Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Explain Why They Attended Marriage Counseling

Earlier this week, we reported that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have entered marriage counseling

Along with professional therapists and several other couples, the Duggars embarked on a retreat in Ozark National Forest amidst rumors that the many Duggar scandals of the past year had put a strain on their relationship.

In response to those rumors Michelle and Jim Bob posted a statement on their Facebook page and explained to People magazine that their marriage was simply in need of a little fine-tuning.

“Beautiful place, beautiful people, beautiful truths!” the Duggars said of the retreat that they claim brought them closer together.

They reportedly told People that the retreat was timed so that they would be back in their hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas several weeks before Jessa Duggar’s due date.

Jessa is expected to give birth to her first child on November 1, which also happens to be her one-year wedding anniversary.

There’s no denying that 2015 has been packed with scandals and public humiliations for the Duggars, but unfortunately they now find themselves in a position where critics and former fans are looking for controversy where none exists.

We’re sure Michelle and Jim Bob’s marriage is just fine. And we’re still hoping Anna will leave Josh while he’s in rehab, but that’s neither here nor there!