s Spiritual Adviser Says His Story Reflects Society

The man accused of stealing Frances McDormand’s Oscar has quite the support system — including his rabbi, who says the arrest is more about society than a guy allegedly making off with someone’s trophy. Terry Bryant’s arraignment was postponed…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mike Epps Gives Kevin Hart Spiritual Advice to Handle Sex Tape Extortion Scandal

Mike Epps has some sage advice for Kevin Hart from a spiritual outlook, and also on a physical tip. We got the comedian Wednesday at LAX, where he reflected on Kevin’s sex tape extortion scandal … saying he — like other rich, famous men –…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Justin Bieber"s "Spiritual Awakening" with Hillsong Church and Carl Lentz Puts Music Career in Jeopardy

Justin Bieber’s “purpose” in life does not seem to be music anymore — it’s all about his “spiritual awakening” courtesy of the Hillsong Church and its leader, in particular … sources connected with the church tell TMZ. Multiple sources familiar…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Paris Jackson: I"m Spiritual AND Topless!

What did the world ever do to deserve someone as wonderful as Paris Jackson? Seriously, whether she’s talking about politics or her love of dogs or how she wants to make the world a better place, you can’t help but love her.

Without social media, the world would only know her for interviews. Interviews give you answers to questions, but they don’t let you see as much of who someone really is. Plus, social media lets stars share their own photos.

Her most recent photo is raising a few eyebrows, less because of what she’s doing but because it lacks commentary … and she appears to be entirely topless.

Whether Paris Jackson uses Instagram to show off a new tattoo honoring Michael Jackson or Twitter to drag Kylie and Kendall for all they’re worth, the girl is a marvel on social media.

Paris Jackson’s latest Instagram photo makes use of some clever censorship that’s all about camera angles.

(The best censorship isn’t via photoshop or hand placement or a fig leaf — it’s when the camera is angled so that a natural part of the environment or even the person’s activity blocks whatever needs to be hidden)

She’s looking at a set of cards, and with her posture, the table in front of her (and, arguably, her hand that’s holding the cards) prevents any violations of Instagram’s ridiculous pearl-clutching policies.

She looks great — Paris Jackson always looks great.

She’s gorgeous, as always.

We were also immediately captivated by those tapestries behind her.

You see a lot of those in people’s apartments, so it’s nice to see that Paris doesn’t just have a decorator come in and never give her own surroundings a second thought.

(Not that we expected that she did — she’s such a real person, you know?)

A lot of people reported this as her playing cards, and that might be the case.

Most people have played strip poker (well, the rules of poker get a little complicated the more that you drink … so it usually ends up more like strip Texas hold ‘em, right?), but most of us don’t allow photos.

The thing is, though, that we’re not entirely convinced that these are playing cards.

(Or, at least, being used as playing cards)

They might be tarot cards.

(And yes, some do have very simple backs like these)

Even traditional playing cards can be used for divination, just like a dedicated tarot deck.

We mention this, even though playing cards are a more common choice, because Paris Jackson — a very spiritual person in general — has been on a huge spiritual kick lately.

And she’s been sharing many of her thoughts on social media, even just over the weekend:

“When the universe be sending you so many messages at once n you don’t know which ones to process first n can’t figure out what they all mean.”

She tweets that with a well-known stock photo of a man who seems surprised but overwhelmed with his good fortune at receiving so many limes.

(Stock photos are weird, but they make great fodder for memes)

She also shared a meme about reincarnation that featured a Trump quote (don’t worry — she is not one of his fans).

Paris shared another tweet that, honestly, even we had to read a couple of times:

“When they hurt u but they’re playing a role due to sacred soul contract so u love them bc their existence is furthering ur spiritual growth.”

Our big takeaway is that we’re sorry that some jerk made Paris Jackson sad.

Anyway, we still don’t know what cards she was looking at.

She included no caption with the photo.

She also appears to have disabled comments for that picture.

A good choice, given the kind of vile things that people say to naked young women.

As for the toplessness, well … Paris Jackson has been nude before. And she’s even shared photos:

She enjoys nudity (even outdoors).

It’s so nice that she’s embracing her flesh prison instead of being needlessly ashamed of it.

Really, she’s 19 and she’s already wiser than a lot of people.

More importantly, she’s so good, you guys.

Given her father’s fame, controversy, and death — it would have been so easy to look at her and go: “This girl doesn’t stand a chance.”

Instead, she’s one of our absolute favorite celebrity kids.

Actually, she’s one of our favorite people.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kanye West: Needs Spiritual & Mental Counseling, Says Former Co-Writer

Citizens the world over have thought Kanye West was a little off his rocker from time to time (okay, most of the time), what with his constant egotistical claims that he’s the biggest rock star on the planet and his downright insane Twitter rants.

But a former friend and colleague is now suggesting that Kanye’s issue could be more than just extreme arrogance.

Kanye West and Rhymefest split

Rhymefest, who has co-written many songs with Kanye including “Jesus Walks” and “New Slaves,” recently tweeted to fans that he believes his fellow rapper needs help in the form of spiritual and mental counseling.

Rhymefest tweet about Kanye

Rhymefest tweet about Kanye - 2

Rhymefest quit working with Kanye about a month ago – an odd time to leave given that the rapper just debuted his new album, “The Life of Pablo,” last Thursday.

Previously, fans assumed Kanye’s bizarre behavior was due to one of two possibilities: A) he’s a jackass or B) he’s grandstanding for publicity.

But when a close colleague goes public and says there may be a deeper problem, well, that’s not something we can ignore.

We most certainly do not have a team of psychiatrists here at THG, but the likelihood of a personality disorder does not seem so far-fetched.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and lists the following symptoms: 

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents

  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people

  • Requiring constant admiration

  • Having a sense of entitlement

  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations

  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want

  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you

  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner

Again, we are in NO position to provide an actual diagnosis, but the points above appear to describe Kanye’s public persona to a T.

We’ve all had experience with narcissists in our life, but Kanye’s behavior – from publicly trashing other artists and ex-girlfriends to pumping up his ego with outrageous claims of genius – seems beyond normal standards. 

Earlier today, Kanye took to Twitter to announce he was $ 53 million in debt and asked for a $ 1 billion loan from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to support “the greatest artist of all time.”